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Safety Minute - january 2015 Investigation of incidents / accidents.

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1 Safety Minute - january 2015 Investigation of incidents / accidents

2 TO REPLACE AN IMAGE: Click on the image and delete then click on the photo icon. Select your photo and insert Resize photo if needed by cropping and sliding it 2 – Investigation of ( Incidents ) Accidents Safety Minute – January 2015 Safety Minute – January 2015 – Investigation of incidents / accidents

3 Investigation – Why ? 3 –Safety Minute – January 2015 – Investigation of incidents / accidents -Reason n°1 : there is a victime ! ! ! -To find out ---------> What went realy wrong ? Where ? And Why ? Not to find out : --------------> Who is guilty ?. -To define appropriate preventive/corrective actions -To avoid the same accident in the future on the same or other sites and avoid new victimes ! -Lessons to learn from an accident -To protect the image of Sodexo -…….

4 4 – Investigation – When ? Who ? Safety Minute – January 2015 – Investigation of incidents / accidents 1)For each accident with more then 7 days of leave Analyse to do on site by : PA / CP together with Site Manager / CRD ( or GMD-SVP-CEO ) 2)For each accident with max. 7 days of leave Analyse to do on site by : Site Manager and CRD using a specific pre-defined form ( question list ) PA = Preventieadviseur CP = Conseiller en Prévention

5 5 – Investigation – What ? Method ? How ? Safety Minute – January 2015 – Investigation of incidents / accidents What ? A critical analyse - ( reconstruction ) mapping the facts leading to this accident. Method ? ( arbre des causes – feitenboom ) - Start from the last fact ( the injury ) - Findout the elements / facts having an impact in the chronological flow leading to the accident. How ? For each fact always ask this question : - What other facts where necessary / present preliminary to this fact ?

6 6 – Investigation – Result - Output Safety Minute – January 2015 – Investigation of incidents / accidents Rule n° 1 : Always try to « eliminate « the risk(s) Describe corrective actions to put in place in function of : - Rule n° 1 - Their impact on the different facts ( see arbre des causes – feitenboom ) Make an action plan : Who ? is responsable for Which ? corrective action and When ? it have to take place Communicate the action plan to every stakeholder : Customer – Site Manager – Team If usefull for other sites : Accident will be used as an example in a « Safety Alert » on intranet.

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