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The heart of health and safety. Think about Health and Safety Supporting MSPs in their work Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Accident Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "The heart of health and safety. Think about Health and Safety Supporting MSPs in their work Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Accident Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 the heart of health and safety

2 Think about Health and Safety Supporting MSPs in their work Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Accident Prevention and Safety Awareness 11 th March 2015 Jim Tassell Chair – IOSH Scotland

3 What is IOSH? The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) - Is Europe’s largest professional health and safety organisation - Has over 44,000 members worldwide, about 10% of them live and work in Scotland - Has about 13,000 members who are Chartered Safety and Health Practitioners

4 IOSH Scotland - IOSH Scotland brings together the Branches, Districts and Specialist Groups in Scotland to give a distinct and unified voice for the membership. - We aim to raise the profile of IOSH in Scotland and to represent the particular needs of our profession here. - We work with other professional stakeholders including Healthy Working Lives.

5 Myths and confusion Let’s face them – the “Elf an’ Safety” myths - Children not allowed to have air-filled balloons at a library book event (so they had to pop them) - Smoking not allowed for outdoor Christmas lights switch-on - Chip shop would not allow a customer to put salt and vinegar on their own fish and chips (but maybe there’s a food safety angle) - Donkey rides banned at village fete (actually the operator didn’t have a licence required under animal welfare legislation) - DIY store refused to cut a door (but actually there are good reasons: many doors are hollow so don’t cut safely on panel saws also fire safety)

6 Cut the myths – let’s be real Health and safety is about people: - You in your work - Your staff who work for you - Your volunteers and interns working for you - Your visitors and constituents - Any anyone else around you when you are working - Particular individuals (disabled, young, pregnant) It’s not rocket science It’s mostly applied common sense

7 Think about managing safety Documentation - Safety policy (if 5 or more employees) - Risk assessments - First aid and accident book - Reporting accidents and diseases (RIDDOR) - Training and “competency” - Employers’ liability and other insurances

8 In the office - The basics – heat, light and welfare facilities - Slips, trips and falls (basic housekeeping) - Electricity and office equipment - Working with computers - Stress - Lifting and carrying - Hazardous substances and noise - Fire risk assessment - Fire exits, alarms, extinguishers etc. - Fire procedures and log book

9 Out and about - Personal safety - Keep in touch - Don’t just think of physical violence – what about: -verbal abuse -threats -confrontational behaviour - Driving and use of vehicles -Vehicle -Driver -Journey

10 It’s never a daft question If you don’t know or don’t understand then you deserve a clear and simple explanation. Who can you ask? - Holyrood’s own resources if you work here: the H&S and Fire Safety advisors. - Healthy Working Lives (0800 019 2211) - IOSH (0116 257 3199) - See other contact details in the guide

11 But keep your wits about you! Thank you for your attention We hope to see you at an IOSH Branch meeting soon!

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