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PAKOMAK DOO Company for packaging and packaging waste management INFORMAL COLLECTION- Macedonia Case EXPRA/ISWA, Bucharest, October 2014 Filip Ivanovski.

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Presentation on theme: "PAKOMAK DOO Company for packaging and packaging waste management INFORMAL COLLECTION- Macedonia Case EXPRA/ISWA, Bucharest, October 2014 Filip Ivanovski."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAKOMAK DOO Company for packaging and packaging waste management INFORMAL COLLECTION- Macedonia Case EXPRA/ISWA, Bucharest, October 2014 Filip Ivanovski

2 Basic Data Founded: 03.12.2010 Address: blv. Partizanski Odredi, Porta Vlae Blok 4 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia Founders: 1.Pivara Skopje AD - Skopje 2.Prilepska Pivarnica AD - Prilep 3.Vitaminka AD - Prilep 4.Pelisterka DOO - Skopje 5.Magroni DOO - Skopje 6.Koding Dooel - Kavadarci 7.Kozuvcanka DOO - Kavadarci 8.Vivaks Dooel - Skopje 9.Blagoj Gjorev AD - Veles 10.VV Tikves AD - Kavadarci 11.VV Stobi AD - Rosoman Population: 2,1 million Total Packaging Waste 2013: 106.000 tons annual License granted by the Ministry: 10.01.2011

3 Basic Data Estimated fractions of packaging waste in Macedonia: Paper37-41% of the total volume Plastic32-35% Glass17-20% Metal3-5% Composites3-5% Wood7-10%. In Macedonia the average is 50 kg packaging waste/capita or 105-110.000 tons/annually. The total waste (all types) per capita in Macedonia is estimated at cc.300-330 kg/capita/year and 15-17% of that as packaging waste.

4 201120122013 Licensed PW 42.09040.55740.100 Collected PW 6.1987.5959.225 (%) of collection 14,718,724,2 Operational activities- Pakomak


6 PAKOMAK together with city of Skopje placed over 500 different containers of for PET bottles during past 2 years. They were demolished in a time of couple of weeks Informal collection activities

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10 The estimation is that in Macedonia there are active more than 5.000 informal collectors of packaging waste. The number is estimated by the various NGO and humanitarian organizations. The influence of informal collection over PAKOMAK collective scheme is devastating. All containers and bins are broken and are being constantly emptied Perception of citizens about the effectiveness of separate selection system is becoming negative and demotivate them. Possibility of health-hazard issues and increased littering around containers No traceability and systematic and planned collection

11 Comparison of collected packaging waste. Private operators vs. Public operators 2014 (tons) Informal collectors provide more than 80% of plastic and cardboard in the system of private waste operators, the rest in their systems are from the industry. Informal collection activities

12 Increasing involvement of all Government and Municipalities institutions is required, in order to start even small but very important changes regarding scavenging. Real public debate and actions in order to overcome this very painful social issue once for all, including EPR schemes, Waste operators, NGO, Ministries, Local authorities... Pilot projects in few Municipalities to integrate them Informal collectors Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministry of Environment Ministry of Interior Affairs EPR schemes NGO’s Waste operators Integration of informal collection Ministry of Health Local Authorities

13 Contracts with municipalities for collection and services Collection and transport of the waste to the sorting plants Sorting of the waste to be prepared for recycling Transport to the recycling plant Sale of the waste Fee from the industry Movement of the waste Income Financing activities Organization of managing packaging waste

14 Thank you!

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