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Muscular Strength Making muscles stronger Why is this important? What do you need to know?

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular Strength Making muscles stronger Why is this important? What do you need to know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular Strength Making muscles stronger Why is this important? What do you need to know?

2 Objectives of Strength Training General fitness Body building Bone fitness Physical therapy and rehabilitation Sport-specific applications Muscle physiology

3 Muscular System Anterior view

4 Muscular System Posterior view

5 Muscle Physiology Muscles consist of many muscle fibers (cells) connected in bundles Muscle fibers are made up of myofibrils Strength training increases the number of myofibrils and the size of muscle fibers = hypertrophy Inactivity reverses the process = atrophy

6 Skeletal Muscle Tissue

7 Muscle Fibers Slow-twitch fibers –Fatigue resistant –Don’t contract as rapidly and forcefully as fast- twitch fibers –Rely primarily on oxidative (aerobic) energy system Fast-twitch fibers –Contract rapidly and forcefully –Fatigue more quickly than slow-twitch fibers –Rely more on nonoxidative (anaerobic) energy system

8 Motor Units uMotor units (nerves connected to muscle fibers) are recruited to exert force

9 Physiological Effects of Strength Training –Increased muscle mass and size of muscle fibers –Increased utilization and coordination of motor units –Increased strength of tendons, ligaments, and bones –Increased storage of fuel in and blood supply to muscles –Improvements in blood fat levels and biochemical processes

10 Benefits of Muscular Strength and Endurance Improved performance of physical activities Injury prevention Improved body composition Enhanced self-image and quality of life Improved muscle and bone health with aging Prevention, management of chronic disease

11 Factors that Modify Strength

12 Assessing Muscular Strength and Endurance Muscular strength assessed by determining repetition maximum (1 RM), the maximum resistance that can be lifted once Muscular endurance assessed by counting the maximum number of repetitions of a muscular contraction

13 Types of Strength Training Exercises Static (isometric) exercise = muscle contraction without a change in the length of the muscle Dynamic (isotonic) exercise = muscle contraction with a change in the length of the muscle –Concentric contraction = muscle applies force as it shortens –Eccentric contraction = muscle applies force as it lengthens

14 Muscle Actions Concentric Eccentric Isometric

15 Types of Dynamic Exercise Constant resistance = constant load throughout a joint’s range of motion Variable resistance = changing load to provide maximal resistance throughout a joint’s range of motion Eccentric loading = placing load on a muscle as it lengthens Plyometrics = sudden eccentric loading and stretching followed by a concentric contraction Speed loading = moving a load as rapidly as possible Isokinetic exercise = exerting force at a constant speed against an equal force

16 Plyometric Training

17 Creating a Successful Weight Training Program Choosing equipment: Weight machines versus free weights –Resistance is provided by both types –Exercise machines Safer, convenient, and easy to use –Free weights Require more care, balance, and coordination Strength transfers to daily activities

18 Applying the FITT Principle F requency = days per week I ntensity = amount of resistance T ime = number of repetitions and sets T ype = strength training exercises for all major muscle groups

19 Frequency of Exercise American College of Sports Medicine recommends 2-3 days per week –Allow 1 full day of rest between workouts 8 minutes in the morning- daily

20 Intensity of Exercise: Amount of Resistance Choose resistance based on your current fitness level and goals To build strength –Lift heavy weights (80% of 1 RM) –Perform a low number of repetitions To build endurance –Lift lighter weights (40-60% of 1 RM) –Perform a high number of repetitions For a general fitness program –Lift moderate weights (70% of 1 RM) –Moderate number of repetitions

21 Time of Exercise: Repetitions & Sets To build strength and endurance, do enough repetitions to fatigue the muscles The heavier the weight, the fewer the repetitions (1-5) to fatigue = a program to build strength The lighter the weight, the higher the number of repetitions (15-20) to fatigue = a program to build endurance To build both strength and endurance, try to do 8-12 repetitions of most exercises

22 Strength versus Endurance

23 Time of Exercise: Repetitions and Sets Set = a group of repetitions followed by a rest period For general fitness, 1 set of each exercise is sufficient Doing more than one set will increase strength development Rest between sets

24 Type of Exercise For a general fitness program: –8–10 different exercises –Work all major muscle groups –Balance between agonist and antagonist muscle groups –Do exercises for large-muscle groups and multiple joints before exercises for small- muscle groups or single joints

25 Strength Testing Standardization Warm-Up Practice Muscle Angle

26 Testing 1-RM Bench Press - machine

27 Load:Repetition Relationships 0 20 40 60 80 100 Strength Training Zone M A X I M U M R E P E T 1 T I O N S 120 100 80 60 40 20 One can perform high reps with light loads, and few reps with near max loads Maximum Load

28 Which System is Best? Specificity rules [specific adaptations to imposed demands - SAID] Overload is the key

29 Comparative Training Responses in Men and Women Muscular hypertrophy occurs to a much greater extent in men –Represents the largest sex difference in response to resistance training –Both sexes experience similar percentage strength improvements

30 Creating a Successful Weight Training Program (cont’d) Making progress More advanced strength training programs Weight training safety –using proper lifting techniques –using spotters and collars with free weights –use common sense when exercising on weight machines –be alert for injuries

31 Setting Up Your Program (cont) Avoid max lifts initially Use 12 to 15 reps initially Increase weight after 2 weeks –Use 6 – 8 reps –Progress gradually Work larger muscle groups first

32 Detraining Gains in strength may be seen after 1 to 2 weeks of training Training as few as 1 to 2 times per week may be adequate to maintain strength training gains

33 Combining Strength & Endurance Training Resistance training plus aerobic training equals less strength improvement Incorporate a break between workouts Health benefits of both types of training may be obtained by training for both strength & endurance

34 Muscle Soreness [DOMS] Cell damage hypothesis Spasm hypothesis Tear hypothesis Excess metabolite hypothesis Connective tissue damage hypothesis

35 RELATIVE STRENGTH Human muscle can generate 3 to 8 kg force per cm of muscle cross sectional area On a relative basis women are just as strong as men - and in the lower body, they are stronger! Sex Differences in Strength ABSOLUTE STRENGTH Upper Body - women 50% weaker Lower Body - women 30% weaker

36 Warm Up and Cool Down Warm up prior to each weight training session with a general warm-up and a warm-up for the exercises you will perform Cool down after weight training, relax for 5-10 minutes, lower your heart rate

37 Weight Training Safety Use proper lifting techniques Use spotters and collars with free weights Be alert for injuries

38 A Caution About Supplements/ Drugs Supplements taken to increase muscle growth; –Anabolic steroids –Growth hormone –Androstenedione –Insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)

39 Anabolic Steroids- ACSM Position 1.With adequate diet and training- increases in body weight occur often in lean tissue. 2.No increase in aerobic power or capacity for muscular exercise. 3.Associated with many adverse effects. 4.Use by athletes is contrary to rules and ethical principles of competition.

40 Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids Liver damage and tumors Reduced HDL High blood pressure, heart disease, cancer Depressed immune function Psychological disturbances Depressed sperm and testosterone production breast development in males Masculinization in women and children Premature closure of bone growth centers

41 Anabolic Steroids Drug with a considerable following –Its becoming increasingly popular with more than just strength athletes Effectiveness –Dosage is an important factor –Training volume accompanying use

42 Anabolic Steroids Structure and action –Sterol structure similar to testosterone –Promotes protein synthesis Stacking –Combining multiple steroid preparations in oral & injectable form Pyramiding –Progressively increasing the dosage

43 Examples of oral and injectable anabolic steroids Generic NameCommerical Name FormRetail $Black Market $ Oxymetholone Oxandrolone Stanazolol Nandrolone Deconate Androlone-D200 Anadrol-50 Oxandrin Winstrol V Durabolin Deca-Durabolin Neo-durabolic Oral: 50 mg Oral; 2.5 mg Oral; 2 mg Inject; 25 mg/ml Inject; 50 mg/ml $115/100 tabs $420/100 tabs $100/100 tabs $275/ml vial $12/2 ml vial $200-500 $600-1600 $200-500 $400-750 $450-750

44 Life-shortening Effects of Exogenous Steroids Use in Mice

45 Changes from baseline in average FFM, muscle, fat, and strength over 10-wks of testosterone treatment

46 Growth Hormone Genetic engineering comes to sports –Human growth hormone Produced in the Pituitary gland Stimulates bone & cartilage growth Enhances fatty acid oxidation Reduces glucose & amino acid breakdown –Excess GH may result in: Gigantism Acromegaly –No unanimity among researchers

47 DHEA: A Worrisome Trend DHEA- Dehydroepiandersterone –Steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands Claims for DHEA Testosterone booster Bolsters immune system Preserves youth Decreases fatigue & joint pain Slows aging Invigorates sex life –An unregulated compound with uncertain safety

48 Androstenedione Claims: –Stimulates production of endogenous testoterone –Enables one to train harder –Increases muscle mass –Aids healing/recovery process Research shows no effect of supplementation on basal serum testosterone or any training response in terms of muscle size & strength

49 A Caution About Supplements/Drugs Supplements taken to speed recovery from training –Creatine monohydrate Substances taken to increase training intensity and overcome fatigue –Amphetamines –Caffeine

50 Creatine Supplement form - creatine monohydrate –Important component of high-energy phosphates –Documented benefits in humans Improved muscular strength and power Enables heavier lifting for greater overload –Creatine loading 20 –25 g/day –Some research shows no benefit

51 A Caution About Supplements/Drugs Substances taken to increase endurance –Erythropoietin Substances taken to aid weight control –Fat blockers –Stimulants –Diuretics

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