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Welcome to the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Pioneer Sites Webinar July 2008 Audio: 1-888-455-7125, passcode 1543826.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Pioneer Sites Webinar July 2008 Audio: 1-888-455-7125, passcode 1543826."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Pioneer Sites Webinar July 2008 Audio: 1-888-455-7125, passcode 1543826 Closed Captioning:

2 2 Webinar Overview Webinar will last approximately 3 hours. Webinar is being recorded – the recording will be posted online and used as a resource to help with ICM implementation. This webinar is designed to be interactive –There will be an opportunity to ask questions following each presentation, and again at the end of the webinar. –We will also solicit input from the audience to help us all understand the state of the practice across the country in this area. We may not be able to respond to all questions within the timeframe, but will get back to you following the webinar if your question was unanswered.

3 3 Reminders All participants are in listen-only mode. The operator will provide instructions on how to ask a question over the phone. You may type questions into the chat area if you think of a question during the presentations. There will be several occasions where we will bring up multiple choice polls. –Poll responses are not anonymous – participants will not be able to tell who responded but the webinar hosts will be able to determine who responded to each question. There will be several occasions where we ask open ended questions. Please type your responses into the chat area during these times. (These responses will not be anonymous).

4 4 Agenda 1.USDOT ICM Program Overview 2.ICM Pioneer Sites’ Experiences July 17 – Houston, Minneapolis, and San Diego July 22 – Montgomery County and Oakland July 24 – Dallas, San Antonio, and Seattle 3.Webinar Conclusion – ICM Q&A

5 1. USDOT ICM Program Overview July 17 – Dale Thompson, FHWA July 22 – Brian Cronin, RITA July 24 – Steve Mortensen, FTA

6 6 1. USDOT ICM Program Overview Contents Purpose of the ICM Webinar USDOT ICM Initiative Goals Description of ICM Eight USDOT ICM Pioneer Sites ICM Pioneer Site Corridor Assets ICM Program Plan ICM Initiative—Applying Systems Engineering ICM Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Next Steps Major Milestones for 2008 ICM Knowledge and Technology Transfer Questions

7 7 Purpose of the ICM Pioneer Sites Webinar The purpose of this ICM Pioneer Sites Webinar is to impart upon a broad range transportation professionals interested in ICM the concept of ICM and some of the lessons learned in ICM initiative to date.

8 8 USDOT ICM Initiative Aims to Deliver ICM systems and strategies with demonstrated value Analysis methodology that can be used by others Knowledge, resources, and proven approaches that facilitate adoption/ integration of ICM by other corridors across the country

9 9 Corridor Networks Today Arterial Signal Systems Freeway Systems Bus Systems Rail Systems

10 10 Significant Congestion ICM Systems Managing All Corridor Capacity Tomorrow With ICM

11 11 Seattle Oakland San Diego Montgomery County Dallas San Antonio Houston Minneapolis Eight USDOT ICM Pioneer Sites 3 Stages for the Pioneer Sites: Stage 1 – Concept of Operations, Sample Data, and System Requirements Specification Stage 2 – Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Stage 3 – Demonstration and Evaluation

12 12 ICM Pioneer Site Corridor Assets

13 13 Current High-Level ICM Program Plan Phase 3: Stage 2 -Analysis, Modeling & Simulation of Selected Pioneer Sites Phase 3: Stage 3 – Pioneer Demonstration Projects September 2005March 2008February 2009 Development Feasibility Site Applications Feasibility Phase 1: Foundational Research FY 04FY 05FY 06FY 07FY 08FY 09FY 11FY 10 Site Development Feasibility Phase 2: Corridor Tools, Strategies & Integration Stakeholder Working Group Phase 4: ICM Operations Concept Knowledge and Technology Transfer Standards Completion and Deployment Phase 3: Stage 1 – ICM Pioneer Site Concept of Operations and System Requirements Specification

14 14 ICM Initiative—Applying Systems Engineering ICM Phase 1 (SE Phase 0): Foundational Research –Generic ICM Concept of Operations –ICM Implementation Guide ICM Phase 3 (SE Phases 1-2): Stage 1 – ICM Pioneer Site Development –Concept of Operations –System Requirements Specification

15 15 ICM AMS Focus: Integrated Performance Measures

16 16 Multi-level Analysis Tools Provide Comprehensive Insight Traffic control strategies such as ramp metering and arterial traffic signal control Traveler information, HOT lanes, congestion pricing and regional diversion patterns Regional patterns and mode shift; Transit analysis capability

17 17 Next Steps Apply AMS tools/methods to the selected AMS Pioneer Sites to validate methods and results Analyze arterial data, decision support, and mode shift Upload Phase 2/Stage 1 Resources to Knowledgebase –Pioneer Site CONOPS and Requirements documents and lessons-learned –Technical Integration resources –AMS Test Corridor documents and findings

18 18 Major Milestones for 2008 JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNAUGJULSEPOCT Completed ICM Test Corridor Analysis Complete AMS Plans for Selected Pioneer Sites Completed 8 Pioneer Site Concepts of Operations and Requirements Documents Select up to 3 AMS Pioneer Sites KTT Beginning (Knowledgebase Uploads, Newsletters, Email List, Webinars/Workshops, Presentations, Peer Exchanges, Publications, and more.)

19 19 ICM Knowledge and Technology Transfer Resources Available Now in the ICM Knowledgebase: –Foundational Research Documents –Pioneer Site ConOps and Requirements Documents –Technical Integration/Data Gap Technical Resources –AMS Resources and Findings –Fact Sheets –ICM Newsletter –Trade Journal Articles

20 20 ICM Knowledge and Technology Transfer KTT Resources Coming Soon: –Pioneer Site Webinars –New Fact Sheets –Conferences and Peer-to-Peer Exchanges –Lessons-Learned from ICM Pioneer Sites –Updated Resource Guidance Documents

21 21 Contacts Brian Cronin, RITA 202-366-8841 Steve Mortensen, FTA 202-493-0459 Dale Thompson, FHWA 202-493-3420 ICM Web Site:


23 23 Audience Poll! Please use the poll and chat windows to answer these questions: –What corridors in your area might be feasible candidates for implementing ICM? –For the corridor in your area that you are most familiar with, what phase of ICM implementation are you currently in? –If you are not planning on implementing ICM, why not? –If you are implementing ICM, what types of corridor level performance measures have you identified?

24 2. ICM Pioneer Sites’ Experiences July 17 – Houston, Minneapolis, and San Diego July 22 – Montgomery County and Oakland July 24 – Dallas, San Antonio, and Seattle

25 25 2. ICM Pioneer Sites’ Experiences Contents Operational: –Why our Site needs ICM –How ICM will help our Site Institutional: –Who are our ICM Stakeholders –How our Site defined Roles and achieved Buy-in among ICM Stakeholders Technical: –What our proposed ICMS will look like –How our ICMS will facilitate ICM Lessons Learned

26 3. Webinar Conclusion – ICM Q&A General Discussion

27 27 QUESTIONS? For the USDOT For the Pioneer Sites

28 28 Audience Poll! Please use the poll and chat areas to respond: –Rank the level of usefulness of the ICM website and Knowledgebase if you have used it. –What types of ICM knowledge and technology transfer materials would be useful to you? –Would you like to be added to the ICM Newsletter email list? –Are you interested in supporting the DOT ICM Program as an ICM Stakeholder Workgroup participant? As a stakeholder workgroup participant, you will participate in general and technical ICM Program discussion topics that provide DOT with ICM Program guidance and resolution of technical issues.

29 29 Thank You Brian Cronin, RITA 202-366-8841 Steve Mortensen, FTA 202-493-0459 Dale Thompson, FHWA 202-493-3420 ICM Web Site:

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