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HELP Accident Prevention Memory Tool. 2 FY2011 Injuries In short: TOO MANY! FY2011: 6635 total, 1410 Lost time cases. Just over 5.28% of the State of.

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Presentation on theme: "HELP Accident Prevention Memory Tool. 2 FY2011 Injuries In short: TOO MANY! FY2011: 6635 total, 1410 Lost time cases. Just over 5.28% of the State of."— Presentation transcript:

1 HELP Accident Prevention Memory Tool

2 2 FY2011 Injuries In short: TOO MANY! FY2011: 6635 total, 1410 Lost time cases. Just over 5.28% of the State of Georgia employees were involved in some type of injury during FY2011. The largest cost and most of the injuries came from one of the simplest causes - Falls, Slips & Trips.

3 3 State of Georgia Workers’ Compensation Injuries FY2011 vs. FY2010

4 4 Injuries by Type (Top 15)

5 5 HELP Accident Prevention Tool Purpose: To provide an easy tool that everyone can use to prevent injuries during their daily tasks. Application: Daily prior to starting any job or task. Hazards, Equipment, Look, Protection

6 6 HELP Accident Prevention Tool Hazards Do I know the Hazards of performing this Job/Task? Do I know the chemicals involved? Is the MSDS available and have I reviewed it? Am I sure the power has been turned off on this piece of machinery? And has it been locked so no one will start it? Do I know how to operate the tools safely? From a screwdriver to a bulldozer know the hazards before operating.

7 7 HELP Accident Prevention Tool Equipment Do I have the proper Equipment, including Safety Equipment to do this Job/Task? ▪Proper tools (Pry bar rather than using a Screwdriver) ▪Lifting help (Another person, hand truck, forklift) ▪Safety glasses ▪Proper shoes ▪Gloves ▪Hardhat

8 8 HELP Accident Prevention Tool Look Am I aware of my surroundings at all times? ▪Water puddles and electricity never mix! ▪Other equipment operating in the area. ▪Other people working in the area. ▪When moving objects do you have a clear path? Look out for one another. ▪Is your partner using the proper PPE? F.O.C.U.S. on the task at hand.

9 9 HELP Accident Prevention Tool Protection Am I sure Protective Guards/Safety Barriers are in place? ▪Machine guards. ▪Lockouts/Tagouts in place? ▪Are the brakes on the vehicle operating properly? ▪Is your seat belt working properly? Am I sure the barrier/device that is designed to prevent injuries is in place and working?

10 10 H.E.L.P. Accident Prevention Tool Simple steps taken before starting a job or task can go a long way in preventing injuries. Does not replace other training methods. The injury you prevent may be yours! Thanks for your help.

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