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2 In this Chapter: Review 2.1 Derivatives and Rates of Change
2.2 The Derivative as a Function 2.3 Basic Differentiation Formulas 2.4 The Product and Quotient Rules 2.5 The Chain Rule 2.6 Implicit Differentiation 2.7 Related Rates 2.8 Linear Approximations and Differentials Review

3 Chapter 2, 2.1, P73

4 Chapter 2, 2.1, P73

5 Chapter 2, 2.1, P73

6 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

7 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

8 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

9 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

10 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

11 Chapter 2, 2.1, P74

12 Chapter 2, 2.1, P75

13 Chapter 2, 2.1, P75

14 Provided that this limit exists.
1 DEFINITION The tangent line to the curve y=f(x) at the point P(a, f(a)) is the line through P with slope m=line Provided that this limit exists. X→ a Chapter 2, 2.1, P75

15 Chapter 2, 2.1, P76

16 Chapter 2, 2.1, P76

17 4 DEFINITION The derivative of a function f at a number a, denoted by f’(a), is
f’(a)=lim if this limit exists. h→ 0 Chapter 2, 2.1, P77

18 f’(a) =lim x→ a Chapter 2, 2.1, P78

19 The tangent line to y=f(X) at (a, f(a)) is the line through (a, f(a)) whose slope is equal to f’(a), the derivative of f at a. Chapter 2, 2.1, P78

20 Chapter 2, 2.1, P78

21 Chapter 2, 2.1, P79

22 Chapter 2, 2.1, P79

23 6. Instantaneous rate of change=lim
∆X→0 X2→x1 Chapter 2, 2.1, P79

24 The derivative f’(a) is the instantaneous rate of change of y=f(X) with respect to x when x=a.
Chapter 2, 2.1, P79

25 9. The graph shows the position function of a car
9. The graph shows the position function of a car. Use the shape of the graph to explain your answers to the following questions What was the initial velocity of the car? Was the car going faster at B or at C? Was the car slowing down or speeding up at A, B, and C? What happened between D and E? Chapter 2, 2.1, P81

26 10. Shown are graphs of the position functions of two runners, A and B, who run a 100-m race and finish in a tie. (a) Describe and compare how the runners the race. (b) At what time is the distance between the runners the greatest? (c) At what time do they have the same velocity? Chapter 2, 2.1, P81

27 15. For the function g whose graph is given, arrange the following numbers in increasing order and explain your reasoning. g’(-2) g’(0) g’(2) g’(4) Chapter 2, 2.1, P81

28 the derivative of a function f at a fixed number a: f’(a)=lim
Chapter 2, 2.2, P83

29 f’(x)=lim h→ 0 Chapter 2, 2.2, P83

30 Chapter 2, 2.2, P84

31 Chapter 2, 2.2, P84

32 Chapter 2, 2.2, P84

33 3 DEFINITION A function f is differentiable a if f’(a) exists
3 DEFINITION A function f is differentiable a if f’(a) exists. It is differentiable on an open interval (a,b) [ or (a,∞) or (-∞ ,a) or (- ∞, ∞)] if it is differentiable at every number in the interval. Chapter 2, 2.2, P87

34 Chapter 2, 2.2, P88

35 Chapter 2, 2.2, P88

36 4 THEOREM If f is differentiable at a, then f is continuous at a .
Chapter 2, 2.2, P88

37 Chapter 2, 2.2, P89

38 Chapter 2, 2.2, P89

39 Chapter 2, 2.2, P89

40 Chapter 2, 2.2, P89

41 (a) f’(-3) (b) f’(-2) (c) f’(-1) (d) f’(0) (e) f’(1) (f) f’(2)
(g) f’(3) Chapter 2, 2.2, P91

42 2. (a) f’(0) (b) f’(1) (c) f’’(2) (d) f’(3) (e) f’(4) (f) f’(5)
Chapter 2, 2.2, P91

43 Chapter 2, 2.2, P92

44 Chapter 2, 2.2, P92

45 Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

46 Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

47 33. The figure shows the graphs of f, f’, and f”
33. The figure shows the graphs of f, f’, and f”. Identify each curve, and explain your choices. Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

48 34. The figure shows graphs of f, f’, f”, and f”’
34. The figure shows graphs of f, f’, f”, and f”’. Identify each curve, and explain your choices. Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

49 Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

50 Chapter 2, 2.2, P93

51 35. The figure shows the graphs of three functions
35. The figure shows the graphs of three functions. One is the position function of a car, one is the velocity of the car, and one is its acceleration. Identify each curve, and explain your choices. Chapter 2, 2.2, P94

52 The graph of f(X)=c is the line y=c, so f’(X)=0.
FIGURE 1 The graph of f(X)=c is the line y=c, so f’(X)=0. Chapter 2, 2.3, P93

53 The graph of f(x)=x is the line y=x, so f’(X)=1.
FIGURE 2 The graph of f(x)=x is the line y=x, so f’(X)=1. Chapter 2, 2.3, P95

Chapter 2, 2.3, P95

55 Chapter 2, 2.3, P95

56 THE POWER RULE If n is a positive integer, then
Chapter 2, 2.3, P95

57 THE POWER RULE (GENERAL VERSION) If n is any real number, then
Chapter 2, 2.3, P97

Multiplying by c=2 stretches the graph vertically by a factor of 2. All the rises have been doubled but the runs stay the same. So the slopes are doubled, too. Chapter 2, 2.3, P97

59 █ Using prime notation, we can write the Sum Rule as (f+g)’=f’+g’
Chapter 2, 2.3, P97

60 THE CONSTANT MULTIPLE RULE If c is a constant and f is a differentiable function, then
Chapter 2, 2.3, P97

61 THE SUM RULE If f and g are both differentiable, then
Chapter 2, 2.3, P97

62 THE DIFFERENCE RULE If f and g are both differentiable, then
Chapter 2, 2.3, P98

63 Chapter 2, 2.3, P100

64 Chapter 2, 2.3, P100

65 Chapter 2, 2.3, P101

66 THE PRODUCT RULE If f and g are both differentiable, then
Chapter 2, 2.4, P106

67 THE QUOTIENT RULE If f and g are differentiable, then
Chapter 2, 2.4, P109

68 Chapter 2, 2.4, P110

Chapter 2, 2.4, P111

70 43. If f and g are the functions whose graphs are shown, left u(x)=f(x)g(X) and v(x)=f(X)/g(x)
Chapter 2, 2.4, P112

71 44. Let P(x)=F(x)G(x)and Q(x)=F(x)/G(X), where F and G and the functions whose graphs are shown.
Chapter 2, 2.4, P112

72 F’(x)=f’(g(x))‧g’(x)
THE CHAIN RULE If f and g are both differentiable and F =f。g is the composite function defined by F(x)=f(g(x)), then F is differentiable and F’ is given by the product F’(x)=f’(g(x))‧g’(x) In Leibniz notation, if y=f(u) and u=g(x) are both differentiable functions, then Chapter 2, 2.5, P114

73 F (g(x) = f’ (g(x)) ‧ g’(x)
outer evaluated derivative evaluated derivative function at inner of outer at inner   of inner function function function function Chapter 2, 2.5, P115

74 4. THE POWER RULE COMBINED WITH CHAIN RULE If n is any real number and u=g(x) is differentiable, then Alternatively, Chapter 2, 2.5, P116

75 49. A table of values for f, g, f’’, and g’ is given
If h(x)=f(g(x)), find h’(1) If H(x)=g(f(x)), find H’(1). Chapter 2, 2.5, P120

76 51. IF f and g are the functions whose graphs are shown, let u(x)=f(g(x)), v(x)=g(f(X)), and w(x)=g(g(x)). Find each derivative, if it exists. If it dose not exist, explain why. u’(1) (b) v’(1) (c)w’(1) Chapter 2, 2.5, P120

77 52. If f is the function whose graphs is shown, let h(x)=f(f(x)) and g(x)=f(x2).Use the graph of f to estimate the value of each derivative. (a) h’(2) (b)g’(2) Chapter 2, 2.5, P120

78 █WARNING A common error is to substitute the given numerical information (for quantities that vary with time) too early. This should be done only after the differentiation. Chapter 2, 2.7, P129

79 Steps in solving related rates problems:
Read the problem carefully. Draw a diagram if possible. Introduce notation. Assign symbols to all quantities that are functions of time. Express the given information and the required rate in terms of derivatives. Write an equation that relates the various quantities of the problem. If necessary, use the geometry of the situation to eliminate one of the variables by substitution (as in Example 3). Use the Chain Rule to differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to t. Substitute the given information into the resulting equation and solve for the unknown rate. Chapter 2, 2.7, P129

80 Chapter 2, 2.8, P133

81 f(x) ~ f(a)+f”(a)(x-a) ~
Is called the linear approximation or tangent line approximation of f at a. Chapter 2, 2.8, P133

82 The linear function whose graph is this tangent line, that is ,
is called the linearization of f at a. L(x)=f(a)+f’(a)(x-a) Chapter 2, 2.8, P133

83 The differential dy is then defined in terms of dx by the equation.
So dy is a dependent variable; it depends on the values of x and dx. If dx is given a specific value and x is taken to be some specific number in the domain of f, then the numerical value of dy is determined. dy=f’(x)dx Chapter 2, 2.8, P135

84 relative error Chapter 2, 2.8, P136

85 1. For the function f whose graph is shown, arrange the following numbers in increasing order:
Chapter 2, Review, P139

86 7. The figure shows the graphs of f, f’, and f”
7. The figure shows the graphs of f, f’, and f”. Identify each curve, and explain your choices. Chapter 2, Review, P139

87 50. If f and g are the functions whose graphs are shown, let P(x)=f(x)g(x), Q(x)=f(x)/g(x), and C(x)=f(g(x)). Find (a) P’(2), (b) Q’(2), and (c)C’(2). Chapter 2, Review, P140

88 61. The graph of f is shown. State, with reasons, the numbers at which f is not differentiable.
Chapter 2, Review, P141

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