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La tapa:  Unscramble the following adjectives: 1. licoseba 2. rosie 3. utidoseso.

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Presentation on theme: "La tapa:  Unscramble the following adjectives: 1. licoseba 2. rosie 3. utidoseso."— Presentation transcript:

1 la tapa:  Unscramble the following adjectives: 1. licoseba 2. rosie 3. utidoseso

2 Unidad 1B- la gramática los adjetivos

3 Cornell Notes  Topic: Noun and adjective agreement  EQ: How do I make nouns and adjectives agree in gender?

4 Repaso:  What is a noun?  person, place, thing or idea  What is an adjective?  modifies a noun, generally by describing it  ex) wise man, old woman, smart boy  What is the general rule for determining gender?  ends in o  masculine  ends in a  feminine

5 Unos ejemplos: Write the following adjectives in both genders. EnglishMasculineFeminine serious funny shy nice patient intelligent hard-worker talker

6 Patterns for determining gender: 1. ends in –o  describes a male 2. ends in –a  describes a female 3. ends in –dor  describes a male 4. ends in –dora  describes a female 5. ends in –e  describes a male or female

7 Unos ejemplos: Write the following adjectives in both genders. EnglishMasculineFeminine seriousserioseria funnygraciosograciosa shytímidotímida nicesimpáticosimpática patientpaciente intelligentinteligente hard-workertrabajadortrabajadora talkerhabladorhabladora

8 Unos ejemplos: Use the patterns to guess the gender of these words: EnglishMasculineFeminine culpable bailador inocente listo rubio

9 Unos ejemplos: Use the patterns to guess the gender of these words: EnglishMasculineFeminine guiltyculpable dancerbailadorbailadora innocentinocente readylistolista blonderubiorubia

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