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SHARP detailed experiences, good practices identified and information on SHARP manual Hans Kupfersberger, Joanneum Research external expert to lead partner.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARP detailed experiences, good practices identified and information on SHARP manual Hans Kupfersberger, Joanneum Research external expert to lead partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARP detailed experiences, good practices identified and information on SHARP manual Hans Kupfersberger, Joanneum Research external expert to lead partner 2 nd International Conference Graz October, 10 th 2012

2 SHARP scope and aims The overall objective of SHARP is to save and protect existing water resources for future generations project partners from 6 different countries will exchange their knowledge and develop innovative technologies in the area of sustainable groundwater management, risk prevention of water supplies and transfer their experiences help to solve existing conflicts on groundwater reserves The mutual exchange of know-how will be supported: By PP discussing and evaluating the individual conditions for the groundwater management technologies within their own regions by study visits where PPs will be informed on site about realised projects

3 SHARP objectives SHARP key contents  artificial groundwater recharge technologies,  groundwater monitoring systems,  strategic use of groundwater resources,  techniques to save water quality and quantity,  drinking water safety plans and  water balance models

4 PP action plans Each partner should identify:  present know-how (competences, expertise)  already implemented procedures or technologies Reasoning in what way the selected methodology / implementation is superior compared to other Discussion of the benefits obtained through the PP by application of the good practices Did the PP develop additional know how by continuously applying the selected methodology / implementation?  his current and/or likely future problems and needs

5 SHARP results  definition and selection of 15 existing examples of good practice on groundwater management from the PPs experiences  the adaption of the tools and methodologies for potential application in different SHARP (or similar) regions to generate 15 additional examples of good groundwater management practice  Both will be summarized and disseminated by the SHARP manual

6 Existing good practices TitlePP Assessment of water balance modelsLFULG Digital water bookLFULG Sustainable precipitation management concepts to save water quality and qualityLfULG Binomial fee estimation for a rational use of water in agricultureERSA Web tool to discriminate agricultural best practices codesERSA 3D geological modelling to inform hydrogeological understandingIRRI Groundwater monitoring database with templates and a protocol to optimise data quality and the efficiency of data transfer IRRI Quantifying groundwater/surface water interactionIMGW Systematic monitoring of groundwater and surface water (mining closure)IMGW GIS-based vulnerability mapsRWM Tool for water management plansRWM Artificial groundwater recharge @ FriesachGRAZ AG Artificial groundwater recharge @ AndritzGRAZ AG Artificial recharge in MaltaLCA Aegean water resources digital repositoryRNA

7 PP action plans - transfer Elaboration of adaption should include:  Why is the selected topic relevant? Where will be the benefit (added value) of adaptation and / or transfer to a different PP and / or region?  What steps are needed for a potentially successful transfer / adaptation of the selected methodology / implementation?  Where might be obstacles in the transfer of the selected methodology/implementation and how can these be solved?  What could be the detailed contribution of each participating PP?

8 Existing good practices to be adapted TitlePP Effects on groundwater by miningLfULG, IRRI Application of water balance models with respect to climate changeLfULG, RNA Online monitoring and DSSHG, RNA Impact of thermal groundwater use on groundwater qualityLfLUG, HG Investigating the impacts of sustainable urban drainage on groundwaterIRRI, (LfULG) How to engage with key stakeholdersIRRI, all Partners Drinking water safety plansHG, IRRI, RNA Transboundary issuesIMGW, RWM, LFULG Use of DSS for strategies of groundwater resources managementIMGW, ERSA Groundwater modelling development and verificationIMGW, ERSA, IRRI, LfULG Development of groundwater monitoring for anthropogenic transformed areasIMGW, IRRI, HG Raising awareness on a community levelRNA, IRRI Techniques to save water quantityLCA, LfULG, RNA Water allocation and efficient water use in agricultureLCA, ERSA Optimization of water use in agriculture using ITRWM, ERSA

9 Existing good practices to be adapted TitlePP Effects on groundwater by miningLfULG, IRRI Application of water balance models with respect to climate changeLfULG, RNA Online monitoring and DSSHG, RNA Impact of thermal groundwater use on groundwater qualityLfLUG, HG Investigating the impacts of sustainable urban drainage on groundwaterIRRI, (LfULG) How to engage with key stakeholdersIRRI, all Partners Drinking water safety plansHG, IRRI, RNA Transboundary issuesIMGW, RWM, LFULG Use of DSS for strategies of groundwater resources managementIMGW, ERSA Groundwater modelling development and verificationIMGW, ERSA, IRRI, LfULG Development of groundwater monitoring for anthropogenic transformed areasIMGW, IRRI, HG Raising awareness on a community levelRNA, IRRI Techniques to save water quantityLCA, LfULG, RNA Water allocation and efficient water use in agricultureLCA, ERSA Optimization of water use in agriculture using ITRWM, ERSA

10 Selected good practices to be transferred  Online monitoring of groundwater quality: donor region: Holding Graz Water Services, Austria benefitting region: all other SHARP project partner regions  The Holding Graz provided ranking tables of probe performance for typical parameters of groundwater quality and additionally compiled experiences of the operational maintenance efforts and robustness of different probes.  Thus, the receiving partners have the basis to make well informed decisions on their options for online groundwater monitoring of their regional aquifers including long term financial issues.

11 Selected good practices to be transferred  Groundwater model development and verification: donor region: IMGW, Poland benefiting regions: o ERSA, Italy o IRRI, Scotland Transfer by providing a guideline discussing purpose of constructing numerical models, what types of models exist and where sources of information for modeling can be found Following this guideline provides the basis for creating a tool for useful prognoses of measures to protect groundwater resources

12 Selected good practices to be transferred  Development of groundwater monitoring for anthropogenic transformed areas donor region: IMGW, Poland benefiting regions: o IRRI, Scotland o Region of Western Macedonia, Greece  IMGW developed an organizational scheme of setting up a groundwater monitoring system for anthropogenic transformed areas.  Since active lignite mining is also an issue in Scotland and Macedonia these regions will take advantage by comparing their current monitoring system to the suggested scheme potentially finding aspects that have not been considered in their system so far.

13  Introduction scope and aims of SHARP methodological approach in SHARP SHARP key contents  Partner competences and needs short partner introduction and describing competences and needs list of existing and adapted good practices  Description of existing good practices (short version)  Description of adapted good practices (short version)  Communication and dissemination Ongoing activities, implementation issues  Discussion and conclusion (generalization) Practicability of project results, input of external experts  References  Annexes (long version of PP reports) Table of Content – SHARP Draft Manual

14 Thank you for your attention Any questions? Photo: Holding Graz

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