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The Multi-Dimensional Scale for Autism and ADHD Rebecca McKenzie.

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Presentation on theme: "The Multi-Dimensional Scale for Autism and ADHD Rebecca McKenzie."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Multi-Dimensional Scale for Autism and ADHD Rebecca McKenzie

2 The Multi-Dimensional Scale for Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Yasuko Funabiki, Shisei Tei, Toshiya Murai Pervasive Developmental Disorder:  Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)  Autism  Asperger syndrome  Rett syndrome  Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) But Assessment of the Scale carried out with:  Autism  Aspergers  PDDNOS  ADHD

3 Beyond diagnostic criteria In clinical practice children with ASC and ADHD may have symptoms of the other condition which in effect amount to a dual or secondary diagnosis. Children with ASC and ADHD also often have similar additional symptoms which fall outside of diagnostic criteria e.g.  Sensory difficulties  Disordered sleep

4 Why is diagnosis not enough? Diagnosis may : 1.Not reflect individual differences 2.Not indicate the type or level of support required 3.Not refer to symptoms which cross diagnostic boundaries or are seen as being secondary

5 MSPA aims to better describe real symptom profiles on an individual basis. Providing a very simple visual representation of where support is needed and at what level For:  The patient themselves  Parents  Carers  Support staff  Teachers

6 Who can it be used for? Children over 2 years with:  Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)  Autism  Asperger syndrome  Rett syndrome  Childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD)  ADD/ADHD

7 Raters Can be:  Psychiatrists  Clinical professionals  Psychiatric social workers  Trained graduate students in medical or education fields e.g. health visitor or SENCo Must have some comparative knowledge of typical development

8 Background information  Comprehensive information about child’s behaviour from birth from participant, parents, teachers  Documentation, medical/educational records  Interview with child and parent  Observation and/or interaction with the child

9 Rater completes a questionnaire with 5 point response scale


11 Scores outside the red line show support is needed and at what level, 5 being extensive support required

12 3- TA support in mainstream 4- TA/peer support in small group within mainstream on some occasions 5- Extensive support, outside of mainstream for most of the time

13 Issues to consider  Overlap between ASC and ADHD?  Changes to DSM criteria  Sensory and sleep difficulties have tended to be given secondary status  Need to share information with parties who may not be able to access complex reports

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