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Telecommunications and Data Infrastructure Update 10-19-10 Nassau County Network Integration Project Presented by Tel/Logic, Nassau County and Nassau BOCES.

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Presentation on theme: "Telecommunications and Data Infrastructure Update 10-19-10 Nassau County Network Integration Project Presented by Tel/Logic, Nassau County and Nassau BOCES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telecommunications and Data Infrastructure Update 10-19-10 Nassau County Network Integration Project Presented by Tel/Logic, Nassau County and Nassau BOCES

2 The following is a summary of what has transpired over the past several months with our IT/Telecommunications sub-committee. We will present information collected regarding the current infrastructure of 56 school districts located in Nassau County depicting their voice, data and Internet services by geography and service provider. This information can provide the basis for an analysis that will help us to make informed decisions regarding shared services and consolidation. In addition, we will also inform you of a “Shared Services” success story which provides us with substantial cost reductions with cellular and wireless services.

3 Where we were…Where we are… Where we can be From Lines to Networks Consolidating Technology and Sharing Resources Increasing our Purchasing Power



6 Telephone & Internet $38,978 Annual savings with improved services

7 Converged technology typically combines voice, data, and video, often on a single platform. By doing so, we can eliminate the need for separate networks, separate hardware, and separate system management. By combining voice, data, and video networks we save money on purchases, service charges, upgrades and changes. We also reduce network management costs, reduce local access and long distance charges, and reduce overall costs required to keep technology current in the work place. What is Converged Technology?

8 Nassau County, NY “K – 12” 56 School Districts and BOCES 254 Buildings Total student enrollment 211,711* Total population 1,334,544** **Wikipedia* created by Tel/Logic

9 Current K-12 School Network IT Infrastructure Presented by Tel/Logic and Nassau BOCES - 57 “Broadband” Networks - 420 miles of Fiber Optic Connections - Multiple Service Providers - Competitive Bids for services awarded every three to five years

10 May 4th 2010 FIBER OPTIC WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) CARRIERS SUPPORTING K12 SCHOOLS Mapping Provided by Tel/Logic Fiber Optic Providers By School District

11 May 4th 2010 Long Island Fiber (LIFE) Fiber Optic WANS Mapping Provided by Tel/Logic

12 May 4th 2010 Optimum Lightpath Fiber Optic WANS Created by Tel/Logic

13 May 4th 2010 Verizon Fiber Optic WANS Created by Tel/Logic

14 May 4th 2010 Freeport Electric WAN Presented by Tel/Logic

15 May 4th 2010 Private Fiber WANS Created by Tel/Logic

16 Current Internet Services Infrastructure Compiled and Presented by Tel/Logic

17 May 4th 2010 All Internet Service Providers Created by Tel/Logic

18 May 4th 2010 Lightpath Internet Created by Tel/Logic

19 May 4th 2010 LIFE Internet Created by Tel/Logic

20 May 4th 2010 Created by Tel/Logic All Other Internet Providers

21 Current Voice (Telephone Services) Infrastructure Compiled and Presented by Tel/Logic

22 May 4th 2010 Voice Carriers Presented by Tel/Logic

23 May 4th 2010 Lightpath Voice Presented by Tel/Logic

24 May 4th 2010 Verizon ES BOCES Voice Presented by Tel/Logic

25 May 4th 2010 LIFE VOICE Presented by Tel/Logic

26 May 4th 2010 All Other Voice Carriers Presented by Tel/Logic

27 Once all Location INFO is Gathered we can “OVERLAY” School and County map locations to understand where opportunities toward convergence exist created by Tel/Logic

28 OUR CELLULAR INITIATIVE -Both Nassau Education and Nassau Government predict a continuance of the exponential rise in cellular and PDA use and associated expenditures. -Although our NY State OGS contracts provide a procurement method and -discounts, better pricing and improved support were required. -By comparing our services we discovered that both Education and Government have Sprint as a primary cellular provider but also use AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile to some degree as well (all via NY OGS contracts) -By sharing information and requirements, and then negotiating under the NY State OGS contracts, we were able to challenge the four carriers to respond with improved service delivery options, additional equipment and most importantly, more aggressive pricing plans.

29 RESULTS FROM OUR INITIATIVE -All four carriers, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile presented revised plans that improved upon existing services while reducing their pricing plans for cellular and PDA expenditures by 20 to 30% or more beyond already discounted NY OGS contract rates. -Savings have been realized starting July 2010 and are ongoing. More schools and agencies are taking part in this each month. -Nassau BOCES alone will save $14,000 this year. -Typical School District savings vary but are averaging 25%. -In a recent newsbrief, County Exec. Mangano announced that the County expects to save $90,000 per year with Sprint service alone. -We learned that results can be achieved by simply working together, sharing information and using existing NY State OGS contracts to negotiate better deals.

30 NEXT STEPS - CASE STUDYS County Mapping Combine Map of School and County Locations Develop Methodologies Toward Integration with an Analysis of Expected Cost Savings Assess Increases in Services, Capacity and Operational Benefits Explore more OGS contract negotiation and/or Cooperative Bidding


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