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Published byKelly Allen Modified over 9 years ago
1 Lesson 24 Acts, Chapter 16
2 Time Frame (Acts 16) Paul’s second missionary journey, covered in Acts 15:40 – Acts 14:18:22 Second missionary journey covered about 4 years. A.D. 50-54. The Macedonian churches were established during this time. At the close of this tour, Paul and Barnabas sail to Caeserea (18:22)
3 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:40 – 18:22) 50-54 A.D. Antioch Troas Lystra Derbe SYRIA MACEDONIA Jerusalem Amphipolis Apollonia Philippi Thessalonica Berea Athens Corinth Cenchrea Ephesus Caesarea
4 Timothy Circumcised (1-5) 1 Paul and Silas come to Derbe and Lystra (1) Churches there established during the first missionary journey
5 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:40 – 18:22) 50-54 A.D. Antioch Troas Lystra Derbe SYRIA MACEDONIA Jerusalem Amphipolis Apollonia Philippi Thessalonica Berea Athens Corinth Cenchrea Ephesus Caesarea
6 Timothy Circumcised (1-5) 1 Paul and Silas come to Derbe and Lystra (1) Churches there established during the first missionary journey Paul meets up with Timothy, a young disciple, whose mother is Jewish (Eunice, 2 Tim. 1:5), and whose father is Greek Timothy had a good reputation (2) Note that he had been educated well by his mother and grandmother (cf. 2 Tim. 1:5)
7 Timothy Circumcised (1-5) 2 Paul desired Timothy to accompany them on their journey (3-5) Had him circumcised (part Jew) to appease the Jews in the region (3) Note: circumcision had nothing to do with his salvation. Only to solidify Timothy’s standing as a Jew, among the Jews. Passed through the cities, taking the decree (15:23-29) and strengthening the churches. (those established on first journey)
8 The Macedonian Call (6-10) 1 The Holy Spirit directed Paul’s company to Macedonia (1-2) Forbidden to preach the gospel in Asia (6) Not permitted to go into Bithynia (7) Note: Even today, God’s providence has a hand in our opportunities to preach the truth of the gospel (cf. Acts 8, Phillip). They traveled to Troas, where Paul received a vision from God, in the night. (8-9)
9 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:40 – 18:22) 50-54 A.D. Antioch Troas Lystra Derbe SYRIA MACEDONIA Jerusalem Amphipolis Apollonia Philippi Thessolonica Berea Athens Corinth Cenchrea Ephesus Caesarea
10 The Macedonian Call (6-10) 2 The Vision in Troas (9-10) A man of Macedonia pleads with Paul to come there to help (9) The conclusion of Paul and his companions, “the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them” (10) They did not hesitate, and immediately made provisions to sail from Troas to the region of Macedonia
11 The Conversion of Lydia (11-15) 1 Paul travels to Philippi (11-12) Lands in Samothrace, then to Neapolis, then to Philippi.
12 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:40 – 18:22) 50-54 A.D. Antioch Troas Lystra Derbe SYRIA MACEDONIA Jerusalem Amphipolis Apollonia Philippi Thessolonica Berea Athens Corinth Cenchrea Ephesus Caesarea Philippi named after Philip of Macedon. An important city, a Roman colony. (i.e. – a military position for the defense of the empire on the frontier. The lack of Jews in Philippi may be because of its status as a Roman colony.
13 The Conversion of Lydia (11-15) 1 Paul travels to Philippi (11-12) Lands in Samothrace, then to Neapolis, then to Philippi. Paul goes to preach at the riverside outside of the city (13) The fact that prayer was made there indicates that there was no synagogue If less than 10 Jewish men in a community, no synagogue was allowed by Jewish custom.
14 The Conversion of Lydia (11-15) 2 Paul speaks to the women at the place of prayer, and meets Lydia (13-14) Lydia a seller of purple from Thyatira (14) Probable that Lydia was a proselyte, and may have tried to remain true to her new faith even as the Jews were expelled from the city by the decree of Claudius (49 A.D.). The Lord opened Lydia’s Heart (14) Note: It has been clearly established that the Lord works through the Word to open the hearts of men! (cf. Romans 1:16)
15 The Conversion of Lydia (11-15) 3 Lydia and her household were baptized (15) Note: Servants and family, not necessarily infants. Baptism is for believers (cf. Mark 16:16), this text in no way authorizes or intimates infant baptism Lydia prevailed upon Paul and his companions to say with her (15)
16 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 1 Paul continues to go to the river for prayer. (16) Slave girl (demon possessed) “Python Spirit” (Oracle at Delphi) Brought her masters great profit by her fortune telling Note: God consistently condemns anything associated with the occult (cf. Gal. 5:20) Her proclamation was not faith sustaining, though the words may have been accurate.
17 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 2 Paul cast out the demon from the girl (18) Paul was ‘greatly annoyed’ at the persistence of the demon (18) “in the name of Jesus Christ” (by His authority) resulting in instant expulsion The masters of the slave girl were angry at their loss of income (19). Note: Two examples of Gentile persecution (cf. 19:23ff), both motivated by greed
18 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 3 Accusations of the Slave owners (20) Paul and Silas were dragged before the magistrates. Called Jews (possibly to disparage them before the magistrates). Accused of troubling city Accused of proselytizing (both maybe true) Paul and Silas were stripped, and beaten with rods (cf. 1 Thess. 2:2)
19 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 4 Charge given to the Jailor (23) Keep them securely. (Note: The jailor could pay with his life for letting such prisoners escape) He put their feet in stocks, and put them into the inner prison Paul and Silas in the inner prison (25) Singing and Praying (despite the difficult circumstances) Prisoners listened (gk. indicates eagerly)
20 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 5 A Great Earthquake (26) Indicates God’s power over creation Doors opened (would be common during an earthquake) Chains loosed (obviously a miracle) The Jailor’s Dilemma (27) Awoke, supposed the prisoners escaped (reasonable assumption) Determined to kill himself with a sword
21 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 6 Paul’s Sermon (26-32) First, assured the jailor that the prisoners had not escaped (28) Jailor recognized the significance of the event, kneeling before Paul and Silas (29) The Jailor’s question was a reference to his spiritual salvation (30-31) Faith is necessary to salvation (cf. John 3:16) Paul and Silas preached (32) (cf. Romans 10:17)
22 The Conversion of the Jailor (16-34) 7 Response to the Gospel (33-34) Washing of stripes the act of a penitent (33) Response in faith includes Baptism (33) (cf. Acts 8:35-38) Note: The baptisms were done “immediately” Note: The rejoicing commenced AFTER the baptisms
23 Paul Refuses to Leave Philippi in Secret (35-40) 1 Jailor related the magistrates decision to release Paul and Silas (35- 36) Paul objects to his treatment, based upon his Roman citizenship (37-39) It was unlawful to beat and imprison a Roman citizen without due process Paul made this same appeal to the centurion in Jerusalem (cf. 22:25-29)
24 Paul Refuses to Leave Philippi in Secret (35-40) 2 Paul and Silas released from prison (40) Went back to the house of Lydia Encouraged the brethren before departing (to Thessalonica, cf. 17:1)
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