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Presenting Presently aged 41 years Mr. Venugopal K For Mr. Venugopal K Presented by Nelluri Srinivasulu Flat No.706, Block No.34, Raintree Park, Kphb Colony,,

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting Presently aged 41 years Mr. Venugopal K For Mr. Venugopal K Presented by Nelluri Srinivasulu Flat No.706, Block No.34, Raintree Park, Kphb Colony,,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting Presently aged 41 years Mr. Venugopal K For Mr. Venugopal K Presented by Nelluri Srinivasulu Flat No.706, Block No.34, Raintree Park, Kphb Colony,, Hyderabad-500085 Tel. 04066883476, Mob. 9440030378 e-mail:

2 2 Overview Of This Plan Conventional Deferred Retirement Plan On Maturity of the term, Sum Assured + accrued Guaranteed Additions + Bonus & Final Additional Bonus (as applicable) will be available for purchasing annuity Life Cover to the extent of Sum Assured + accrued Guaranteed Additions + Bonus & Final Additional Bonus (as applicable) Allows moderate regular savings to build a sizeable corpus on maturity Options available on maturity: Purchase immediate annuity OR Purchase deferred annuity Optional Benefit: LIC’s Accidental Death and Disability Benefit Rider is available as an optional rider Premium paid are Tax Exempted u/s 80 C

3 3 Mr. Venugopal K Benefit Specially crafted for Mr. Venugopal K Benefit Illustration Summary Sum Assured Rs 3500000 Benefit Illustration Summary 8 Term 20 years Premium Your SSS premium under this policy is Rs. 195924. In 20 years you will pay a total of Rs. 3862677. Year Annuity Benefits Annuity Description 2036554274 Estimated Immediate yearly pension increasing at 3 % p.a (simple) payable for life Parameter Plan Parameters Min Max Age20 60 Term 5 35 Sum Assured1,00,000 No limit ModesYly, Hly, Qly, Mly, SSS, Single

4 4 Mr. Venugopal K Benefit Specially crafted for Mr. Venugopal K Benefit Illustration Summary In this policy your life cover will start at Rs. 3675000 By virtue of bonus getting added every year, your risk cover will grow to Rs. 6615000 in the year 2034 when your age will be 60 8 Life Cover You can save a tax of Rs. 46350 under Sec. 80 CCE, against every premium paid. Tax Saving

5 5 Snapshot of the benefits 8 Rs 195924 Annual Premium Saving tax upto Rs 46350 2 nd Maturity - option to surrender & take 2 nd Maturity Rs 3675000at start, increases upto Rs 6615000 Rs 3500000Additional Accident Death Cover Age 41 Age 61 Age 100 Rs554274 Estimated Immediate yearly pension increasing at 3 % p.a (simple) payable for life 20

6 6 Continued on next slide Policy Year Age Riskcover Annual PremiumTax SavedNett PremiumReturns from LIC NormalAccidental 20154136750007175000195924463501495740 20164238500007350000192987463501466370 20174340250007525000192987463501466370 20184442000007700000192987463501466370 20194543750007875000192987463501466370 20204645080008008000192987463501466370 20214746410008141000192987463501466370 20224847740008274000192987463501466370 20234949070008407000192987463501466370 20245050400008540000192987463501466370 20255151730008673000192987463501466370 20265253060008806000192987463501466370 20275354390008939000192987463501466370 20285455720009072000192987463501466370 20295557750009275000192987463501466370 20305659255009425500192987463501466370 20315760760009576000192987463501466370 20325862265009726500192987463501466370 20335964120009912000192987463501466370 203460661500010115000192987463501466370 Year by Year illustration of benefits

7 7 Policy Year Age Riskcover Annual PremiumTax SavedNett PremiumReturns from LIC NormalAccidental 20558100000870210 20568200000886838 20578300000903467 20588400000920095 20598500000936723 20608600000953351 20618700000969980 20628800000986608 206389000001003236 206490000001019864 206591000001036492 206692000001053121 206793000001069749 206894000001086377 206995000001103005 207096000001119633 207197000001136262 207298000001152890 207399000001169518 2074100000001186146 3862677927000293567733938197 Year by Year benefits

8 8 Other Information Benefit Illustration Summary Yearly 8 Half-Yearly Quarterly Monthly SSS Note : Above Premium are inclusive of Service Tax @3.09% Yearly Half-Yearly Quarterly Monthly SSS Note : Above Premium are inclusive of Service Tax @1.545% Premium Payable For 1 st Year Premium Payable For 2 nd Year Onwards 191932 96963 48980 16327 189055 95510 48246 16083

9 9 Disclaimer Insurance is subject matter of solicitation. This illustration does not exhibit the benefits of any single product of L.I.C. of India. It is based on the benefits visualized by combining multiple plans of L.I.C. of India to provide solution to your specific needs. The benefit calculation is based on the age herein indicated and as applicable for healthy individual. The Survival/Death Benefit amount are derived on the assumption that the policies are in "full force". The benefits illustrated in this presentation are based on the key assumptions listed above. The purpose of this illustration is to give you a fair view of the benefits that may arise out of purchasing the insurance proposed by the presenter. In no way is the insurer or the presenter providing a guarantee of the benefits enumerated herein. The actual results of investments may vary depending upon the future performance of L.I.C. of India with respect to the plans purchased by you for the purpose of the benefits illustrated in this presentation Key Assumptions Your Age41 Bonus consideredAs per last declared by L.I.C Final Additional BonusN/A Income TaxN/A

10 10 For any further query / information please feel free to get in touch with me Nelluri Srinivasulu Life Insurance Corporation Of India Flat No.706, Block No.34, Raintree Park, Kphb Colony,, Hyderabad 500085 Tel. 04066883476, Mob. 9440030378 e-mail: Nelluri Srinivasulu Life Insurance Corporation Of India Flat No.706, Block No.34, Raintree Park, Kphb Colony,, Hyderabad 500085 Tel. 04066883476, Mob. 9440030378 e-mail:

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