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“I hope my children do not have to learn the difference between the sound of a Kalashnikov and a hunting rifle.” Citizen of Vratnica, Macedonia Alain.

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Presentation on theme: "“I hope my children do not have to learn the difference between the sound of a Kalashnikov and a hunting rifle.” Citizen of Vratnica, Macedonia Alain."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I hope my children do not have to learn the difference between the sound of a Kalashnikov and a hunting rifle.” Citizen of Vratnica, Macedonia Alain. E. Lapon, UNDP/SACIM Project manager








9 Safer Community Development - SCD 1.Selection of 2 Pilot CommunitiesIn consultation with the Government 2.Participatory Study of causes of violence and community needs Root causes of violence and insecurity, the perceived needs to hold and carry weapons  Safer Community Indicators 3.Development of Safer Community PlanWill respond to the security concerns of the community. Will include a number of benchmarks and criteria related to human security 4.Implementation of the Safer Community PlanAssistance to the Community Based Entity in the implementation Central is the integration in this process and the assistance of the government and local institutions as well as the IC within the fields related to small arms, security and development. 5.Certification of the Safer CommunitiesCertification to the extent benchmarks and criteria have been met after the SCD implementation. 6.Extension beyond pilot PhaseOther communities can apply for the process











20 Alain. E. Lapon, UNDP/SACIM Project manager


22 Community consultation  Social research  Focus groups  Citizens’ panels  Polls  Networking with people and NGOs Policy and practice overview Data protection issues Reporting Safer Community Profile

23 Management COMMUNITY BASED ENTITY/IES Representative from local government Representative from police Representative from environmental/health services Representative from educational system Representative from NGOs Representatives from the community UNDP/SACIM Community moderator Representatives of public sector

24 Safer Community Development - SCD SCD Information Concerns Safety/Security Economic Development Social Development Human Development Environmental Development Conflict prevention UNDP Early Warning Report UNDP Human Development Report UNDP Mapping of socio-economic disparities Polls, surveys etc.

25 Integrated Response Integrated Approach Functional Areas Chart “Wish List to the IC” Synchronization UNDP Projects – CAG – Proxima – Police - EAR



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