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Big Idea: Greek culture spread to new lands.. Macedonians Invade Greece Philip II made Macedonia chief power of Greek world (ended Greek city-states freedom).

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Presentation on theme: "Big Idea: Greek culture spread to new lands.. Macedonians Invade Greece Philip II made Macedonia chief power of Greek world (ended Greek city-states freedom)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Idea: Greek culture spread to new lands.

2 Macedonians Invade Greece Philip II made Macedonia chief power of Greek world (ended Greek city-states freedom). Goal invade Persian Empire (Asia),but died. Alexander (the Great) age 20 became king. fulfill fathers dream - invade the Persian Empire (Asia). Alexander’s Conquest Persian Empire >frees Ionian states, claims-won at Issus, on to Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. Built Alexandria -Greek capital (Egypt). Stopped at India -soldiers didn’t want to continue>go home. 332 B.C. he died age 32.

3 Alexander the Great’s Empire Macedonia Under Philip II

4 Alexander’s Legacy leadership & military skills= success. Master of strategy. Brought wealth (gold &silver) into empire. Greek cultural legacy-Greek language, architectural, literature &art throughout SW Asia.

5 Hellenistic Era Created by Alexander. Hellenistic “to imitate Greeks” Science & Philosophy big. Alexandria home to poets, writers, philosophers, scientists. Library largest in World-literature prized Build new cities chance for architects-resemble Greece. Sculptors change from classicism to realistic art. Athens center of Greek theater.

6 Science,Astronomy & Philosophy Aristarchus-sun center of universe &earth rotates around sun>circular orbit. Eratosthenes- calculated earths circumference- Euclid- wrote Elements, book on geometry. Archimedes-established value of pi & gravity.

7 Schools of Thought Epicureanism Epicurus founder, believed humans were free to follow own self interests =happy. achieve happiness free self from public activities but still have a social life. Friendship is important. Stoicism Zeno is founder. public service is noble=happiness. Harmony with will of God Most popular and flourished during the Roman Empire.

8 4-5 Review Home of Alexander the Great Macedonia Alexander’s empire extended as far east as what? Pakistan Stoicism taught that inner peace comes from following what? God’s will Four Hellenistic kingdoms emerged, Greeks and Macedonians became the ruling class, and non-Greek government officials learned Greek, all happened after whose death? Alexander’s death

9 4-5 Review Alexander’s empire was called what? The Hellenistic kingdoms This taught pleasure is freedom from worry, freedom comes from a mind at rest, and happiness is the goal of life. Epicureanism “to imitate Greeks” Hellenistic He is associated with geometry of spheres, value of pi, and specific gravity. Archimedes

10 4-5 Review Founder of Stoicism Zeno Philip II conquered who? The Greeks

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