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Michael R. Cockrell Director of Emergency Operations Office of Emergency Services A Division of General Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Michael R. Cockrell Director of Emergency Operations Office of Emergency Services A Division of General Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael R. Cockrell Director of Emergency Operations Office of Emergency Services A Division of General Services

2 SJC-OA Grant Staff DWR & CA OES Staff Attendees: LMA-Engineers, Cities, Contractors DWR Delta ER Flood Grant Purpose: Satisfy AB156 (9650 Water Code) Compliance Enhance Preparedness: flood planning, mapping Improve Response: training-exercise-supplies Improve Relations...between LMA, OA, Delta Cities November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off2 INTRODUCTION

3 Grant Approved Exhibits  Exhibit A-Scope Of Work, timeline  Exhibit B-Budget:  Separate OES Dept. budget  Special Grant Trust Fund  LMA-Cities Allocation  Remaining allocated balances to Step 2-3  Grant Award Approved Budget  LMA-city choice of planners  Exhibit E-Maintenance 3November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off

4 San Joaquin AB156 §9650(wc) Compliance Package: OA & 3-City Agreement Assigns a Flood Safety Official Agreement to Join: LMA-City EOP Plan Template Flood Fight Map Guide Plan/Map review “Crosswalk” November 13, 2014 2014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off 4

5 Step 1, Task 1.1 FSP Approval Flowchart November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off5 LMA FSP & Map Develops FSP with template only! Map to Guide specifications only! May use own planner/contractor Completes own review “Crosswalk” Forwards binder (w/DVD) to OES Cities use FEMA CPG 101.v2 Agreement “Joiner” LMA’s must enter into Agreement with protected jurisdictions Use Exhibit “B” joiner form 1-form good for OA & 3-cities Lodi & Tracy also to use form OA-Lead Agency SJC-OES reviews FSP & Map Completes own Crosswalk to ensure elements covered Compares with LMA’s Crosswalk Returns to LMA any corrective issues Once satisfied, OA sends LMA “Plan Adoption letter” OA sends “plan adopt letter & FSP/map copy to DWR Delta Cities OA provides LMA FSP/map City reviews LMA FSP/map Completes own Crosswalk Sends LMA city issues OA works with LMA to correct DWR EOP Flood-fight Map Crosswalk

6 Step 1, Task 1.2 Develop Maps Flood-Fight, Public Safety, Neighborhoods 9-Scheduled, not completed Some have aerial completed Some w/Prelim. Engineer Design 2-Delta Neighborhood maps Several need updating Mobile app. feature to design November 13, 2014 2014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off 6 Flood-fight Contingency Public Safety-Neighborhood Flood-fight Map Status

7 Step 1, Task 1.3 Information Sharing-WebEOC  Tasked SJC-EMS WebEOC for Grant  SJC-OA grant tasks:  Develop SitRep & Logistics with OA’s  Develop “just-in-time” training help  Assist LMA’s in access if desired  Assist LMA’s in training  $4k for maintenance, balance for grant 7November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off

8 Step-2, Task 2.1 Training & Outreach  SEMS & NIMS based compliant  Based on LMA, City/County, CA plans  LMA may use own trainers  Use local responder trainers if possible  Careful to keep to minimal impact  Limited funds for OES to direct activity 8November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off

9 Invoice & Report Process  LMA can use own existing contractors  Consider waiting for OA approved plan before contractor payment  Invoice forms on website  Send invoice & support documents to OA for review  OA will send cash request to DWR  Received funds into Special Trust Fund  OA will disperse from Fund 9November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off

10 Future Opportunities  DWR Delta & Statewide Grants, extensions  Homeland Security Program Grant (HSPG)  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)  Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)  US Corp of Engineers  FEMA N. CA Catastrophic Flood Plan 10November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off

11 QUESTIONS? OES PROJECT STAFF: Renée Johnston, OES Section Chief, Project Manager 209-953-6075 Lorie Weiss, ICS Specialist, Grant Fiscal Officer 209-953-6200 Frank Johnston, OES Unit Leader 209-953- Guy Mallery, OES Unit Leader 209-953- Dave Tamo, OES Unit Leader 209-953- Michael Cockrell, Director of Emergency Operations 209-953-6208 Keia Williams, Accounting Technician-I Main: 209-953-6200 Fax: 209-953-6268 November 13, 20142014 Delta ER Delta Grant Kick-Off11 DWR STATE CONTACTS: Greg Harvey, WR Engineer 916-574-0454 Zachary Jojola, 916-574-0384 John Paasch, 916-591-1844 CAL OES CONTACTS: Kyle Noderer, Emergency Services Coordinator 916-657-9490 “DWR DELTA GRANT”

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