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Environmental Design of Cottesloe Rock Swimming Pool Final Year Project Presentation Date: 16th October 2013 Luan Nguyen Presenter, School of Civil.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Design of Cottesloe Rock Swimming Pool Final Year Project Presentation Date: 16th October 2013 Luan Nguyen Presenter, School of Civil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Design of Cottesloe Rock Swimming Pool Final Year Project Presentation Date: 16th October Luan Nguyen Presenter, School of Civil and Resource Engineering, the University of Western Australia Jorg Imberger & Clelia Marti Supervisors, Centre for Water Research

2 Motivation Purpose of Research Design of the environmental parameters of a low maintenance/maintenance-free rock swimming pool, constructed as an extension of the existing groyne. Conduct structural design and feasibility study of the placement of the structure (to be done by Dan Courtney). A facility for public usage as a mean for safe swimming, disability access and recreational activities. To reflect the rich culture of Cottesloe and the history of the beach.

3 Study Domain Area of Research SOURCE: Google Maps & Google Earth 500 m

4 Current Proposal Conceptual Design for the current proposal AFTER

5 Objective Goals of Research Determine environmental and cultural impacts of the placement of the Cottesloe Rock Swimming Pool by delivering environmental parameters of the system as inputs for structural design and public engagement techniques.

6 Approach Research Methodology

7 Wave Model - SWAN Description of model
Wave breaking, bottom friction, reflection, diffraction, refraction and triad Validation: Cottesloe Wave Station Outputs: Significant wave height, period and direction Cottesloe Domain Cottesloe Domain SWAN Wind Field Weather Forecast and Research Model (WRF) Wind Field Perth Coastal Margin SWAN Nesting Spectrum Field Data from Carnac Wave Logger SOURCE: Google Earth

8 Wave Model - SWAN Control Case Modified Case Pool’s wall added
Submerged reef near tip of groyne to ensure high waves near tip of groyne Grid size: 5 x 5 m uniform grid Quadruplets turned off due to shallow water Model groyne as obstacle Size: 550 x 1010 SOURCE: ARMS

9 Hydrodynamics Model - ELCOM
Modified Case Control Case Plaid grid size with 50 m coarse grid and 5m fine grid Wave forcing from CWR’s Perth Coastal Margin Model Wind data from CWR’s Lake Diagnostic System Default coefficients as given in user manual Size: 500 x 1000 Pool’s wall added Submerged reef near tip of groyne to ensure high waves near tip of groyne SOURCE: ARMS

10 ELCOM Tracers 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 5 5 6 6 SOURCE: ARMS & Google Earth

11 CWR’s Cottesloe Wave Logger
Description of Validation Tool Installed at the corner of SWAN’s domain Record 15-minute intervals of wave height, period and direction Use as a validation tool for the model

12 CWR’s Cottesloe Wave Logger
Example of Outputs


14 SWAN Results Discussion of SWAN Outputs – Significant Wave Height
Control Case Modified Case SOURCE: ARMS

15 SWAN Results Comparison of the two cases SOURCE: ARMS

16 SWAN Results Comparison of the two cases
Higher waves within submerged reef region Comparison of the two cases SOURCE: ARMS

17 SWAN Results Comparison of the two cases
Higher waves within submerged reef region Comparison of the two cases Higher waves near pool wall SOURCE: ARMS

18 SWAN Results Comparison of the two cases
Similar wave conditions nearshore Comparison of the two cases SOURCE: ARMS

19 SWAN Results Wave near pool edge SOURCE: ARMS

20 SWAN Results Phase Differences between High and Low Water
1 2 η= H 2 sin⁡(𝑘𝑥−𝜔𝑡) 𝑘= 2𝜋 𝐿 𝜔= 2𝜋 𝑇 Graph generated by Matlab

21 SWAN Results Data Validation SOURCE: ARMS

22 SWAN Results Discussion of SWAN Outputs – Mean Wave Period
Control Case Modified Case SOURCE: ARMS

23 ELCOM Results Example of Tracer Outputs

24 ELCOM Results Example of Speed Outputs SOURCE: ARMS

25 Conclusion Higher waves are experienced near the tip of the groyne and submerged reef area due to depth-induced breaking Higher waves near tip of groyne and lower wave near side of pool can encourage flushing cycle of the water inside the structure ELCOM results suggested there are changes in current velocity near the bed which can result in changing in shoreline

26 Recommendations Continue SWAN realtime simulation for at least 6 months to gain enough data for years design period Determine sedimentary transport rate using Shield’s parameter and current outputs from ELCOM Preliminary geometric design can still be performed using available logger and model data

27 SWAN Wave Model
Details of Realtime Model Visit CWR’s Realtime Management System Online (RMSO) Select to view Simulations Select to view the Perth Coastal Margin Select GROYNE for control case, POOL for modified case Select wave parameter to be viewed

28 SWAN Wave Model Details of Realtime Model
Model located under Simulations Model runs as nested domain in PCM Select COT-GROYNE for Control Case, COT-POOL for modified case Select variable to be viewed

29 Public Engagement Use as a tool for public engagement
Description of Website Use as a tool for public engagement To be used to educate, communicate to the main user groups in WA and as a space for the community to contribute inputs to the project Still in development stage

30 Public Engagement Description of Website

31 Acknowledgement I would like to say thanks to:
My supervisors Jorg and Clelia Jorg’s personal assistants: Emilia and Laura T Project initiator: Tom Locke CWR’s staffs and field team Special thanks to Lee and Leticia for modelling help PhD students for providing technical assistance: Daniel, Christina, Mahmood, Bronwyn, Vahid Fellow intern students: Linh, Laura B, Lee, Josh, Saba, Dan, Taylor, Melanie, Laurianne, Gwendelyn, Geraldine My friends and family My workplace Project supporters including Professor Bloomfield

32 Questions?

33 CWR’s Cottesloe Wave Logger
Description of Wave Logger

34 CWR’s Cottesloe Wave Logger
Description of Wave Logger

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