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LD and Flexible Digital Media Class 2 North Island College HSW 190.

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Presentation on theme: "LD and Flexible Digital Media Class 2 North Island College HSW 190."— Presentation transcript:

1 LD and Flexible Digital Media Class 2 North Island College HSW 190

2 Class 2 Overview 1) Quick Review of class 1 2) Exceptionalities Overview 3) Intro to Learning Disabilities 4) Break 5) Ch 3 (TES)- Flexible Digital Media 6) Tech Time: Kurzweil 3000

3 BC Ministry of Education Special Education Level 1ADependent Handicapped BDeaf/ Blind Level 2 (Low Incidence) CModerate/profound Intellectual Disability DPhysical Disabilities or Chronic Health Impairment EVisual Impairments FDeaf or Hard of Hearing GAutism Level 3HIntensive Behaviour Interventions/Serious Mental Illness Within school base allocation (High Incidence) KMild Intellectual Disability QLearning Disability RModerate Behaviour Support / Mental Illness PGifted

4 Exceptionalities #1 Learning Disabilities

5 Learning Disabilities Exceptionality Summary

6 2 Main Clusters of LD Reading Disability: e.g. Dyslexia Math Disability: e.g. Dyscalculia

7 Learning Disabilities Simulation 1 Dyslexia

8 Learning Disabilities Simulation 2 Dyslexia Imagine you are on a desert island and one of the only things you rescued from your ship was a large paper clip, how many uses for it can you think of? Give yourself a couple of minutes to come up with suggestions and make a written record of your efforts.

9 Addysgu Mae gwaith yr Uned Dyslecsia yn ymestyn dros ardal eang Gogledd-Orllewin Cymru, a'r rhan helaethaf ohoni'n wledig. O ganlyniad, nid yw'r Uned yn cynnal canolfan addysgu. Mae ganddi swyddfeydd ac ystafelloedd at ddefnydd athrawon, ond addysgir yn bennaf mewn ysgolion neu leoedd eraill. Learning Disabilities Simulation 3 Dyslexia


11 Strategies to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Summary of what we have said: Provide multiple means of representation, Provide multiple means of expression, Provide multiple means of engagement.

12 Strategies to Help Students with Learning Disabilities oc.htm Elementary reading/writing strategies: 1.htm Elementary math strategies: f/28.htm f/28.htm

13 Strategies to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Secondary reading/writing strategies: f/39.htm f/39.htm Secondary math strategies: f/42.htm f/42.htm Secondary academic strategies: f/43.htm f/43.htm

14 Flexible Digital Media

15 Tech Time: Kurzweil 3000 software program A scanning, reading and writing program. ml

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