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Published byTracey Hopkins Modified over 9 years ago
Driver/Operator Continuing Education and Training Safe Driving Practices
FDNY Fire Truck Crashes into Passenger Car at Traffic Light
Career Captain/Safety Officer Dies in a Single Motor Vehicle Crash While Responding To a Call - Kansas
Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies and Two are Injured in Engine Rollover - Alabama
Fire Engine Involved in Accident in Eastern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
Accidents Happen Don’t Be A Statistic
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA has reported that 43,005 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2002 and that motor vehicle traffic crashes were the 8th-leading cause of death among all ages that year.But broken down by age, crashes were the No. 1 cause of death for every age from 3 through 33.
United States Fire Administration Every year 25% of firefighter fatalities are due to vehicle crashes Last 10 years – more than 225 firefighters have been killed as a result of vehicle crashes In 2000 there were 18 firefighter fatalities – –Struck by vehicles while operating on roadways Including fire apparatus
Emergency Services Vehicle Accident Profiles - 2003 Thirty-six firefighters died while responding to or returning from emergency incidents in 2003. Vehicle crashes claimed 24 lives, eight firefighters suffered heart attacks, two firefighters were struck by vehicles, and two firefighters died in falls while responding.
More 2003 Stats Six firefighters died in 2003 as they responded to emergencies in their personal vehicles. The deceased firefighter was not wearing a seatbelt in four of the five cases where the status of seatbelt usage was known. Two of the firefighters killed in personally owned vehicle (POV) crashes were under 20 years of age, two were in their 20’s, and two were age 30 or older.
2003 Fatality Statistics 2003 Firefighter Fatalities Type of DutyNumber of Fatalities Responding and Returning36 Fireground Operations31 Other On-Duty20 Training12 Non-fire Emergencies10 After an Incident2 Total111
Responding To and Returning From Incidents YearNumber of Fatalities 200336 200213 200123 200019 199926 199814 199721 199622
We Can Change These Statistics All it takes is Good Sense aka Common Sense
Today’s Purpose Want to add to our existing Driver/Operator training programs Raise Awareness of the impact an apparatus accident will have on us Discuss a few case studies and their “Far Reaching” impact on the fire service Discuss the “Rules of the Road”
Employer Insurance Costs Employee Medical Bills Employee Lost Wages Apparatus Repair or Replacement Lost Resources What Does It Cost?
Today’s Purpose - Ultimately! Make Us All Better Driver/Operators
Agenda Outline and Discuss pertinent State Laws Outline and Discuss pertinent EFD-SOP’s Review a few cases of apparatus accidents and their effects on the drivers, firefighters, department, and the fire service Discuss the Driver/Operator’s role in incident response and returning to the station
Emergency Vehicle Condition Checks Top to Bottom and Left to Right Engine Compartment In the Cab With Engine Started Air Brakes Exterior Check Equipment
Vehicle Condition - Minimum Driving Lights –Brake, Head, Tail, and Turn Signals Brakes Horn Tires Windshield
Seat Belt Law The New Jersey seat belt law requires all front-seat occupants of passenger vehicles operated in New Jersey to wear a seat belt system. The driver is responsible for enforcing the seat belt law for passengers under 18-years-old. Front-seat passengers older than 18 are responsible for themselves.
Seat Belts Help in a Number of Ways: They keep passengers from being thrown from a car in a collision. They prevent passengers from hitting the dashboard or windshield during severe breaking or a collision. They keep passengers from sliding on the seat during sudden stops and turns.
The driver was ejected from the tanker
Safe Operations of Emergency Vehicles USFA Recommendations –Use Your Seatbelt –Ride Inside –Train Drivers –Restrict Vehicle Speed –Restrict Alcohol Use
Steering the Vehicle In normal driving, hands should be kept at 9 and 3 o’clock.
Blind Spots
Speed Control Stopping Distances Start slowly, gradually increasing speed until safely within the legal speed limit and flow of traffic. There is no absolute formula to judge stopping distance. It depends on numerous factors
From EFD Driver/Operator Training Manual -Engine Four Different Stopping Factors 1. Perception Distance –This is the distance your vehicle travels from the time your eyes see a hazard, until your brain recognizes it. The perception time of the average alert driver is about 3/4 of a second. At 55 mph your vehicle will travel approximately 60 feet
From EFD Driver/Operator Training Manual -Engine 2. Reaction Distance –The distance traveled from the time your brain tells your foot to move from the accelerator, until your foot is actually pushing on the brake pedal. The average alert driver has a reaction time of about 3/4 of a second. This accounts for an additional 60 feet when traveling at 55 mph
From EFD Driver/Operator Training Manual -Engine 3. Brake Lag Distance –When accounting for the actions of the air brake system, at 55 mph add an additional 32 feet. 4. Effective Braking Distance –The distance it takes to stop once the brakes have been applied. At 55 mph on dry pavement, with good brakes, it can take a heavy vehicle about 170 feet to stop. The time it takes is about 4 1/2 seconds.
Stopping Distance Formula Perception Distance 3/4 Sec 60 Feet +Reaction Distance+3/4 Sec+ 60 Feet +Brake Lag Distance+1/2 Sec+ 32 Feet +Effective Braking Distance+4 1/2 Sec+170 Feet Total Stopping Distance=6 3/4 Sec or 322 Feet From EFD Driver/Operator Training Manual -Engine
Stopping Distances Individual Reaction Time Weather and Road Conditions Vehicle Weight Brake Conditions Condition and Type of Tires Roadway Conditions Speed
Proper Braking The use of brakes may seem simple, but it is not. A driver should always know what type of braking system a vehicle uses. It could be a conventional drum and disc system, or an anti-lock system (ABS). Apply gentle pressure to the brake pedal to bring the vehicle to a controlled stop.
Speed Control Exceeding the speed limit is a common cause of fatal and other types of accidents. Always obey the speed limit. Speed affects almost everything that can happen while driving. A good rule is to keep up with the flow of traffic at any legal speed. In order to make safe or emergency stops when necessary, it is important to keep enough distance from surrounding traffic
New Jersey Speed Limits
Notable Items From NJ Driver’s Education Program Pass Only When Safe Keep to the Right Yielding the Right-of-Way Controlled Intersections Uncontrolled Intersections
Turning Regulations - Right Right Turns Right Turn on Red
Turning Regulations - Left
Stopping Regulations Never attempt to beat a traffic light change. Even if the light is changing to green, exercise caution. There may be one or more vehicles driving through the intersection. Accidents at traffic signals often happen shortly after the signal has changed. When a yellow light follows a green light, prepare to stop. Only continue through an intersection where the light is changing from green to yellow if already in the intersection.
When a Motorist Must Stop At an Intersection With a Stop Sign At an Intersection With a Red Light, Flashing or Otherwise When a Traffic Officer Orders the Motorist to Stop When There Is a Yield Sign and Traffic Does Not Permit a Safe Merge When a School Bus Is Picking up or Letting off Children And/or Red Lights Are Flashing When Coming From an Alley, Private Driveway or Building For a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk or at an Intersection
Stopping for School Buses
NJ Street/Road Signs
EFD SOP’s for Driver/Operators SOP 105.14Engine Company Functions SOP 105.03Response Modes SOP 103.09Emergency Response w/Department Vehicles SOP 105.18Immediate Response Levels SOP 105.01Minimum Response Levels SOP 103.06Emergency Response Levels SOP 103.07Vehicle Backing Procedures SOP 105.09Engine Company Responses SOP 105.15Natural Gas Emergencies SOP 105.16EMS Engine Operations SOP 105.02Medivac Helicopter Landing Procedures SOP 105.19Hazardous Materials Incidents SOP 105.07Water Shuttle Operations SOP 103.20Highway Safety SOP 105.05Fire Department Radio Operations SOP 103.11Accident Procedures
SOP 105.03 Response Modes Types Of Responses By Department Vehicles –Emergency Response –Reduced Speed Response –Use Caution While Responding –Response Recalled
All apparatus emergency lamps are in the on position. Apparatus audible warning devices utilized as needed to alert traffic of the vehicle's approach. All personnel utilizing full protective gear. Vehicle to accept the right of way from motorists, when it is yielding. During emergency responses, the speed of the vehicle shall be kept at a reasonable and lawful rate. Such conditions as weather, traffic congestion, and urgency of the call shall be evaluated while the apparatus is responding Emergency Response
Reduced Speed Response No apparatus emergency lamps are utilized. No audible warning devices are utilized. Vehicle will obey all ordinary rules and laws regarding the operation of large vehicles and are not to seek other motorists right of way.
SOP 103.09 Emergency Response w/Department Vehicles Regulated Intersections –When responding to an emergency, fire department vehicles approaching any regulated intersection in which they have the stop signal or stop sign, the department vehicle will come to a complete stop. Once all traffic has yielded, or the signal has changed to provide the apparatus with a right of way, the unit may proceed through the intersection
Opposing Traffic While Responding To An Emergency –At any time that an emergency unit must enter an opposing lane of traffic, such an option will be first carefully considered and an order to do so will be given by the officer of the unit. SOP 103.09 Emergency Response w/Department Vehicles
Maximum Speed Of Emergency Responding Vehicles –The maximum for any fire department emergency response shall be that of the lawfully posted speed limit.
SOP 103.09 Emergency Response w/Department Vehicles Distance To Be Maintained Between Fire Units –While responding at emergency modes, fire department units will maintain a minimum distance of 150 feet Proceeding On To An Emergency Scene –As apparatus approach the scene, the operator will sufficiently reduce the speed of the vehicle so as to be capable of bringing the vehicle to an immediate stop upon command of the unit officer
SOP 103.07 – Vehicle Backing Procedures The backing of department vehicles shall be avoided if at all practical Where backing of the apparatus is unavoidable, a spotter shall be utilized –The spotter shall be located at the front right corner of the apparatus and continue to maintain a position which is visible to the operator
No vehicle shall be backed until the spotter(s) communicate the approval to the operator At any time that the operator looses sight of the spotter, the vehicle shall immediately stop until the spotter is again located by the operator, and the communication to continue has been given SOP 103.07 – Vehicle Backing Procedures
SOP 103.11 Accident Procedures The following information will be transmitted to the central communications dispatcher, A.S.A.P.: 1.Unit involved notice 2.Location of accident 3.Whether the unit was responding to or from an assignment 4.Injuries to firefighters or civilians 5.If possible, determine if major or minor accident
MINOR ACCIDENT PROCEDURE When responding to an emergency, if an accident occurs that is minor and the vehicle is still operable, the driver shall summon the assistance of the police department in addition to the required preliminary report The apparatus will leave the scene ONLY if the police officer indicates an affirmative response to the request
MAJOR ACCIDENT PROCEDURE Accidents should be considered major when: 1.There are injuries requiring the services of a doctor or hospitalization 2.When any of the involved vehicles cannot proceed 3.When there are more than two vehicles involved 4.Where extensive property damage has occurred
Stabilization Of The Accident Scene –Officers and members initial obligation is to prevent the incident from increasing in magnitude, while continuing to act with the highest possible level of safety to the crew and civilians involved Medical assistance should be also sought as soon as possible, for crew or civilians. –The appropriate E.M.S. should be requested from the dispatcher as soon as it is determined. MAJOR ACCIDENT PROCEDURE
If it becomes imperative to move apparatus or other vehicles then the officer in charge should attempt to take the following measures: 1.The location of the tires of all involved vehicles shall be marked with “T” shaped mark indicating: a)The outside edge of each tire, and b)The center line of the axle of each wheel 2.If a trailer or other large vehicle is involved also mark the four corners of the vehicle. Marks shall be made with a lumber, crayon, chalk, or any other means at hand MAJOR ACCIDENT PROCEDURE
Notifications By The Officer In Charge 1.Chief of the department 2.Deputy Chief or SCO of that station 3.Safety Officer of that apparatus 4.Police Department, if the accident of a vehicle involved a non-fire department vehicle or if the accident occurred off department property 5.The department insurance carrier, to be made by the department chief as soon as possible SOP 103.11 Accident Procedures
SOP 103.20 Highway Safety The following critical personnel safety issues need to be considered on all roadway operations. 1.Never trust approaching traffic 2.Avoid turning your back to approaching traffic 3.Establish an initial “block” with the first arriving emergency vehicle or fire apparatus 4.Always wear reflective vests, turnout coat or parka. 5.Turn off all sources of vision impairment to approaching motorists at nighttime incidents including vehicle headlights and spotlights. 6.Ensure advance warning and adequate transition area traffic control measures upstream of incident to reduce travel speeds of approaching motorists
The following critical issues need to be considered on roadway incidents. 1.Always position first arriving apparatus to protect the scene, patients, and emergency personnel 2.Initial fire apparatus placement should provide a work area protected from traffic approaching in at least one direction 3.Angle apparatus on the roadway with a “block to the left” or a “block to the right” to create a physical barrier between the crash scene and approaching traffic 4.Allow apparatus placement to slow approaching motorists and redirect them around the scene SOP 103.20 Highway Safety
1.When practical, position apparatus in such a manner to protect the pump operator position from being exposed to approaching traffic 2.Positioning of large apparatus must create a safe parking area for EMS units and other fire vehicles. Operating personnel, equipment and patients should be kept within the “shadow” created by the blocking apparatus at all times 3.When blocking with apparatus to protect the emergency scene, establish a sufficient size work zone that includes all damaged vehicles, roadway debris, the patient triage and treatment area, the extrication work area, personnel and tool staging area and the ambulance loading zone SOP 103.20 Highway Safety
1.Ambulances should be positioned within the protected work area with their rear patient loading door area angled away from the nearest lanes of moving traffic 2.Command shall stage unneeded emergency vehicles off the roadway or return these units to service as quickly as possible 3.At all intersections, or where the incident may be near the middle lane of the roadway, two or more sides of the incident will need to be protected 4.Warning provided for approaching motorists. Traffic cones shall be deployed at 15 foot intervals upstream of the blocking apparatus with the furthest traffic cone approximately 75 feet upstream to allow adequate advance warning to drivers SOP 103.20 Highway Safety
1.Police vehicles must be strategically positioned to expand the initial safe work zone for traffic approaching from opposing directions. The goal is to effectively block all exposed sides of the work zone. The blocking of the work zone by police must be prioritized, from the most critical or highest traffic volume flow to the least critical traffic direction 2.Traffic cones shall be deployed from the rear of the blocking emergency vehicles toward approaching traffic to increase the advance warning area SOP 103.20 Highway Safety
Case Studies February 16, 2005 – FDNY Fire Truck Crashes into Passenger Car at Traffic Light March 20, 2002 - Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies After Being Struck by Motor Vehicle on Interstate HighwayMarch 20, 2002 April 7, 2002 - Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies and Two are Injured in Engine RolloverApril 7, 2002 July 28, 2003 - One Volunteer Lieutenant Dies and a Volunteer Fire Fighter is Seriously Injured in a Motor Vehicle Rollover Incident While En-route to a Trailer FireJuly 28, 2003 November 17, 2003 - Career Captain/Safety Officer Dies in a Single Motor Vehicle Crash While Responding To a CallNovember 17, 2003
FDNY Fire Truck Crashes into Passenger Car at Traffic Light
Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies After Being Struck by Motor Vehicle on Interstate Highway
Volunteer Fire Fighter Dies and Two are Injured in Engine Rollover
One Volunteer Lieutenant Dies and a Volunteer Fire Fighter is Seriously Injured in a Motor Vehicle Rollover Incident While En-route to a Trailer Fire
Career Captain/Safety Officer Dies in a Single Motor Vehicle Crash While Responding To a Call
Driver/Operator Role/Responsibility 1.Negligence and the Emergency Vehicle Operator 2.Driving with Due Regard 3. 4.Apparatus Operational Considerations – John Mittendorf
Let’s Be Careful Out There!
After all, you can’t do anything here if you don’t get there
Have A Great Night! Stay Safe !
Remember! Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility
Hammer ##??????? IC
Redneck Maintenance 101??????
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