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Human Muscular System Muscle specialized tissue that has the ability to contract Functions – movement – protection – support – body heat.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Muscular System Muscle specialized tissue that has the ability to contract Functions – movement – protection – support – body heat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Muscular System Muscle specialized tissue that has the ability to contract Functions – movement – protection – support – body heat

2 Muscle 3 types Smooth- (#1) Diagram- – a. nucleus – b. individual cell Characteristics- – involuntary muscle – each individual tapered cell has a nucleus – not connected to bone – found in digestive organs, blood vessels, birth canal

3 Muscle Skeletal- (#2) Diagram – c. nucleus – d. striations – e. fiber (cell) Characteristics – voluntary muscle – striated cells that are long fibers – fibers contain more than one nucleus – connected to bones

4 Muscle Cardiac (#3) Diagram – f. fiber – g. nucleus – h. netlike pattern – i. striations Characteristics – involuntary muscle – banded with striations – made of long fibers that form a netlike pattern – cell nucleus present but cells difficult to see – located only in the heart

5 Contraction of Skeletal Muscle Energy – ATP, Creatine Phosphate Fatigue – Lack of ATP Soreness – lactic acid build up from oxygen debt

6 Sliding Filament Hypothesis Explanation for muscle contraction fiber  fibril  filaments filaments- – actin- thin – myosin- thick

7 Points of Skeletal Muscle Attachment Origin – end of muscle attached to a fixed bone – example- biceps at shoulder Insertion – end of muscle attached to a moving bone – example- biceps at elbow

8 Opposable Skeletal Muscle Flexor – muscle that bends a joint – example- biceps Extensor – muscle that straightens a joint – example- triceps Muscle tone – slight contraction of skeletal muscle

9 Muscle Groups 1Deltoid 2Biceps 3Brachialis 4Forearm/Wrist Flexors 5Quadriceps 6Sternomastoid

10 Muscle Groups 7Pectoralis Major 8Rectus Abdominus 9External Oblique 10Sartorius 11Tibialis Anterior 12Trapezius

11 Muscle Groups 13Teres Major 14Latissimus Dorsi 15Gluteus Maximus 16Hamstrings 17Triceps 18Forearm Extensors 19Gastrocnemius

12 All Images- Clip Art

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