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Naples Bay Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan

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1 Naples Bay Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Plan
Carla N. Palmer, P.E. Director, Stormwater Management Division

2 Naples Bay SWIM Plan History: SFWMD Governing Board authorized 2003
2005, Naples Bay Reconnaissance Report authorized and completed in February 2006 70 stakeholders over a period of 5 months Identified sources and gaps of existing data and related programs within the Naples Bay Watershed Basin occupies about a tenth of the BCB.

3 What’s required ? WMD responsibilities (Chapter 373.453, F.S.):
Maintain a list that prioritizes water bodies of regional or statewide significance and review it every five years with public input WMDs can develop SWIM plans for water bodies on their priority lists SFWMD to give priority to: Lake Okeechobee Biscayne Bay Lake Worth Lagoon Indian River Lagoon

4 What’s required in a SWIM Plan ?
Description of the waterbody system: uses, hydrology, causes of degradation Identify all governmental units having jurisdiction in its drainage basin Description of land uses in the basin Identify the point and non-point sources of water pollution discharged to the waterbody and tributaries

5 What’s required in a SWIM Plan ?
Description of the strategies and a schedule for related management action for restoring or protecting the waterbody to Class III or better and to help achieve state-adopted TMDLs Description of the management actions needed to maintain the waterbody once it has been restored and to prevent future degradation Estimation of funding needed to carry out the strategies with a listing of available and potential sources

6 Naples Bay Draft SWIM Plan
The intent of the Naples Bay SWIM program is to address both the causes and effects of surface water quality in the Bay Based on the Naples Bay Reconnaissance Report and SFWMD staff input Final SWIM Plan to be completed with input from government and agency stakeholders, and other interested parties

7 Naples Bay SWIM Plan Adoption Schedule
December 7, 2006 –Big Cypress Basin Board members and interested parties (local area workshop) - Done January 4, 2007 – Obtain WRAC recommendation to SFWMD Governing Board January 11, 2007 – SFWMD Governing Board Adoption at its meeting in Naples

8 Naples Bay Watershed Summary
Encompasses 120 square miles within the Big Cypress Basin Former size was only 10 square miles Wholly contained in Collier County Naples Bay is the largest single water feature

9 Conditions Leading to Need for Restoration and Protection
60 years of canal drainage and urban growth reduced water clarity, increased contaminants and nutrients, and reduced dissolved oxygen Canal drainage and development altered the volume, quality, timing and mixing characteristics of freshwater reaching the Bay

10 Conditions Leading to Need for Restoration and Protection
Changes in salinity patterns declines in seagrass beds and impacts to all levels of flora and fauna FDEP has listed seven waterbody segments in Naples Bay as potentially not meeting water quality standards Check list in fall of 2007

11 Naples Bay SWIM Plan Organization: Watershed Approach
Goals – broad - identify objectives of SFWMD Initiatives – general - divide the Plan into distinct subject areas Strategies – detailed - descriptions of the work to be accomplished w/ approaches and methods Action Steps – specific - activities needed to reach project delivery w/ schedule & $$

12 Naples Bay SWIM Goals Protect and improve surface water quality
Preserve and restore, where appropriate, native ecosystems along with their water resource related functions Maintain the integrity and functions of water resources and related natural systems Improve degraded water resources and related natural systems to a more natural functionality

13 Naples Bay SWIM Initiatives
1. Water Quality 2. Water Quantity 3. Watershed Master Planning and Implementation 4. Habitat Assessment, Protection and Restoration

14 Water Quality Initiative – Action Steps
Strategy: Evaluate the Existing Water Quality Monitoring Network to Determine Its Ability to Detect Change Provide monitoring optimization methodology Review and update water quality database Implement optimized monitoring program Strategy: Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Water Quality Modeling Assist in pollutant loading model development & testing

15 2. Water Quantity Initiative – Action Steps
Strategy: Improve the Timing of Freshwater Flows into Naples Bay Assess feasibility of developing a salinity model Develop and operate a salinity model (if feasible) Evaluate feasibility for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) wells, canal re-routing and stormwater recycling as alternative water supply Consider rulemaking efforts

16 3. Watershed Master Planning and Implementation – Action Steps
Strategy: Evaluate Existing Stormwater Master Plans Examine coverage of stormwater plans Evaluate existing plans for flood abatement and water quality improvement Strategy: Assist in the Development of Local Stormwater Master Plans and Implementation Schedules Assist in the development of master plans

17 3. Watershed Master Planning and Implementation – Action Steps
Strategy: Partner with Local Governments to Implement Stormwater Master Plans Coordinate the NBW stormwater management partners group Provide technical assistance to local governments Coordinate land acquisition plans for stormwater retrofit and recycling Assist local governments seeking funding Cost-share with local governments to implement improvements

18 4. Habitat Assessment, Protection and Restoration – Action Steps
Strategy: Provide Habitat Assessment, Protection and Restoration Develop maps of available habitat Develop strategies for habitat protection Facilitate habitat restoration initiatives

19 “Dedicated” Funding Estimates: ~$6.3M
Initiative Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Water Quality $75K $90K Water Quantity $25K $60K $30K Watershed Master Planning and Implementation $1,050K $1,150K $1,120K Habitat Assessment, Protection, and Restoration $50K Totals $1.2M $1.3M

20 Funding Estimates for “Scheduled” Projects: ~$96.5M
Initiative BCB Collier County Naples Water Quality $5.5M Water Quantity $6.7M $1M Watershed Master Planning and Implementation $81.1M $0.1M Habitat Assessment, Protection, and Restoration $2M Totals $89.6M $0.2M Source: Local Government Five-year CIPs

21 Funding Estimates for “Planned” Projects: ~$23.5M
Initiative BCB Collier County Naples CS & WCD Water Quality $0.1M $0.45M Water Quantity $8.2M Watershed Master Planning and Implementation $1.5M $12.69M $0.32M Habitat Assessment, Protection, and Restoration $0.25M Totals $8.3M $1.8M $13.1M $0.3M Source: Local Government Five-year CIPs

22 Summary Full implementation of the Naples Bay SWIM Plan as presented today will cost between ~$126.3M and $102.8M over the next 5 years This does not mean the Bay will be restored in 5 years! This is the beginning of an ongoing effort. The Plan will be updated periodically and include findings from: the Southwest Florida Feasibility Study and as Total Maximum Daily Load Allocations are developed by FDEP

23 SFWMD Naples Bay SWIM Plan Review Process

24 Comments ? Questions ?

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