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24/05/2015 1 Embedded Computing Modules and Software from Hitex Dale Fittes Technical Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "24/05/2015 1 Embedded Computing Modules and Software from Hitex Dale Fittes Technical Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 24/05/2015 1 Embedded Computing Modules and Software from Hitex Dale Fittes Technical Specialist

2 Make vs Buy COTS – Components off the Shelf Hardware and software Increasing complexity – BGA packages MicroVIAs Time – to –Market Skills and expertise, training Capital equipment, CAD, assembly. Obsolescence 24/05/2015 2 Embedded Computing Modules

3 24/05/2015 3 Partners Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Turkey

4 24/05/2015 4 Hitex UK One-Stop Shop

5 24/05/2015 5 Starter Kits - Hardware, Software & Documentation

6 OEM Modules “Big Chip” approach OEM Module + Baseboard Reduces Risk Improves Time-to-Market Upgradeability/ Migration path Open Design Customisable 24/05/2015 6

7 Supported Architectures: ARM 7, ARM 9, LPC2xxx XScale PXA255/270 PowerPC Renesas Super-H, SH3, SH4 Intel x86 / AMD SC520 Infineon 16X, TriCORE ST10 8051 family NXP XAC3, XAG49 FPGA – Xilinx Virtex4,Spartan3 24/05/2015 7

8 Software Environments: Linux QNX WindRiver VxWorks Threadex Embedded Windows, CE, XPE Ardence RTX Real-Time Windows CMX RTOS Keil RTX for ARM 24/05/2015 8 RTOS Middleware OpenSplice DDS OpenFUSION CORBA SDR Software Defined Radio

9 Phytec miniModules Infineon 16X, TriCORE ST10 NXP XAC3, XAG49 PXA 255/270 ARM 7, ARM 9 LPC229X Intel x86 / AMD SC520 Power PC MPC 555, 565 24/05/2015 9

10 Focus on Power PC Products from Phytec PhyCORE MPC 555 –40Mhz CPU, 4MB RAM, 4MB Flash PhyCORE MPC565 –40/56 MHz CPU, 2MB Burst SRAM, 2MB Flash 24/05/2015 10 MiniMODULES: Starter Kits, Baseboards & Software also available

11 TQ MiniMODULES Infineon C16X / TriCORE Intel/AMD x86 Freescale Power PC (PowerQUICC) Xilinx FPGA – Virtex 4, Virtex 5, Spartan 3 Power PC Sparc 8051 OpenRISC1000 24/05/2015 11 Supported Architectures

12 24/05/2015 12 Focus on Power PC Products from TQ Components PowerQUICC 1 – MPC823, 850, 855, 857, 862, 866 PowerQUICC 2 – MPC 8255, 8260, 8265, 8270, 8280 PowerQUICC 3 – MPC 8540, 8541,8555, 8548, 8560,8347L,8349L MPC5200/5200S family Hydra XC – Xilinx Virtex 4FX and Virtex 5 FPGA MiniMODULES: - Starter Kits, Baseboards & Software also available

13 In Summary, what does Hitex offer? OEM Modules for a wide range of CPU Architectures Baseboards, Starter Kits 24/05/2015 13 Technical Support Design-In Assistance Training Consultancy Custom Design Services Backed up by: RTOS, BSPs and Device DriversSoftware : Hardware:

14 24/05/2015 14 Contacting Hitex UK Hitex UK Warwick University Science Park COVENTRY CV4 7EZ Tel: 024 7669 2066 Fax: 024 7669 2131 email:

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