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SIXTH GRADE AT FAUBION Nan Evans and Kim Bess. ORGANIZATION: THE BINDER  Students are required to carry a 3 inch, 3 ring binder  Separate section and.

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Presentation on theme: "SIXTH GRADE AT FAUBION Nan Evans and Kim Bess. ORGANIZATION: THE BINDER  Students are required to carry a 3 inch, 3 ring binder  Separate section and."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIXTH GRADE AT FAUBION Nan Evans and Kim Bess

2 ORGANIZATION: THE BINDER  Students are required to carry a 3 inch, 3 ring binder  Separate section and different colored notebook for each subject Reading and Writing- RED Social Studies-BLUE Science- YELLOW Math- GREEN  Lab Notebook  Writing Folder  Homework Folder/Section  Math Book- RED, CONNECTED MATHEMATICS 2  Pencil pouch with supplies  Periodic binder checks

3 DAILY SCHEDULE 8:30-3:00  Breakfast/Announcements  Reading Block  Science Block  Lunch/Recess  Writing Block  Math Block  Social Studies  Weekly specials: PE x 2, Integrated Arts, Counseling, Library, Boys Group, Girls Strength

4 READING  Novel Study  Write In-Reader  Small group work  Reading strategies  Reading groups  Newspaper  Informational text  Poetry  Integration with social studies and science  Seedfolks, The Newspaper, Week In Rap

5 READING  Standards:  6.RL.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of text  6.RL.10 Read and comprehend a range of literature  6.RI.2 Determine central idea of a text  6.RI.4 Determine the meanings of words or phrases as they are used

6 WRITING  Writing workshop model  Analyze strong models  Discuss author’s style  Determine criteria  Writing process  Share, publish STANDARDS:  6.W.2 Write informative explanatory texts  6.W.6 Use technology to publish writing  6.w.4 Produce clear and coherent writing  6.W.5 Develop and strengthen writing

7 MATH  Connected Mathematics 2  Whole group, small group practice in class  DAILY HOMEWORK  Homework quizzes  Partner quizzes  Unit tests  Work Samples MATH HELP:  SUN School Upgrade for math tutoring  Tues./Thurs 3:15-4:15  By arrangement  Basic skills practice  STANDARDS/CRITICAL AREAS:  #1 Connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division  #2 Completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number system to include negative numbers  #3 Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations  #4 Develop understanding of statistical thinking

8 LIFE SCIENCE  New SEPUP curriculum  Labs  Investigations  Role-playing  Analysis  Science Fair in Spring  Collaborative learning  Outdoor school

9 LIFE SCIENCE  STANDARDS:  6.1 Structure and Function of living and non-living systems  6.2 Interaction and change of related parts within a system  6.3 Scientific Inquiry  6.4 Engineering design to identify needs, problems, and solutions

10 SOCIAL STUDIES  History Alive! Curriculum  Experiential activities  Reading partners  Interactive notebooks  Reading informational text  Week in Rap  Newspaper  Standards/Areas of Focus:  Historical Knowledge  Historical thinking  Geography  Civics and government  Social science analysis  Economics/Financial Literacy

11 HOMEWORK  Weekly reading log  Planners  MATH  Any unfinished assignments from the day  School handouts  Check planners and binders for work  Homework Help/Upgrade available through SUN Progrgam

12 CONTACT INFORMATION  Ms. Kim Bess   503-916-5686 ext. 78769  Mrs. Nan Evans   503-916-5686 ext. 78772  SUN Program/ Ashley Coltin   503-916-5686 ext. 65694

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