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Intercultural Understanding.  Breakdown stereotypes and barriers  Promote understanding – contact with real people  Promote tolerance  Promote appreciation.

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Presentation on theme: "Intercultural Understanding.  Breakdown stereotypes and barriers  Promote understanding – contact with real people  Promote tolerance  Promote appreciation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intercultural Understanding


3  Breakdown stereotypes and barriers  Promote understanding – contact with real people  Promote tolerance  Promote appreciation

4 Year 3  IU 3.2 Locate country/countries where the language is spoken  Identify some of the countries where the language is spoken, drawing on the knowledge of class members as appropriate  Know some facts about one country, e.g. climate, main towns, famous landmarks, produce

5 1. How many francophone countries are there in the world (countries where it is an official language)? A: 15 B. 23 C. 30 D.34

6 1. France Europe63,213,894 2. Democratic Republic of the CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo Africa60,764,490 3. Canada North America 33,199,000 4. Madagascar Africa18,040,341 5. Côte d'Ivoire Africa17,298,040 6. Cameroon Africa16,322,000 7. Burkina Faso Africa13,491,736 8. Niger Africa12,162,856 9. Senegal Africa11,706,498 10 Mali Africa11,415,261 11 Belgium Europe10,364,388 12 Chad Africa9,657,069 13 Guinea Africa9,452,670 14 Rwanda Africa8,440,820 15 Haiti Caribbean8,121,622

7 16 Burundi Africa7,795,426 17 Benin Africa7,649,360 18 Switzerland Europe7,489,370 19 Togo Africa5,153,088 20 Central African Republic Africa4,237,703 21 Republic of the Congo Africa3,602,269 22 Gabon Africa1,394,307 23 Comoros Africa671,247 24 Equatorial Guinea Africa529,034 25 Djibouti Africa476,703 26 Luxembourg Europe468,571 27New CaledoniaOceania244,600 28 Vanuatu Oceania205,754 29 Seychelles Africa81,188 30 Monaco Europe32,409

8 1. How many francophone countries are there in the world (countries where it is an official language)? A: 15 B. 23 C. 30 D.34

9 efrance/map.html


11 Year 3  IU 3.4 Make indirect or direct contact with the country/countries where the language is spoken  Have contact with a native speaker, including peers where appropriate  View a video or media resource about the country  Send an email, letter or postcard to a partner school



14 Footballers  Thierry Henry  Patrick Vieira  Zinedine Zidane  Claude Makelele  Lilian Thuram –Jose Antonio Reyes –Julio Baptista

15 Year 4  IU 4.1 Learn about festivals and celebrations in different cultures  Learn how children of different cultures celebrate special days  Identify similarities and differences  Learn simple phrases to celebrate festivals, drawing on the experience of fellow pupils where possible

16 christmas.htm

17 La piñata –Dale, dale, dale, –No pierdas el tiro –Porque si lo pierdes –pierdes el camino. –Dale, dale, dale –Dale y no le dio –Quítenle la venda –¡Porque sigo yo! –¡Se Acabó! –¡Sigo yo!  which translates as: –Hit it, hit it, hit it (or Go, go, go) –Don't lose your aim –Because if you lose it (your aim) –You will lose the path. (or road) –Hit it, hit it, hit it (or Go, go, go) –Hit it, He didn't hit it –Take away his blindfold –Because it's now my turn! –I'm next!

18 Ideas  Tomar un mate  Fondue  Tapas  Omlette  Les crêpes – link with ‘Pâques’.

19 IU 4.2 Know about some aspects of everyday life and compare them to their own  Compare pastimes of children of different cultures and countries  Exchange information with a partner school, e.g. sports, hobbies

20 French Market

21 Year 4  IU 4.3 Compare traditional stories  Compare characteristics of simple stories between cultures  Look at the writing system of the language

22 Comparing Traditional tales  The Grimm Brothers' - English and German –  French Traditional tales – – –

23 Year 5  IU 5.1 Compare symbols, objects or products which represent their own culture with those of another country  Learn about symbols representing their own country, culture and community  Learn about symbols and products from another country and culture

24 The shoe box  Create two shoeboxes:  one which you feel represents your culture  Another which represents the culture of the partner school  Send it to your partner school  Get them to do the same  A discussion will arise that confronts the stereotypes

25 Qu’est-ce que tu penses?…  IU 6.3 Present information about an aspect of culture  Perform songs, plays, dances  Use ICT to present information having a greater sense of audience  La musique 


27 ¿ Qué piensas de…?  Football  Food  TV  Racism  Environmental issues

28 Blogging…  


30 ¡Salsa!

31 What and where does the music make you think of?

32 Year 5  Recognise how symbols, products, objects can represent the culture/cultures of a country  Recognise how aspects of the culture of different countries become incorporated into the daily life of others

33 This could be you!

34 Contredanse?

35 Hispañola Saint Domingue (Haiti) Santo Domingo(Dominican Republic) Hispañola Saint Domingue (Haiti) Santo Domingo(Dominican Republic)

36 The slave trade

37 Hispañola Saint Domingue (Haiti) Santo Domingo(Dominican Republic) Hispañola Saint Domingue (Haiti) Santo Domingo(Dominican Republic)

38 Cuba

39 Jazz movement

40 Cuba

41 Cuba

42 Escape…

43 Puerto Rico

44 Ricky Martin

45 Borrowed words What Spanish words do you know that are used in dance steps?

46 Spanish Words Dance  Salsa – sauce, spice  Los Pasos – steps  Un paso doble – double step  Merengue – meringue  Cucaracha – cockroach  Sabor – flavour  Enchufa – fit together, join or plug in.

47 Los Pasos  Salsa is best grouped in pairs of 4-beat patterns counted "1-2-3-... -5-6-7-...". The leader starts on count 1 by stepping with the left foot.  On count 2 and 3, they step with right and left, respectively. On count 4, the lead pauses or makes an optional tap with the right foot. On counts 5, 6, and 7, they step with right, left, and right, respectively, again followed by a pause on count 8.

48 ¡Vamos!

49 Year 6  IU 6.3 Present information about an aspect of culture –Perform songs, plays, dances –Use ICT to present information having a greater sense of audience


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