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3.10 The Road to Persia. The Rule of Sparta After the Peloponnesian War, Sparta tried to dominate the other Greek city-states like Athens did In reaction.

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Presentation on theme: "3.10 The Road to Persia. The Rule of Sparta After the Peloponnesian War, Sparta tried to dominate the other Greek city-states like Athens did In reaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.10 The Road to Persia

2 The Rule of Sparta After the Peloponnesian War, Sparta tried to dominate the other Greek city-states like Athens did In reaction to this, new alliance were made against Sparta

3 The Rule of Sparta For a brief time, Thebes defeated the Spartans and assumed Greek leadership It was able to do this with the advancements of new military tactics

4 The Rule of Sparta Theban dominance ended with the death of its best general Opening the door for the Macedonians

5 Philip of Macedonia The key figure in Macedonia in the battles with the Greeks was Philip the Great As a hostage in Thebes for three years, he had learned the new tactics of the Thebans

6 Philip of Macedonia He created a professional army with a strong cavalry and more flexible units on the battlefield Philip was able to unite his country, and also defeat the Greeks at the Battle of Chaeronaea in 338 BCE

7 Philip of Macedonia For the first time, all mainland Greeks were under the rule of a single leader It is likely that Philip had planned on turning the Greeks against their old enemies the Persians, but Philip was killed by one of his own officers at a wedding celebration.

8 Alexander the Great After Philip’s death, rule fell to his 20 year old son Alexander He was a student of Aristotle and one of the most successful military leaders the world has known In 334 BCE Alexander set out to conquer the Persians

9 Alexander the Great He conquered as far east as India with a relatively small army of 35 000 foot soldiers With the Persians defeated in 331 BCE all of the land and wealth of the Persians fell into Alexander’s hands This was not enough

10 Alexander the Great Alexander was determined to make a better empire out of all these foreign peoples How did he do this?

11 Alexander the Great 1.He tried to make Greek culture and language a kind of common uniting force 2.He also respected the customs and laws of the peoples that he had conquered

12 Alexander the Great 3.Also encouraged all of the leaders of the conquered lands to help him rule the various parts of his empire Alexander died before his 33 rd birthday due to an illness

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