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28. Preventive Diplomacy and Preventive Deployment.

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1 28. Preventive Diplomacy and Preventive Deployment

2 Learning objectives: – Familiar with the key concepts of conflict prevention – Familiar with UN preventive diplomacy instruments – Understand the obstacles facing preventive diplomacy – Familiar with Preventive Deployment

3 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention Initiatives designed to pre-empt the outbreak of violence

4 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention Operational and Structural prevention

5 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention Forecasting problem Evaluation problem Publicity problem

6 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention The UN and Conflict Prevention “To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace,”

7 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention The example of Bahrain

8 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention The shift toward Structural Prevention The 1995 publication “Strengthening of the United Nations System Capacity for Conflict Prevention” called for a “comprehensive conflict prevention strategy” directed at poverty and underdevelopment. The key to averting conflicts was “sustainable human development…and integrated approach to human security.”

9 28.1. The Concept of Conflict Prevention The shift toward Structural Prevention 2000 Millennium Report noted: “there is near- universal agreement that prevention is preferable to cure, and that strategies of prevention must address the root causes of conflicts, not simply their violent symptoms.”

10 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy “actions to prevent disputes from arising between parties, to prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflict and to limit the spread of the latter when they occur.” Agenda for Peace

11 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy Confidence-Building Measures

12 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy Fact Finding

13 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy Early Warning

14 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy Demilitarized Zones – Korea – Golan Heights

15 28.2. The UN and Preventive Diplomacy Sanctions and Embargoes

16 28.3. Political and Organizational Obstacles Political

17 28.3. Political and Organizational Obstacles Organizational

18 28.4. Preventive Deployment The deployment of military or police personnel in volatile areas with the aim of preventing the escalation of a conflict

19 28.4. Preventive Deployment Circumstances: – in conditions of national crisis there could be preventive deployment at the request of the Government or all parties concerned, or with their consent – in inter-state disputes such deployment could take place when two countries feel that a United Nations presence on both sides of their border can discourage hostilities – preventive deployment could take place when a country feels threatened and requests the deployment of an appropriate United Nations presence along its side of the border alone.

20 28.4. Preventive Deployment Preventive Deployment and Macedonia (1992) Macedonian president Kiro Gligorov requests UN assistance in preventing the spillover of conflict in the former Yugoslavia to Macedonia

21 28.4. Preventive Deployment On 11 December 1992 the UNSC added a Macedonian Command on to UNPROFOR: this was known as UNPROFOR-MC

22 28.4. Preventive Deployment On 11 December 1992 the UNSC added a Macedonian Command on to UNPROFOR: this was known as UNPROFOR-MC In 1995 the mission was renamed the UN Preventive Force Deployment (Force) (UNPREDEP)

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