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Sex Cell Development In Males Sex cells (also called gametes) are produced through the process of meiosis. Gametes are produced in the reproductive organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Sex Cell Development In Males Sex cells (also called gametes) are produced through the process of meiosis. Gametes are produced in the reproductive organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex Cell Development In Males Sex cells (also called gametes) are produced through the process of meiosis. Gametes are produced in the reproductive organs called gonads.

2 Male gonads are called testes. The gametes produced by males are called sperm. Each sperm cell is built for motion – they are very streamlined and carries little excess weight.

3 This means the sperm has very limited cytoplasm. Although this is good for a cell that needs to move, it also means the sperm cell has very limited energy., and dies within a few days.

4 Sperm is produced in the testes. These are stored in the scrotum which is the sac that houses the testes. This is located outside of the body, because a cooler temperature is required for the production of sperm.

5 The gametes are then stored in the epididymus. The prostate gland and seminal vesicle are glands which produce a thick liquid, rich in sugars, for the sperm to swim in.

6 The combination of sperm cells plus liquid is called semen. During ejaculation, semen travels through the vas deferens and out the urethra.

7 A hormone is a chemical messenger sent by the braid. Hormones are used to trigger many things in the body. In males, the primary sex hormone is testosterone, which stimulates sperm development.

8 Two other hormones are important in sperm development. These are lutenizing hormone, hormone (LH), and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

9 Development in male sex cells continues throughout the lifetime. Men over the age of 90 have been known to father children!!!


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