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12 Month Report on WP2: Tsunami source characterisation Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 WP Leader:

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Presentation on theme: "12 Month Report on WP2: Tsunami source characterisation Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 WP Leader:"— Presentation transcript:

1 12 Month Report on WP2: Tsunami source characterisation Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 WP Leader:

2 Overall objective Characterisation of the tsunami source areas based on definition of the seismic structure to relate earthquake and tectonic structures, specially deep decollement surfaces Starting point State of knowledge concerning location, geometry and characteristics of main active, potentially tsunamigenic faults identified in the area based on WP1 tectonic map. Existing data : MCS legacy data acquired in the last ~15 years in the area (especially IAM, Rifano, SISMAR, and SWIM) Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Objective and starting point Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3

3 (1)Mapping deep crustal and upper mantle structure to test geodynamic models; (2)Determining crustal-scale geometry of main fault surfaces accommodating plate convergence; (3)Relocating local seismicity that will be recorded in WP3, relate earthquake activity and tectonic strain; (4)Constraining physical properties of structural domains and tectonic features. Goals Workplan 1)Re-process key MCS profiles across most relevant structures until pre-stack depth migration; 2)Acquire, process and model new WAS data along “some” profiles combining OBS and landstations. Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Workplan and goals Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3

4 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Progress towards objectives Meetings: BARTOLOMÉ, R., GRÀCIA, E., RUBIO, E., DAÑOBEITIA, J.J., TERRINHA, P., AND SWIM-2006 CRUISE PARTY, (2006). New multichannel seismic data imaging of the western part of Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Margin): The SWIM-2006 cruise. Third EUROMARGINS Conference, Bologna (Italia), 4-7 October (Poster). MARTÍNEZ, S., GRÀCIA, E., BARTOLOMÉ, R., TERRINHA, P., BIROUK, A., DAÑOBEITIA, J.J., SALLARÈS, V., and SWIM-06 CRUISE PARTY (2007). Tectonics of the Coral Patch Ridge area and adjacent Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains (Gulf of Cadiz) based on new multichannel seismic data. 1st Moroccan Association of Petroleum Geologists Conference, Marrakech (Morocco), 28-31 October. Staff: A graduate student (Sara Martínez) hired @CSIC to realize a PhD thesis on SWIM MCS/Nearest WAS data A graduate student (Sergi Ventosa) hired @CSIC to develop signal processing filters adapted to WAS data A post-doc will be hired @UBO to work with Nearest MCS/WAS data (?) Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3

5 Task 2.1 Reprocessing and pre-stack depth migration of existing MCS data Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 2006 Kickoff Meeting: Pre-selected key profiles from IAM, Rifano, SISMAR, SWIM to be (re-)processed until PSDM Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 CSIC personnel : E. Gràcia, S. Martínez R. Bartolomé, V. Sallarès Progress towards objectives

6 SWIM-2006Survey Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 CSIC concentrated on SWIM-06 data acquired in June 2006 (PI E. Gràcia). RB, SM have pre-processed 16 profiles Task 2.1 Activities SM focused on SW08-SW16 across the Coral Patch Ridge and active structures of Seine and Horseshoe Abyssal plains RB focused on SW01-SW07 crossing the Horseshoe fault to the accretionary wedge and lineation 1 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Progress towards objectives

7 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.1 Activities 4 profiles have been selected for PSDM : SW2, SW7, SW13, SW16 This is being done now in Geomar within EU-LSF program Progress towards objectives

8 Active Fault Map of the Gulf of Cadiz (WP1 modified) REVERSE FAULTS: Horseshoe F: 95 km Marques Pombal F: 50 km Sao Vicente F: 100 km Guadalquivir F: 110 km STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS: Lineation N F: 125 km Lineation S F: 160 km HF MPF SVF GF LN LS CPRF

9 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.1 Activities Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) : Providing a database of processed and time-migrated MCS lines of Sismar and DelSis surveys. Three were PSDM (Sis-4, Sis-16 and Sis-22) Providing HR (Chirp) data from the DelSis survey ; Acquire and provide new HR (sparker) data on the SW Spanish and NW Moroccan platforms (July-Aug 2007, NOMADS cruise, PI P. Leroy) Other? Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Progress towards objectives

10 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.1 Barchart Task\Month24681012141618202224262830323436 Task 2.1 Provisional D4 Task 2.1 Actual D4 D4 : Prestack depth-migrated MCS profiles Ok for CSIC on SWIM Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 WP3 Progress towards objectives

11 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.2 Wide-angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment Application for R/V Hesperides and funding from Spanish agencies for a WAS cruise sent in August 2006  Acquisition of three ~200 km WAS lines with ~25 OBS Application granted in November 2006 and dates confirmed in May 2007  18 days: between Oct 16th and Nov 2nd, 2008 Nearest-Seis 2008 Survey Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 CSIC personnel : E. Gràcia, S. Martínez, S.Ventosa, R. Bartolomé, V. Sallarès Progress towards objectives

12 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Progress towards objectives (1)Application for 20 Geomar OBS (60 deployments) sent to EU-LSF in May 2007  Failed : money runout Task 2.2 Activities Getting OBS? (2)Bid to acquire Spanish OBS pool started in February 2007  Ok : 17 Scripps L-Cheapo SP OBS should be ready (?) by June 2008 Nearest-Seis 2008 Survey (3)UBO applied for UBO/Ifremer OBS  Ok : 7 UBO + 17 Ifremer MicrOBS reserved for Nearest-Seis… But… budget for insurance, shipping, technicians is lacking ! Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 WP3

13 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 (4)Possibility of renting Geomar (or GeoPro) OBS explored  20 OBS/60 deploy cost ~120 k€ Task 2.2 Activities Getting OBS? Nearest-Seis 2008 Survey (5)Possibility for sharing rental expenses with Geomar explored  Add scientific value to Nearest: go into FWT in one profile (?) (6)Other (ex. FCUL)? Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Progress towards objectives

14 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.2 Barchart Task\Month24681012141618202224262830323436 Task 2.2 Provisional D5 M3 Task 2.2 Actual D5 M3 D5 : Cruise report M3 : End of processing and experiments at sea Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Progress towards objectives

15 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Task 2.3 Processing, modelling and interpretation of wide-angle seismic data Activity Barchart Task\Month24681012141618202224262830323436 Task 2.3 Provisional D6 M4 Task 2.3 Actual D6 M4 D6: Velocity and density models M4: End of OBS modelling Sergi Ventosa developed two filters (polarization and lateral coherency-based) to enhance S/N in WAS data Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Progress towards objectives

16 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Planning Year 2 Activitiy summary table 2.1A0 Interpretaton of SWIM MCS profiles CSIC (E.Gracia, V. Sallares)From November 2007 on 2.2A1 Close inventory of OBS available for cruise CSIC (V. Sallares) UBO (M.-A. Gutscher) ISMAR (N. Zitellini) FCUL (L. Matias) March 2008 2.1A2 End of PSDM migration of MCS data CSIC (E.Gracia, V. Sallares) UBO (M.-A. Gutscher) ISMAR(?) April 2008 2.1A3 Collection of PSDM migrated MCS profiles CSIC (E.Gracia, V. Sallares) UBO (M.-A. Gutscher) ISMAR(?) May 2008 2.2A4 Final discusion/decision on Nearest-Seis WAS profiles and personnel involved in the cruise CSIC (E.Gracia, V. Sallares) UBO (M.-A. Gutscher) ISMAR (N. Zitellini) FCUL (L. Matias) May 2008 2.2A5 Analysis of SISMAR OBS data CSIC (V. Sallares)June 2008 2.2A6 Source design for Nearest- Seis CSIC (V. Sallares)July 2008 2.2A7 Preparation/testing of material for Nearest-Seis survey CSIC (V. Sallares)September 2008 2.2A8 Nearest-Seis surveyCSIC (V. Sallares)October 2008

17 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 Planning Year 2 Critical aspects : Selection of PSDM profiles must be closed. CSIC > SWIM, UBO > SISMAR. What about Rifano and IAM? We must ensure having enough OBS to perform the experiment (minimum 20; ideal 40). Preferable not having many different types > logistical complications, limited spacing WAS profiles must be selected Possible obstacles : Not having (enough) OBS. Poor acquisition results (weather conditions, other...) Special notes : We propose to organize the next (18 month) meeting next May in Barcelona to discuss about cruise planning

18 Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3 1)Meeting with TopoIberia team leader J. Gallart (CSIC- Barcelona), who is deploying a BB network in SW Iberia  Sharing data recorded by BB OBS (Nearest) and landstation (TopoIberia) networks? CSIC WP3 Activities WP3

19 CSIC WP3 Activities Nearest 12 Month Meeting Marrakech, October 25-26, 2007 2)Participated in MVSEIS MCS survey with 4.5 km streamer of L’Atalante (IP L. Somoza) in September 2007 to ensure shooting over BB network  Not allowed to go North from 36º! WP3 Objective Workplan Progress General Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Planning Y2 WP3


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