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Diversity and Social Justice Maurice W. Dorsey, Ph.D. National Program Leader for Public Policy National Institute of Food and Agriculture United States.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity and Social Justice Maurice W. Dorsey, Ph.D. National Program Leader for Public Policy National Institute of Food and Agriculture United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity and Social Justice Maurice W. Dorsey, Ph.D. National Program Leader for Public Policy National Institute of Food and Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture

2 Welcome! Focus of workshop is YOU! Who are You? How do you know? Use of Self as Instrument of Change ( K.K. Smith, 1990) Individual, interpersonal, group, organization, and system levels of change Goals to achieve self-knowledge and self- management

3 Ground Rules Open mind Assume a positive intent Commit to engagement and listening Open to deconstructing self Open to rethinking self Confidentiality

4 Sensitive Terminology Gender Racial Religions Sexual Orientation Social Class Physical Characteristics Others

5 Multiple Groups Identities Dominant and Subordinated Group WhiteBlack MaleFemale ChristianNon-Christian HeterosexualHomo, Bi, Trans RichPoor ProfessionalNon Professional AbledDifferently Abled

6 What Are Other Dominant and Subordinated Groups?

7 What Are Your Dominant Group Memberships? How do you feel being in these dominant groups?

8 How do you feel being in these groups? What Are Your Subordinated Groups?

9 .. Quadrant Behavior Theory (QBT) (Dr. Cathy Royal) White/MaleWhite/Female +/+ +/- Black/MaleBlack/Female -/+ -/-

10 Claim, Accept, and Own Your Dominant and Subordinated Group Identities We are a group society Dominant groups have privileges Dominant groups are difficult to enter Dominant groups affects self-perception Group identity brings alignment to self

11 Institutionalized and Internal Oppression (Barbara Love,1989) Institutionalized oppression is when the group, organization, or system maintains high dominant group identities. Internalized oppression is within you, when you deny your subordinated group identification.

12 Examples of Internalized Oppression Women who hate to work for women supervisors Gays and Lesbians who are homophobic and ashamed of other gays and lesbians Blacks who hate their image and will kill other blacks Christians that condemn other Christians

13 Johari Window Known Self Blind Self Hidden Self Unknown Self

14 Johari Window Public Self are things you and others know about you (conscious) Blind Self are things that others know about you but you do not (unconscious) Hidden Self are things that you know about you and others do not (conscious) Unknown Self are things about you that you and others do not know (unconscious)

15 Self-Critique List public self List hidden self List blind self Unknown and new things you are learning

16 Cycle of Experience…on YOU Gestalt Therapy Intra psychic Experience (core values)=thoughts, memories, dreams, sensations Individual Experience=bias, prejudices, bigotry, class, age, race, sexual, spiritual, abilities, etc. Environmental Experience=individual, family, groups, community, organization, nation, world, universe

17 Cycle of Experiences Gestalt Therapy List some of your intra psychic, individual, and/or environmental experiences that have impacted you.

18 Tracking Behaviors ( Elsie Cross & Associates, Inc. & Delyte. D. Frost, 1994) Track group memberships Who is in the group Who is talking/silence Who initiates Who interrupts whom What group patterns do you see What is the IMPACT ON YOU!

19 Intervening Behaviors Subordinated Groups Use self to create change-YOU Women’s intervention Black intervention Gay-lesbian intervention Hispanic intervention Physically challenged

20 What is the Impact on You? What is the impact on your internalized self? How much are you in alignment with what comes out of your mouth and what shows up in your actions? How oppressed do you feel inside yourself? How will you reconstruct you dominant identity?

21 Path to Diversity Competence Elsie Cross and Associates adapted by Jack Gant & Delyte Frost Denial Fear Integration Competence

22 Path to Diversity Competence Elsie Cross and Associates Denial is a position of nothing is wrong Fear is of understanding what is before you but you are immobilized Integration is starting to make change or defrosting Competence is habit of doing the right thing

23 Getting Grounded in Who You Are Knowing your dominant and subordinated groups Claiming and accepting your group identities Understanding the privilege that comes with your dominant group Understand oppression: institutionalized and internal Know your blind self and hidden self Learn tracking, intervention, and impacts of group identities on on YOU!

24 YOU Who are you? How do you know?

25 Self-Evaluation Do you understand the difference between dominate and subordinated groups? Do you claim, accept, own, your group identities? Do you understand the concept of privilege? Do you understand the concept of oppression? Do you know more about your blind self? Do you understand the concept of tracking, intervention, and the impact of group identities on You?

26 Credits: NTL Institute for Applied and Behavioral Sciences Program Specialist, Antonio McLaren Logo Design: Annetta Barnes-Oates

27 Thank You!

28 Notes

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