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Public Relations Management How does this fit into our overall promotions program?

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2 Public Relations Management How does this fit into our overall promotions program?

3 Public Relations w the management function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an individual or organization with the public interest, and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance.

4 Publicity w nonpersonal communication regarding the organization, product, service or idea that is not directly paid for nor run under identified sponsorship, usually coming from a news story, editorial, or announcement about an organization or its products and services

5 Publicity Advantages/Disadvantages w Credibility w Low Cost w Lack of Control w Negative Publicity very harmful and difficult to overcome w Miss the Target Audience

6 Marketing Public Relations Functions (MPF) w Actions designed to support marketing objections w raise awareness w gain understanding w building trust w give customer a reason to buy w motivating acceptance

7 Marketing Public Relations - Outcomes and Strategies w building marketplace excitement for a new product (i.e., Surge) w creating advertising news when there is no product news (i.e., Nissan) w introduce a product with little or no advertising expense (No Excuses Jeans) w building brand -to-customer bonds (I.e., the Pillsbury Bake-offs) w Influencing influential

8 The New Role of PR w Example: Small Social Service Agencies w Quadrant 1 w Example: Hospitals and colleges w Quadrant 2 w Example: Small Manufacturing Companies w Quadrant 3 w Example: Fortune 500 companies w Quadrant 4 Weak Strong Public Relations Weak Strong Marketing

9 Four Classes of Marketing and PR Use w Quadrant 1 minimal use of either function limited budgets nonprofits w Quadrant 2 well established PR but do very little formalized marketing institutions and colleges w Quadrant 3 marketing functions dominate private companies without stockholders, small manufacturers w Quadrant 4 strong marketing and PR utilize IMC

10 The Process of Public Relations w Determining and Evaluating Public Attitudes w Establishing a Public Relations Plan w Developing and Executing the PR Program w Measuring the Effectiveness of the Program

11 Determining and Evaluating Public Attitudes w Conducting Research primary and secondary w What do people remember about your firm? w What do people remember about your products? w Overall impressions of the firm and its actions

12 Why Conduct Research? w Provides input into the planning process w Serves as an early warning system w Secures support internally w Increases the effectiveness of communication

13 Establishing a PR Plan w Determining relevant target audiences Employees, suppliers and customers Stockholders and investors, community members The media, educators, governments, financial groups

14 Implementation w The press release w Press Conferences w Exclusives w Interviews w Community Involvement

15 Measuring the Effectiveness w Allows determination of contribution w personal observation w matching of objectives and results w public opinions and surveys w Audits

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