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Duchene muscular dystrophy. The disease makes it more difficult for children to do things like climbing stairs, running and getting up when they fall.

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Presentation on theme: "Duchene muscular dystrophy. The disease makes it more difficult for children to do things like climbing stairs, running and getting up when they fall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duchene muscular dystrophy

2 The disease makes it more difficult for children to do things like climbing stairs, running and getting up when they fall down. It stops them from use mostly their leg muscle but still affects the arm muscles. Causes weakness. What does it do?

3 Interesting facts about the duchenne muscular dystrophy This disease is amazingly rare to occur on women. It mostly occurs on men. It got its name from a French scientist called Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne. He discovered the disease in 1861. It is now spread out around the world. It is the most common muscular dystrophy.

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