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Libraries, We Mean Business: Best Ideas from LJ’s Best Business Books of the Year February 16, 2012 Presented by: Chris Brown, Lisa Dale, Deborah Lipoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Libraries, We Mean Business: Best Ideas from LJ’s Best Business Books of the Year February 16, 2012 Presented by: Chris Brown, Lisa Dale, Deborah Lipoma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libraries, We Mean Business: Best Ideas from LJ’s Best Business Books of the Year February 16, 2012 Presented by: Chris Brown, Lisa Dale, Deborah Lipoma Infopeople webinars are supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

2 How Do You Keep Up?

3 Library Journal’s Best Business Books 483/lj_best_business_books_2010.html.csp Management & Leadership Organizational Dynamics MarketingSuccess

4 Management & Leadership

5 Good Boss, Bad Boss by Robert Sutton How to Learn from the Worst How to Be the Best…

6 Create effective and humane workplaces

7 Strive to be wise Listen, really listen Observe and question Seek balance between courage and humility

8 Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down By Vineet Nayar

9 The Value Zone The Inverted Pyramid

10 Inverting the Organizational Pyramid U + I Smart Service Desk Performance Review Directions Meetings

11 The Intangibles of Leadership: The Ten Qualities of Superior Executive Performance By Richard A. Davis

12 Wisdom Fortitude Integrity Presence Will Self-Insight Executive Maturity Fallibility Social Judgment Self-Efficacy

13 Marketing

14 The wired brain…


16 28 minutes each day

17 Increase dwell time

18 Find your users’ triggers

19 Reduce time and effort to access QR codes make the library mobile! - QR codes on buses link to audiobooks - QR codes link to recommended reads

20 Referral Engine by John Jantsch

21 Create Convergence

22 Strategic Relationships Add value Generate referrals Introduce new users

23 Throw a Party

24 Organizational Dynamics

25 Profit at the Bottom of the Ladder: Creating Value by Investing in Your Workforce By Jody Heymann and Magda Barrera


27 Blueprint for Effective Change Provide Incentives Support Employee Health Train Communicate Openly

28 What’s a mesh business? And why would a library care? Stuff that can be shared ALOT Web networks to track usage and customers Delivery of service relevant Offers mainly communicated by word of mouth

29 the mesh in libraries Relevant delivery through an online library Collected data benefits museum partners Software shareable across numerous ILSs Over 13,000 museum and cultural visits!

30 Switch by Chip and Dan Heath

31 Two Essentials of Change Leadership Influence environment Influence heart and mind

32 Direct the Rider

33 Motivate the Elephant

34 Shape the Path

35 Success

36 Good ideas shot down? Create buy-in!

37 Let the attackers in!

38 Sure we can look at your data, again…

39 R-E-S-P-E-C-T

40 FAIL Focus on the majority

41 Are you prepared?

42 Wrap Up


44 Questions? Questions?

45 Chris Brown, Contra Costa Public Library Lisa Dale, Placer County Library Deborah Lipoma, Santa Cruz Public Library

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