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International Conference on Road Safety at Work Debbie Stearns, New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation February, 2009.

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1 International Conference on Road Safety at Work Debbie Stearns, New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation February, 2009





6 New Zealand Accident Insurance Scheme The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) administers New Zealand’s accident compensation scheme, which provides personal injury cover for all New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary visitors to New Zealand. In return people do not have the right to sue for personal injury, other than for exemplary damages.

7 ACC covers all accidents ACC is a 24 hour, 7 day per week, 365 days per year, no fault accident compensation scheme. Claims are covered no matter where the accident occurs; at home, on the road, at work or while playing sport. What does this mean? Approximately 1.8m claims annually roughly 6900 claims per working day Costing $1,500,000,000 for rehabilitation, treatment and weekly compensation

8 ACC Funding Awareness This is ACC Earners Account $0.08c $1.70/$100 earned Car Reg’ = $211.10 Petrol = 9.34c/L General Taxation $$$$$$$$$$$$$ Average $1.31/$100 liable earnings Employers Account Non-Earners Account Motor Vehicle Account $5.95

9 Motor Vehicle Fund/ Employer Account Structure of the scheme is that payment of all claims occurring on a public road are paid for from the Motor Vehicle Fund. Whether the person was working or not. All claims occurring in the workplace (but not on the road) are paid from the Employer Account. There is a lost opportunity for data collection, in that NZ does not know the impact of work related crashes on the scheme or the country.


11 Injury Prevention Our goal is to reduce the incidence of serious injuries, their severity and their costs to all New Zealanders. Public Safety Injury Prevention focuses on Road, Home and Sport. The Workplace Safety programme focuses on those industries that have the most impact on the scheme; Agriculture, Construction, Forestry, Health, Metal Manufacturing and Road Transport

12 Injury Prevention Programme Model All Injury Prevention Initiatives: Are based on evidence, either NZ or international Include collaboration with strategic partners Lead to the development of a safety culture The process of initiative development includes: –Identify evidence to support the need for the initiative. –Identify an initiative with evidence to support effectiveness –Develop initiative in consultation with strategic/industry partners (ACC has no enforcement rights) –Implement initiative (educational in nature) –Monitor and evaluate initiative –Adjust initiative based on evaluation results and continue implementation


14 For instance Heavy Vehicle Seat Belt Wearing programme –In 2006, an observational survey showed that 42% of NZ truck drivers wear their seat belts. Initiative developed in collaboration with industry partners. -In 2008, a repeat of the observational survey done in 2006 showed that 58% of truck drivers wear their seat belts, an increase of 16%. -Will survey again in 2010. -Reports available upon request.




18 Commercial Driver Fatigue programme Designed to address the on-road risk posed by commercial drivers and their employers. Uses the Health & Safety in Employment Act 1992, where employers are required to provide a safe workplace. A vehicle driven for the purpose of work is defined as a workplace. This is the only mechanism in NZ by which employers are notified of driver infringements.


20 Scope and Objectives To improve the evidence base within NZ and the industry in relation to fatigue in the workplace To educate and raise awareness of the dangers of fatigue as –A hazard –Important Road Safety Issue –Legislatively it must be managed –Encourage management safety within rostering and planning –Encourage self awareness and responsibility To improve reporting of poor driving behaviour to employers, to –Ensure on-off road H&S connection –Encourage active fatigue management strategies


22 Benefits of the Commercial Driver Fatigue Programme ACC/NZ Police Shared Database Targeting to risk – more effective use of resources Improved use of available legislation Opportunity to promote different Injury Prevention messages Interagency Approach and Alignment to Government Strategies

23 Thank you


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