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ChE 333 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I January 13, 2011 Instructors Dr. J. Soltan Dr. C. Kotikalapudi.

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Presentation on theme: "ChE 333 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I January 13, 2011 Instructors Dr. J. Soltan Dr. C. Kotikalapudi."— Presentation transcript:

1 ChE 333 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I January 13, 2011 Instructors Dr. J. Soltan Dr. C. Kotikalapudi

2 Contact info Instructors: Dr. J. Soltan –Engineering 1C117 –; ph: 966-5449 Dr. C. Kotikalapudi -Engineering 1C145; ph:966-6511

3 Contact Info Coordinator: Dale Claude –Engineering 1D43 –; ph: 966-4707

4 Contact info Demonstrator/TA: Glyn Kennell –Engineering 0D137 – Demonstrator/TA: Francisco Sanchez –Engineering 1C103 –

5 Course information Website: Lab location: Engineering 1D25 Lab time –Monday 14:30 – 17:30 –Thursday 13:00 – 16:00

6 Text: - ChE 333.2 Laboratory Manual (available online on the course website) - S. Jeter, J. Donnell. (2004) Writing style and standards in undergraduate reports Office Hours: open door / email

7 What Labs ? Fluid Friction in Pipes, Valves and Fittings Ion Exchange in Water Softening Viscosity Centrifugal Pump Fluid Metering

8 What Courses related? 1. Fluid Friction in Pipes, Valves and Fittings: CHE 210, 320 (Fluid Mechanics) 2. Ion Exchange in Water Softening: 3. Viscosity: CHE 210,320 (Fluid Mechanics) 4. Centrifugal Pump: CHE 210, 320 (Fluid Mechanics) 5. Fluid Metering:

9 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Develop skills in - Equipment operation - Data recording - Analysis of the data using academic theory - Technical report writing in the selected typical Chem. Eng. processes

10 Marking Lab performance: (4X2.5%) Lab notebook: 10% Technical letters: (2X10%) Brief report: 25% Formal report: 35% Overall mark: 100% No exam 90 - 10080 - 8970-7960-6950-59<50 ExceptionalExcellentGoodSatisfactoryMinimal PassFailure

11 Plagiarism is DEFINITELY NOT acceptable! – Copy other people’s report – Citing without referencing the source Plagiarism results in 0 mark for the report Be aware of & Follow the new University of Saskatchewan Academic Honesty/Dishonesty definitions, rules and procedures

12 Due Date and Overdue Penalty Due date for the reports: - 2 weeks after the experiment date. - The date of submission is counted by the date on which the hard copies of your reports are handed in to and signed by Dale Claude. AND - Electronic copies of the reports must be sent to both Dale and instructor by email on the same day for verification. - When submission on weekends, the date of submission of reports by email can be counted, however, the hardcopies of your reports must be handed in to Dale on the following Monday to avoid extra delay penalty. - 7 “free” late hand-in days for the whole course - Must indicate on your reports when use it to avoid late penalty.

13 Due Date and Overdue Penalty Penalty - 10% of the full marks of each report per week (1.4%/day, including weekends, but not including other statuary Holidays) will be deducted from the late reports. - Submissions including lab notebooks will NOT be accepted after April 8, 2011.

14 Requirements Lab performance Write-ups: technical writing Fundamentals of each lab

15 Laboratory procedure (This slide is courtesy to J. Wiens’ ChE333 Conference Notes 2007) 2 weeks

16 Lab performance Be prepared for: Objectives Theory / knowledge Design of experiment Parameters to be measured Apparatuses, procedures and principles Find out: what to learn Initiate the contact for the pre-lab help with the demonstrators & the lab coordinator

17 Lab performance Follow the experimental procedures Record observations in Lab Notebook Test the validity of data and/or results Pay attention to SAFETY issues – personnel – equipment During the experiments:

18 Write-ups / Reports Technical memo Brief report Formal report Lab notebook: during the experiments

19 Write-ups / Reports Evaluate - understanding from the experimental labs. - technical writing skills  Technical content: academic theory, results.  Writing: organized, neat  Language: no grammar or typographic error  Communication: clearly delivery

20 Write-ups / Reports One student is required to hand in –2 technical letters –1 brief report –1 formal report –1 lab notebook

21 Write-ups / Reports No repetition in each group for –formal report –brief report –technical letters

22 Write-ups / Reports YouYour partner Tech. lettersLabs A and BLabs C and D Brief reportLab CLab A Formal reportLab DLab B Lab notebookLabs A,B,C,D In one group, you may label the 4 labs by A, B, C, and D in your own order. Each member of the group should keep the same order.

23 Lab Notebook No sheets of paper Permanently bounded & recorded Briefly outline the title, date performed, names of group members, objectives, apparatus, experimental conditions and procedures before labs Suggest making table for recording data Record clearly all original observations, simple calculations of data, & graphs or tables showing salient conclusions from the experiments. MUST be examined, dated and initialed by the TAs before leaving the laboratory

24 Refer to ChE 333 class website for RULES FOR LABORTORY NOTEBOOKS Submit the lab notebook at the end of the term for marking Lab Notebook

25 Technical Memorandum Body of text: maximum two pages (single spaced) Introduction - concise introduction of the system used - a brief statement of the objectives of the experiment - a general description of the procedure followed Results - discussions and comparison of all required results with values from literature - major equations used, but not mixed with text in the same paragraph - a brief table of results or major graphs attached to support the conclusions. Conclusions and recommendations Sign your memo on the last page below the text

26 To: From: (your name, group X) Re: (Lab name) Date: (of the preparation of the memo) Your group logo ( optional ) The text of memo is put here below the line.

27 ChE 414 - TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM GRADE SHEET Student: ______________________________________ Experiment: ______________________________________ Due Date: ___/___/___ Date Rec’d: ___/___/___ Late Penalty: ___ % MAXMARK PRESENTATION (FORMAT) 3 READABILITY3 TECHNICAL CONTENT (RESULTS & CONCL.) 4 Total10

28 Formal Technical Report (double spaced) –Title page and Table of Contents –Abstract –Table of contents, table of figures, table of tables –Introduction –Review of theory or literature –Experimental Section: apparatus and procedure –Results and Discussion –Conclusions –Recommendations –Nomenclature –References –Appendices

29 Formal Technical Report Title page Course number Name (Your name and state the partner’s name) Lab title Prepared for (instructor’s name) Date lab done Date report due Table of contents

30 Formal Technical Report Abstract State briefly the purpose of the investigation Describe briefly how the results are obtained Give all required results in a concise and quantitative format if possible. Use words, no tables, figures and equations Normally no more than 250 words.

31 Formal Technical Report Introduction Include information on the subject of the investigation and its importance in industry Cite the references; Describe clearly the objectives of the lab.

32 Formal Technical Report Literature review or theory Provide sufficient theoretical background to the particular experiments Develop the equations or models to correlate your experimental data. Number the equations. detailed derivation placed in Appendix Describe how to obtain the model parameters and predict the particular system Cite the references

33 Formal Technical Report Apparatus and Experimental Procedures Specify the main apparatuses used make, model and use Describe the procedures Highlight important experimental conditions Give the names of quality of the materials. Make sure other people can repeat your work and obtain the same results if they follow your description.

34 Formal Technical Report Results and Discussions Present the significant experiment results required in the Lab Manual in words and graphs. State the data treatment processes and the outcomes. Discuss the results of experiments and model simulations or predictions. Compare your results with that in literatures if available. Logically discuss and lead to conclusions.

35 Attention Consistent format The unit for every parameters in the equations has to be conformed. Figures or Tables in the body of text –Titles of figures, axes, and tables –Briefly state the experimental conditions –Experimental data: represented by unique symbol for each group of data in figures –Modeling curves: different lines with legends –Show model significance when fitting models

36 Modeling the effect of IS on Cr uptakes 40±1 mg AWUS, 20±0.2 mL solution error bar: 95% confidence interval

37 Formal Technical Report Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions should be summarized following the discussions. Lists your suggestions on how we can improve the labs.

38 Formal Technical Report Nomenclature Completely lists the symbols that appear in your report, their definition and unit in a professional and consistent format. Refer to a published paper.

39 Formal Technical Report References Completely lists every reference cited, mentioned or used in the text of the report in a professional and consistent format. Follows either the number order or the alphabetical order.

40 Formal Technical Report Reference format examples In the text: ……Adams concluded that …… 1. However, that conclusion may be suspicious because …… 2 In the Reference section: References 1. Adams, A. B. title of publication. …… 2. Cook, H. M., Author #2, …… Ref: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research or in the text: It was concluded ( Adams, 2001) that ……. However, that conclusion may be suspicious (Davis and Volesky, 2001) because ……(Niu, et. al., 2005) References Adams, A. B. year, title of publication, publisher, page (book) Davis, T. and B. Volesky, year, title of paper, volume, issue, pages (paper) Niu, C., M. Huang and B.Volesky, year …. Ref: Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

41 Formal Technical Report Appendices Raw data (neat with tables) Calculated data Sample calculation (using a set of data to show the steps of calculations) Tables and Figures

42 Appendices (Courtesy to Jason Wiens’ ChE333 Conference Notes 2007) Raw & Calculated data in tables Sample Calculations For example 1. Calculation of the volumetric flow rate of air through the absorption column Descriptive title Keep units Equation used Result with proper sig figs

43 Brief Technical Report –Title page and Table of contents –Summary a brief introduction stating the nature and purpose of the investigation a brief explanation of the procedures and apparatuses a summary of all the required most significant quantitative results –Results and Discussion: include major graphs or tables The most important theory should be mentioned here. –Conclusions –Nomenclature –Recommendations –Appendices: raw and calculated data and a sample calculation Absence of abstract, introduction, theory/literature review, materials and methods sections. No more than 15 pages (double spaced).

44 A good report Careful measurements Correct calculations Understanding and use of the theory or models Logical discussions Correct conclusions Organized Clarity No grammar & typographical errors References

45 Important dates 17 Jan: First day of labs 18 Jan: Last day for making changes in registration for second-term classes 21-26 Feb: No classes, Midterm break 15 March: Last day for withdrawing from second-term classes without academic penalty 8 Apr: Last day of classes 8 Apr: Last day to hand in laboratory reports and laboratory notebooks for marking

46 Summary Academic theory understanding Lab performance WRITEUPS Successful!

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