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Organizing Around Licensing Vanessa Marvin The Center for Tobacco Policy & Organizing.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing Around Licensing Vanessa Marvin The Center for Tobacco Policy & Organizing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing Around Licensing Vanessa Marvin The Center for Tobacco Policy & Organizing

2 A challenge remains...

3 A Recipe for Organizing: The Phase Model …even in a rural or business-friendly community

4 The Phases 1. Pre-campaign assessment of political environment/self assessment 2. Strategy and planning 3. Recruitment 4. Campaign 5. Evaluation

5 Recipes can be modified to fit your needs Just as the phase model can be modified to fit your community

6 Phases basics They go in order Don’t skip phases Don’t jump ahead

7 Phase 1: Assessment Assess the political environment Examine public health data Assess the strength & weaknesses of your core coalition members Assess potential leaders for a campaign Form a separate campaign team Coalition Assessment:

8 Phase 2: Strategy and Planning Then create four teams/ committees to do the work of the campaign Complete a strategy chart & timeline

9 Phase 3: Recruitment Your campaign team/coalition must be stronger Who do we need? Influential community leaders & youth

10 Phase 4: The Campaign It’s similar in a conservative or rural community: Meeting with policy makers Press coverage Seeking endorsements Giving presentations Meeting with church leaders Meeting with & putting pressure on city council members Turnout at council hearings

11 Phase 5: Evaluation What went right What went wrong Campaign debriefing Write it up

12 Licensing is a tough issue There is organized opposition Elected officials seek compromises that destroy public health impact Make up for the indifference of elected officials with your courage

13 The Center for Tobacco Policy & Organizing Vanessa Marvin (916) 442-4299

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