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3i Programme PSC Steering Committee Meeting, 20-22 May 2014, Bahrain.

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Presentation on theme: "3i Programme PSC Steering Committee Meeting, 20-22 May 2014, Bahrain."— Presentation transcript:

1 3i Programme PSC Steering Committee Meeting, 20-22 May 2014, Bahrain

2 3i Programme Presentation Plan 2 3i Results3i Value & Benefits3i Plans 2014-20163i Lessons Learned & Way Forward SAI PMF

3 3i Programme 3i Results Framework 3 1.Development of Global Public Goods 2.ISSAI Certification Programmes 3.ISSAI Knowledge Network/Community of Practice 4.ISSAI Based Cooperative Audits 5.SAI level ISSAI Implementation Startup

4 3i Programme Implementation Partners INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee Subcommittee on Financial Audit Subcommittee on Performance Audit Subcommittee on Compliance Audit INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee INTOSAI Regional bodies Participating SAIs Financing Partner – World Bank, USAiD E-learning Partner - UNITAR 4

5 3i Programme 3i Coverage AFROSAI-E-22 ASOSAI-20 EUROSAI-11 PASAI-15+2 Sub-National CAROSAI-15 OLACEFS – 19 SAIs ARABOSAI – 20 SAIs invited CREFIAF – Seeking funding 5 102 SAIs and 2 sub national audit offices

6 3i Programme iCATs – Financial, Performance & Compliance Audit 6 Available in English, Spanish and Arabic French version coming soon Revised to include Level 3 3857 iCATs downloads 35 iCATs completed by 17 SAIs 20 SAIs - iCATs are ongoing

7 3i Programme ISSAI IMPLEMENTATION HANDBOOKS 7 ISSAI Implementation Strategy ISSAI Implementation issues Setting up ISSAI based audit practice Case Study Used in ISSAI Certification Programmes 1156 downloads

8 3i Programme ISSAI Certification Programmes 8 ISSAI Experts from INTOSAI PSC subcommittees ISSAI Mentors from INTOSAI regions ISSAI Facilitators – 117 PSC-IDI certified facilitators 261 participants from 67 SAIs

9 3i Programme ISSAI Certification Programmes 9  Financial, Performance & Compliance Audit  15 week programme  Selection  Ecourse on iCATs  Ecourse on Implementing ISSAIs  3i Workshops on Facilitating ISSAI Implementation  PSC- IDI Certification

10 3i Programme ISSAI Based Cooperative Audits PASAI – Cooperative Performance Audit of Public Debt, Cooperative Financial Audit of Externally Aided Projects CAROSAI – Cooperative Performance Audit of Revenues AFROSAI-E – Cooperative Performance Audit of Extractive Industries ASOSAI – Planned for 2014-2015 10

11 3i Programme 3i Management Workshops Conducted in six INTOSAI regions 174 top managers from 96 SAIs discuss strategic issues related to ISSAI Implementation. 72 statements of commitments signed. 11

12 3i Programme 3i Community Portal 12 Launched on May 2013 Provides a platform for knowledge creation, interaction, sharing and support for ISSAI implementation 9983 visits, 5013 downloads

13 3i Programme Value and Benefits of 3i Enhanced awareness and understanding of detailed ISSAI requirements and implications of ISSAI implementation Wide stakeholder buy in and community ownership through facilitation approach and engagement with SAI leadership. Feedback mechanism to standard setting bodies in INTOSAI. Informal and formal networks and cooperation 13

14 3i Programme ISSAI Experts & Mentors 14 No.Financial AuditPerformance AuditCompliance Audit 1.Cook Islands FijiGrenada 2.Jamaica IndiaLesotho 3.Philippines LesothoSamoa 4.United Arab Emirates St. LuciaTurkey 5.AFROSAI-E Secretariat Bhutan Pakistan 6.Canada Brazil Lithuania 7.Bhutan South Africa Norway 8.Tanzania FYR Macedonia Tunisia 9.Estonia Bangladesh 10.Sweden 11.Georgia

15 3i Programme Resourcing of 3i Support from World Bank TOR with PSC and its subcommittees MOU with SAI Brazil Grant agreement with USAID for 3i in ARABOSAI Scaled up support from host SAIs Translations by SAI Mexico and SAI UAE 15

16 3i Programme 3i Plans Completion of ISSAI Certification Programmes 3i in OLACEFS & ARABOSAI in 2014-2016 Maintenance of 3i global public goods Monitoring of iCAT implementation Evaluation of Phase 1 16

17 3i Programme Way Forward Support for ISSAI implementation included in IDI’s revised mandate, endorsed by INCOSAI in October 2013 17

18 3i Programme Professional Standard Setting Monitoring and Evaluation Education - Accreditation Public Sector Audit Profession Way Forward 18

19 3i Programme Critical Mass of qualified Public Sector Audit Professionals Accreditation for Public Sector Audit Professional Lessons Learned & Way Forward 19

20 3i Programme IO 1 – Effective SAI Capacity Development Programmes In the long run ISSAI Implementation at SAI level will be possible only through a professional workforce. The IDI will partner with other INTOSAI and professional bodies to explore a range of accreditation options for SAI staff and management working in different audit streams Part of a task force of FAC to write a white paper on accreditation and certification 20

21 3i Programme Competency Framework Syllabus Developmen t & Delivery Mechanisms Evaluation of knowledge and skills Continuous Professional Education Accountabili ty Mechanism Recognition at SAI Level ? Alignment with regional initiatives ? Way Forward 21

22 3i Programme Role of SAI Leadership Leadership Development – Young SAI Leaders Programme Lessons Learned & Way Forward 22

23 3i Programme Implementation Guidance Co-branding of implementation guidance based on due process for quality assurance & maintenance Lessons Learned & Way Forward 23

24 3i Programme Common Evaluation Framework for Implementation SAI PMF adopted by INCOSAI in 2016 Lessons Learned & Way Forward 24

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