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Muscular System…  The body has over 600 muscles.  They are soft tissues.  Tiny jolts of electricity called electrical impulses travel through the nerves.

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2 Muscular System…  The body has over 600 muscles.  They are soft tissues.  Tiny jolts of electricity called electrical impulses travel through the nerves to the muscles.

3 Muscular System…  This jolt of electricity allows the muscle to contract.  When the jolt is not there the muscles relax.  Muscles to know:  Triceps  Biceps  Quadriceps  Hamstrings  Abdominals  Deltoid  Chest Muscles  Calf Muscles  Groin Muscles  Face Muscles  Gluteus Muscles  Back Muscles

4 Types of Muscle  Skeletal – attaches to the skeleton to help you move.  Smooth – is found in organs and in skeletal muscle.  Cardiac- only found in the heart.

5 Anatomy of a Muscle

6 Skeletal System…  Approx. 206 bones in the human body.  Main job is to support and protect.  Bones have a rich supply of blood and nerves. If broken on a growth plate, may affect future growth. The gradual weakness of the skeletal system where the bones turn brittle is called osteoporosis.

7 Skeletal System  The inner tissue of the bone is called the marrow.  Things made, stored or found in the marrow: red blood cells blood vessels nerves  Bones to know:  Skull  Mandible  Sternum  Scapula  Ribs  Spine  Pelvis  Humerus, Ulna, Radius  Carpal, Metacarpals  Phalanges  Patella  Femur,Tibia, Fibula  Tarsals, Metatarsals

8 Anatomy of a Bone

9 Types of Joints…Where bones and muscles end or begin  Ball and Socket Tri-Axial  Hinge  Gliding All allow the body to move.  Pivot  Saddle  Condyloid

10 Things that help the Joints…  Ligaments – connects bone to bone  Tendons – connects muscle to bone  Cartilage - cushioning

11 Types of Injuries…  Fractures A complete break, a chip, or a crack in the bone  Dislocations The movement of a bone at a joint away from it’s normal position  Sprains Tearing of ligaments at a joint. They swell but usually heal.  Strains Stretching or tearing of muscles or tendons

12 Signals of Serious Muscle, Bone or Joint Injuries…  Significant deformity  Bruising and swelling  Inability to us the affected part normally  Bone fragments sticking out of wound  Person feels bones grating; felt or heard a snap or pop at the time of injury  Injured area is cold and numb  Cause of the injury suggests that the injury may be severe.

13 How can you tell it’s that bad?  Often you don’t know.  X - Ray_  Computer aided Tomography or CAT Scan  Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI  R - Rest  I - Immobilize  C - Cold  E - Elevate

14 If a splint is needed…  Anatomic – the person’s body is the splint  Soft – Materials such as towels, pillows, blanket or a sling.  Rigid – Boards or folded magazines are used.  The Ground

15 Head, Neck, and Back Injuries  Signals  Neck or Back Pain  Tingling or weakness in the extremities  Not alert_  Appears to be intoxicated.  What to do…  Hold head with both hands to keep from moving.  Do not remove helmet  If unconscious, keep airway open with the jaw thrust.

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