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Meeting the Challenge: The Cal-PASS Initiative California Partnership for Achieving Student Success

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1 Meeting the Challenge: The Cal-PASS Initiative California Partnership for Achieving Student Success

2 What is Cal-PASS?  Establishes regional databases utilizing student transcripts and performance information  Creates data-based regional partnerships  Links primary, secondary and post-secondary institutions on a regional basis  Tracks students from one segment to the next  Includes over 4,000 K-12 schools, community colleges, and universities throughout California

3 The California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (Cal-PASS)  Includes K-12 schools, colleges and universities  17 Universities (includes some private Universities)  76 Community Colleges  4,000 K-12 schools  - Over 140 million records  Funded primarily by the state  Funded by Hewlett, Johnson, Gilbert and Girard Foundations  Produced over 30 research studies to date  Nine PLC’s in San Diego County, 21 throughout the State. Ten more to start this spring  Professional Learning Councils (PLCs) are the heart of discipline discussions, review of data, innovation development, pilot and evaluation and expansion  Servers in secure, Level IV data center with firewall and controlled access

4 Cal-PASS Research  Action Research Paradigm  Faculty, administrators, and local researchers are active participants  Iterative process to refine analysis  Common questions become standard reports or web based queries produced by Cal-PASS staff  Locally unique questions handled by local researchers with assistance from Cal-PASS staff

5 Level of first college English attempted by last high school English passed Highest High School English Course Successfully** Completed First English Course Attempted at the Local Community College TitleCBEDSBasic Writing Pre-Coll Comp College Comp Post-Coll Comp 1 Post-Coll Comp 2 Total ENGLISH 102101 *45.3%50.0%*0.0% 86 ENGLISH 112105 6.0%38.5%53.0%*0.0% 117 CP ENG 112105 0.0%38.4%57.6%** 125 HONORS ENG 112114 0.0%*82.0%12.0%* 50 ENGLISH 122106 4.7%35.9%55.0%3.3%1.1% 825 CP ENGLISH 122106 1.4%34.3%61.8%2.0%* 699 AP LIT/COMP 122171 0.0%8.3%63.9%16.7%11.1% 108 Total596791,17373262,010 * rates suppressed when cell size is less than 5 **success indicates a grade of “C” or better Gold = course most frequently attempted Yellow = cells with at least 10% of row population

6 Math Articulation Matrix for an Area High Schools 2002-2006 First math class attempted in community college Total Basic Math Pre- Alg Beg Alg GeoInt AlgStats+ Pre- Calc Calc %N Max HS math with grade of C or better Basic Math 10%35%34%0%14%**0% 100%77 Pre-Alg 0%** * 100%6 Beg Alg 6%25%46%*16%4%3%* 100%252 Geo 2%9%32%1%37%13%5%1% 100%543 Int Alg 1% 13%*33% 16%3% 100%645 Stats+ 0% **28%40% 100%25 Pre-Calc *0%2%*9%38%31%18% 100%422 Calc 0% *33%6%59%100%118 Total 3814841312514501283179 2,088 Red = attempted class in college lower than that already passed in high school Gold = attempted class in college equal to that already passed in high school Green = attempted class in college higher than that already passed in high school Overall, 32% of students’ first college math course attempts are lower than what they passed in high school while 27% are equal to what they passed in high school and 41% are higher level than what was passed in high school.

7 West Hills High School Cal PASS Curricular Alignment Project The Project’s mission is to achieve a strong curricular alignment between Secondary, Community College, and University instruction through the thoughtful emphasis of the following common curricular requirements: the critical reading of expository texts. the understanding and articulation of rhetorical analysis of argument and text structures. the comprehension of the purpose and context of text. and the use of these skills in the research process. We will achieve this alignment in our teaching methodologies, curriculum, assessments, professional development, and conversations with our students. Through our chosen focus of these core skills, our students will be better prepared for college and the workplace.

8 PLCs: The San Bernardino Experience  with the following core characteristics:  Common objectives → common work  Shared space (conceptual and physical)  Learning environment  Basic PLC values: Who’s minding the S.T.O.R.E.?  S = SAFETY  T = TRUST  O = OPENNESS  R = RESPECT  E = ENCOURAGEMENT

9 How to Contact Us Brad Phillips, Executive Director, (619) 252-8503 Michelle Kalina, Senior Director, Operations, (916) 759-2486 Jordan Horowitz, Senior Director, Special Projects, (562) 743-7920 Mary Kay Patton, Director of Information Technology, (916) 995-3183 Shelly Valdez, Director of Regional Collaboration, (619) 219-9855 Terrence Willett, Director of Research, (831) 277-2690

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