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BRAZOS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Dobbin 345 Project David Albers, P.E. Manager – System Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "BRAZOS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Dobbin 345 Project David Albers, P.E. Manager – System Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRAZOS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Dobbin 345 Project David Albers, P.E. Manager – System Planning

2 Project Description - Background Construct the Dobbin 345 kV switching station in CenterPoint’s Roans Prairie to Kuykendahl 345 kV line and associated 138 kV facilities to serve as the backbone transmission network to connect existing, new and future load serving substations. It is anticipated that this project will take a number of years to complete in various phases in cooperation with other entities including LCRA TSC, CenterPoint, San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Entergy, Mid-South Synergy, and Bryan Texas Utilities. The area under study is located in Montgomery, Grimes, Waller, and Brazos counties.



5 Project Purpose Provide a reliable transmission system for continued load growth in Mid South Synergy’s service area in and around the Conroe area to the north of the Woodlands. Provide for improved transmission service to Mid South Synergy’s customers by moving load serving substations onto ERCOT transmission facilities off of Entergy. Provide a reliable source to serve future load in San Bernard’s service territory to the north of the Macedonia substation.

6 Purpose cont. Provide transmission service to a new Mid South Synergy load serving substation to the southeast of the Bryan/College Station area along Highway 6 and to any future possible substations. Provide a third transmission circuit into a significant load area in Grimes and Waller counties with connection to the LCRA Macedonia substation. Provide a means for increased connectivity between ERCOT and Entergy to allow quicker restoration of load during emergency conditions to help satisfy PURA.

7 Load forecast Substation 20092009/2010201120122013201420152016 KW DEER LAKE 9392967499641026310571 DOBBIN1246015700151621561716086165681706517577 FISH CREEK 137003780111457333849210657138276002 FISH CREEK 2 10500 HIGHWAY 6 51345288 SOTA71709510912894029684997470487259 SPRING BRANCH57509440920494809765100581036010670 HOCKLEY56000 616006480065600680007050073100 MACEDONIA17600 183001910019800206002140022200 SEAWAY15900 147001490015100153001550015800

8 Cost Analysis ($ in millions) 345/138 kV Dobbin switching station$12.0 7.2-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV Dobbin to San Bernard tap$3.9 7.5-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV San Bernard tap to Sota$4.1 12-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV Sota to Highway 6$6.5 5-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV Highway 6 to Millican$2.7 15.6-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV Dobbin to Fish Creek $8.4 16-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV San Bernard tap to Macedonia $8.6 138 kV Switching station$2.7 4-mile, 959 ACSS, 138 kV Millican to Wellborn$2.2 Total$51.1 Note: Cost estimates shown above are based on most recent costs for new transmission line construction plus a 3% adder per year for inflation and include a 20% adder for R.O.W.

9 Alternatives Considered Radial service –Radial to new Hwy 6 substation from BTU 69 kV line. –Radial 138 line from LCRA to Mid South substations. –Radial 138 line from new Dobbin auto station. Entergy options –Rebuild existing circuits for double circuit ERCOT/Entergy operation. –Purchase Entergy facilities, move to ERCOT. –Move Entergy facilities to ERCOT.

10 Review of Comments/Concerns Economically justifiable? Congestion Impact? Cost Recovery? RPG approval?

11 Questions?

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