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Published byRoxanne Shaw Modified over 9 years ago
FCOE English Learner Network October 3, 2013 FCOE Building Room 101T 1
FCOE English Learner Network Special Thanks to: –National Geographic Learning Donna Sylvia, Representative Agenda LCFF Brief Discussion- Supplement Not Supplant The CDE Professional Learning Modules (CCSS ELA, Math, and ELD) Update- ELA/ELD Framework and Math Adoption The Title III Accountability Institute / Seal of Bi-literacy Update Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Title III Updates Regarding Plans and Funds English Language Development Standards Implementation Plan Long Term English Learner (LTEL) Data Report Some professional development opportunities –Inside Fresno County –Outside Fresno County ELPAC/CELDT Update AB 484- Important News and Consequences 2
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Local Control Funding Formula: Overview of Accountability Christine Swenson, Director Local Agency Systems Support September 26, 2013
The Formula Includes supplemental funding for English Learners and low-income (EL/LI) students Provides concentration funding for districts with higher EL/LI populations
Spending Restrictions Long-Term Requirements –Many existing categorical spending requirements removed ¾ of the categorical programs eliminated 14 categorical programs remain –Districts must ensure “proportionality” when spending EL/LI funds SBE to promulgate regulations on or before January 31, 2014
Transparency and Accountability Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) –Set annual goals in eight specified areas (See next slide, excerpted from LAO report, July 29, 2013.) –Specify actions to be taken to achieve goals –Use SBE-adopted template SBE required to adopt by March 31, 2014
Transparency and Accountability State Priorities (EC 52060)
Transparency and Accountability LCAPs –Solicit input from various stakeholders in developing the plan –Adopted every three years and updated annually –Must be adopted by July 1 –County Office of Education (COE) must review and approve by October 8
Transparency and Accountability LCAP process – Charter Schools –Adoption process different Exempt from specific requirements to solicit public comment and hold public hearings Assessment conducted by charter authorizer not COE
Support and Intervention –COE to assess district’s performance –SBE to adopt three new rubrics by October 1, 2015 Self Assessment Rubric (District) Support Rubric (COE) Intervention Rubric (SPI)
Support and Intervention Support for struggling districts –Required to receive additional support if: LCAP not approved by COE District requests assistance District not improving student outcomes
Support and Intervention Three forms of support –COE review of strengths and weaknesses –Academic Expert –COE to request the SPI assign new agency, California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) SPI can intervene in select cases
Support and Intervention Support – Charter Schools –Not required to receive support –Charter can be revoked, instead of SPI intervention
Major Milestones Regulations to be developed by SBE –January 31, 2014 (Supplemental and Concentration funds) –March 31, 2014 (LCAP Templates) –October 1, 2015 (Rubrics) Organization of CCEE still needs to be clarified
Resources LCFF Web page LCFF Channel LAO Report 072913.pdf
16 Common Core State Standards Professional Learning Modules September 26, 2013 Carrie Roberts Literacy, History, and Arts Leadership Office
The professional learning modules were developed to deepen the understanding of the following : a)The common core academic state standards b)Instructional strategies to support the learning of all pupils, including English learners, pupils with disabilities, and underperforming pupils c)Instructional strategies that promote creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and communication skills in all academic content areas d)The integration of subject content knowledge e)Instructional leadership and coaching 17
Brokers of Expertise 18 upView?action=2&gid=2996
Modules to be available this Fall English Learners, ELD standards and Common Core (2) CCSS and Special Education Students MTSS: A Framework for Implementation of the CA CCSS 20
Examples from New Modules English Language Arts: Writing to Inform, Argue and Analyze Content Literacy for Technical Subjects Assessment Literacy Content Literacy in History Social Studies, Kindergarten through Grade 5 Literacy in Science 21
CDE: CA CCSS Resources For more information, visit the California Department of Education’s Common Core State Standards Web page at: The standards Frequently asked questions Informational flyers Additional resources 22
CCSS Resources ListServ Join the CCSS ListServ to receive information and updates regarding the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. To Subscribe Send a "blank" message to: 23
24 In Closing, I want to share a part of this inspirational presentation from a TED Talk included in the ELD Professional Learning Module Rita Pierson: "Build Relationships with your Students." education/speaker/rita-pierson/
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction English Language Arts/ English Language Development Framework Update Bilingual Coordinators Network September 26, 2013 Tom Adams, California Department of Education
General Purpose of Frameworks Provide support for teachers and guidelines for educational programs Guidance to school districts in the development of local curriculum Direction to publishers for the development of instructional materials Guidelines for local selection of instructional resources (Grades 9–12) Reflect current and confirmed research Guidance for teacher professional development programs, in-service, pre-service and teacher licensing standards
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework Development Process This chart shows the major steps of the curriculum framework development process. All meetings are open to the public. 27 1. Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) Appointed by State Board of Education (SBE) March 2012 2. Meetings of Four Focus Groups (Educators Appointed by SSPI) Held to Solicit Input on New Framework May/June 2012 3. SBE Appoints Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) November 2012 4. CFCC Meets 6 Times to Draft Framework February –September 2013 5. Draft Framework Presented to IQC November 2013 6. IQC Conducts 60-Day Field Review; Draft Framework Posted on Internet December-January 2013 7. IQC's ELA/ELD Subject Matter Committee Meets; Suggests Edits to Draft Framework 2013 8. IQC Meets; Recommends Draft Framework to SBE February 2014 9. Recommended Framework Posted on Internet for 60-Day Public Review March-May 2014 10. SBE Meets; Acts on IQC's Recommendation to Adopt Framework July 2014 11. Framework Posted on Internet; Print Edition Published 2015
Guidelines for 2014 Revision of the ELA/ELD Framework Based on input from the focus group meetings, written comments received, and statutory requirements Reviewed and recommended by the IQC in September, and approved by the SBE in November ELA/ELD CFCC members develop the framework based on the CFCC Guidelines 28
Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Over 125 applications received between June–August 2012 20 members appointed by SBE in November 2012 Teachers: 4 Elementary teachers, 4 middle school teachers; 5 high school teachers Others: 5 county educators, 1 university professor, 1 self-employed consultant 29
Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Co-Chairs: Becky Sullivan and Martha Hernandez Writers: Nancy Brynelson and Hallie Yopp Slowick from the Center for the Advancement of Reading Writers: Pam Spycher, Rachel Lagunoff, Marcia Kosanovich, Sarah Feldman, Dona Minders, and Sharen Bertra from WestEd 30
Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Meeting Dates in 2013 February 28–March 1 March 27–28 May 30–31 June 27–28 July 25–26 September 26–27 All meetings held at the CDE Office in Sacramento 31
Organization and Content ELA/ELD Framework Based on the guidelines and other frameworks Dynamic document Focus on key considerations of CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy standards in grade spans and individual grade levels Integration of CA ELD Standards Chapters on professional learning and support, 21 st century learning and technology, equity and access, assessment, and criteria for evaluating instructional materials 32
New Features Use of snapshots and vignettes in all chapters to demonstrate integration of ELA and ELD, examples of implementation of standards in the classroom, and demonstration of different types of assessment Links to resources and Web sites for additional support Organizational design around key considerations 33
Table of Contents - Chapters Introduction 1: CCSS for ELA/Literacy & CA ELD Standards Overview 2: Key Considerations for ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction 3-7: Content and Pedagogy for Grades K-1; 2-3; 4-5; 6-8; and 9-12 8: Assessment 34
Table of Contents – Chapters (Cont.) 9: Access and Equity 10: Learning in the 21 st Century 11: Implementing High-Quality ELA/Literacy and ELD Programs: Professional Learning and Distributed Leadership 12: Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials Glossary Resources 35
Chapter 2 Key Considerations for ELA/Literacy and ELD Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Context Considerations Key Themes and Practices for ELA/Literacy and ELD Instruction (Meaning Making, Language Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, Foundational Skills; Crosscutting Practices in Instruction) Approaches to Teaching and Learning English Language Development 36
Grade-Span Chapters 3-7 At-A-Glance Grade-Span Overview Integrated and Interdisciplinary Approach Key Content and Instructional Practices (Meaning Making, Language Development, Effective Expression, Content Knowledge, and Foundational Skills; Supporting All Learners; ELD) Grade-Level Content and Practice 37
Grade-Span Chapters 3-7 (cont.) Within each grade level section: Key Content and Instructional Practices (Meaning Making; Language Development; Effective Expression; Content Knowledge; Foundational Skills) Integrated Curriculum ELD in the Grade Level ELA/Literacy and ELD in Action 38
Chapter Topics Chapter 8: Equity and Access Addresses California’s student diversity Identifies planning and support for range of leaners using Universal Design for Learning and Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports Chapter 9: Assessment Focus on the use of different types of assessments, highlighting the use of formative assessment to guide instruction Background on state assessments and Smarter Balanced Assessment System 39
Chapter 12 Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials Program 1: English Language Arts Basic Program, K-8 Program 2: English Language Arts/English Language Development Basic Program, K-8 Program 3: Biliteracy Language Arts/English Language Development Basic Program, K-8 Program 4: Intensive Program in English Language Arts, 4-8 Program 5: Specialized Designated English Language Development Program, 4-8 40
Future Steps in the Framework All chapters will be revised based on discussion and prepared for the IQC ELA/ELD SMC and IQC will meet on November 21-22 First 60 day review period December 2013 – January 2014 ELA/ELD SMC reviews suggested changes February 7, 2014 IQC reviews changes and approves revisions for second 60-day review period March – May SBE-action on draft July 2014 Preparing document for publication 41
ELA/ELD Framework More information available at 42
CCSS ListServ Join the ListServs to receive information and updates regarding the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and the SBAC Assessment To join the CCSS Resources Updates: Send a "blank" message to: To join the SBAC/Assessment Updates: Send a "blank" message to: 43
44 Questions? Tom Adams, Director Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division California Department of Education 916-319-0663
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Language Policy and Leadership Office Update to the Bilingual Coordinators’ Network September 26-27, 2013
Accountability Leadership Institute for English Learners and Immigrant Students Quantum Leaps In English Learner Education: Implications for Leadership, Instruction, and Systems 46
Accountability Leadership Institute for English Learners and Immigrant Students SAVE THE DATE December 9-10 Monday, December 9th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (followed by keynote & networking) Tuesday, December 10th 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM 47
Institute Planning Committee Elena Fajardo, LPLO Administrator Noelia Hernández, LPLO Consultant Edgar Lampkin, Yolo COE María Larios-Horton, Santa Barbara COE Robert Linquanti, CCAC WestEd Martín Macías, Stanislaus COE Jan Mayer, Sacramento COE Monica Nava, San Diego COE Alice Petrossian, former ACSA President Yee Wan, Santa Clara COE Nancy Zarenda, Institute Chair 48
Important Strand New Title III Directors –Technical Assistance focus –Question and Answer –Fiscal process –Program Development –Required and Allowable uses –Data –Private schools –Charter schools 49
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, CA 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA 94010 50
Hotel Reservations Available Now $140 per night Book by phone: 1-800-233-1234 (Group/Corporate Code “CDE Accountability Institute”) Book online: REGISTRATION COMING - FEE $325 51
For more information Please contact: Nancy Zarenda Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-319-0263 52
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Seal of Biliteracy The First in the Nation
2013 Data (2012 data) 54 Total Seals Issued 19,586 (10,282) Former EL Students 7,438 (4,470) (LEA self-reported on a voluntary basis) School Districts 170 (94) Charter Schools 19 (17) County Offices of Education 6 (2)
Number of Seals by Language and LEA Language Number of Districts Number of COEs Number of Charters Number of Seals Arabic5107 Armenian2004 ASL80061 Assyrian1001 Bengali1001 Bosnian1002 Burmese0101 Cantonese101054 Chinese120061 Danish1001 Dutch1001 Farsi4109 French90412,078 German3710334 Greek1002 Gurajati2004 Hebrew0102 Hindi40016 Hmong60038 Ilocano1001 Indonesian1001 Italian102056 Japanese3520392 Language Number of Districts Number of COEs Number of Charters Number of Seals Khmer2008 Korean3260511 Latin1700281 Mandarin4021862 Mixteco1001 Nepali1001 Polish2002 Portuguese10011 Punjabi3005 Russian70024 Spanish16271714,381 Somali1001 Tagalog/ Filipino120017 Thai1102 Ukrainian3005 Urdu2003 Vietnamese910295 Other2003 55 (LEA self-reported on a voluntary basis)
56 (LEA self-reported on a voluntary basis)
Coming Up in 2013-14…. Guidance regarding alternatives to the 11 th grade CST FAQs on languages, high school foreign language courses and private school students Process for approving alternative exams 57
58 California Department of Education Web Information The CDE State Seal of Biliteracy Web page at Letter to the field and supporting documents (downloadable) Frequently Asked Questions Language Resources Contact the CDE by e-mail at
For more information Please contact: Debbie Busch Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-0320 59
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction ELD Standards Update
Publishing and Printing Publishing and Printing of ELD Standards –Table of Contents ELD Standards FAQs –Draft –Timeline –Brokers of Expertise 61
Publishing and Printing CDE Press will publish and print the ELD Standards Printed copy targeted for release in December Printed copy will consist of seven chapters Formatting changes were made but no content was changed Working with Brokers Of Expertise for posting 62
For more information Please contact: Gustavo Gonzalez Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-0420 63
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Federal Program Monitoring
English Learner (EL) Program Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) 2013-14 Online FPM will include the following items on the instrument: EL 4 Parent Notifications EL 7 Translations EL 8 Inventory EL 11 CARS disbursement to schools EL 15 Teacher authorizations EL 18Waivers EL 19 Private schools 65
English Learner Program Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) 2013-14, continued Onsite FPMs will monitor all EL items as previous year. EIA-LEP for 2012-13 and carryover will be monitored 66
For more information Please contact: Sonia Petrozello Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-0950 67
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Title III Accountability
New Year 2 and Year 4 List is anticipated in October Title III Regional Leads –See handout Revised ELSSA and updated documents LEA Improvement Plans count as the required annual update 69
For more information Please contact: Lilia Sanchez Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-0265 70
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Title III Findings
Title III LEA plans must be updated annually. –Review of revised plans; –If in improvement – use CAIS; FPM instrument: distinct state vs federal review items; ELD standards in All Common Core State Standards; 72
Title III Timeliness of allocations to sites Provide technical assistance –Funding –Private schools –Obligations –Immigrant ineligible students 73
Non-finding but important LEAs assessment results: “TBDs” need to be identified as EL, IFEP, RFEP as is appropriate; –(New Census Date this year) 74
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Title III LEP and Immigrant
Program and Fiscal Cycles Please see the Newsletter for details on –Fiscal obligations –Release dates –Reporting dates –Private school cycle 76
NEW this year No allocations can be made without a local educational agency Plan Goal 2 – English learners Plan updates due June 30 with application Tell us where the updated plan is –CAIS or website (e-mail) 77
Proposed Cycle April – eligibility posted April, May, June – LEA Plan is revised to include –Proposed budget –Actions or tasks July – August – LEA plans are documented August – Allocation released 78
New this year Title III allocations will be based on the eligibility Applications due June 30 Recalculation of entitlement in March Redistribution of unencumbered entitlements in March 79
Immigrant CALPADS –FATAL ERROR Puerto Rico See website for eligible countries at: 80
For more information Please contact: Geoffrey Ndirangu - LEP Education Programs Consultant (916) 323-5831 Sandra Covarrubias - Immigrant Education Programs Consultant (916) 319-0267 81
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Supplement, Not Supplant
Supplement, not Supplant (program design) 83 General Fund State Supplemental Federal Supplemental
Funding Federal State General 84
85 General Fund Use General funds for EL program English language acquisition is core EL program not contingent on categorical funds Federal State General
86 State Funding-Limited English Proficient State funds may be used for: Supplemental instructional materials (not identified as LEA core) Supplemental instructional support Parent involvement support Federal State General
87 Title III Funding The LEA may use Title III funding for: Augmenting English proficiency and academic achievement Professional Development – ongoing/long- term Development of new language instructional programs (supplemental to the state required programs) (Please note that the uses identified above are from the 98% of the Title III funding for supplemental instructional services and activities.) Federal State General
Supplement, Not Supplant (Services to Student) 88 General Fund State Supplemental Title I Title III
For more information Please contact: Elena Fajardo Administrator, LPLO (916) 319-0247 89
Language Policy and Leadership Office Main phone line: (916) 319-0845 –Barbara Garcia, Office Technician –Juan Marmolejo, Office Assistant Associate Government Program Analysts: –Angela Rivers: CAIS support – Title III Improvement, –Jennifer Cordova: CAIS FPM support, –Pamela Lucas: Title III Annual Survey –Patty Stevens: Title III Fiscal 90
CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction California English Language Development Standards Implementation Plan Bilingual Coordinators Network September 26, 2013 Sandra Covarrubias, Education Programs Consultant
Assembly Bill 124 The State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) and the State Board of Education (SBE), as stated in California Education Code 60811.3(e), “shall present to the Governor and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature a schedule and implementation plan for integrating the English language development standards... into the state public education system.”
The California English Language Development Standards Implementation Plan The California English Language Development (CA ELD) Standards Implementation Plan is a living document that will be updated as new actions, resources, and information develop. The CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan is posted online at:
Purposes of the ELD Implementation Plan Integrates the new California English Language Development (CA ELD) Standards into the public school system. Parallels the California Common Core State Standards (CA CCSS) Implementation Plan in structure with specificity for ELD. Details the English language development standards implementation, ongoing and future, activities. Serves as a guidance tool for local educational agencies (LEAs) by providing a structure to emulate when developing their own implementation plans.
Phases of Implementation The plan identifies three major implementation phases that parallel the CA CCSS The Awareness Phase – is an introduction to and builds familiarity with the shifts to 2012 English Language Development standards The Transition Phase – presents the need for professional development for all staff to learn about and begin implementation of the standards; align curriculum and assessments to the standards The Implementation Phase – presents the need to identify and select materials, use standards to design and implement lessons, assess students/assess implementation
Guiding Strategies The seven guiding strategies in the CA ELD Standards implementation plan provide the structural framework for activities and mirrors the CA CCSS Implementation Plan: 1.Facilitate high quality professional learning opportunities for educators. 2.Provide CA ELD Standards-aligned instructional resources. 3.Develop and transition to CA ELD Standards-aligned assessment systems. 4.Collaborate with parents, guardians, and the early childhood and extended learning communities. 5.Collaborate with the postsecondary and business communities as well as additional stakeholders. 6.Seek, create, and disseminate resources. 7.Design and establish systems of effective communication among stakeholders.
Guiding Strategy 1 Facilitate high quality professional learning opportunities for educators Professional Learning Modules (PLMs) for CCSS are developed and posted. These will be reviewed and updated with ELD. They will include instructional guidance on recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities to support ELs in the all content areas. Two ELD PLMs are currently in development by WestEd PLM-A: Provides an introduction to understanding and using the CA ELD Standards to ensure English learner (EL) students have access to the CCSS for ELA/Literacy. PLM-B: Focuses on using the CA ELD Standards in tandem with the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy during mainstream content instruction, and using the CA ELD Standards as the focal standards for designated ELD instruction.
Guiding Strategy 2 Provide CA ELD Standards-aligned instructional resources Develop a list of supplemental instructional materials for kindergarten through grade eight (K-8) that provide a bridge from the CA ELD Standards to the CA CCSS ELA/Literacy for the SBE to approve by June 30, 2014. (AB 1719- Fuentes). Develop the CA ELD /CA CCSS ELA/Literacy Curriculum Framework which includes instructional guidance for programs for English learners including ELD –The ELA/ELD Framework will include criteria for developing and evaluating instruction materials aligned to both ELD and CCSS ELA/Literacy standards. –Provide a timeline for ELD/ELA aligned instructional materials adoption.
Guiding Strategy 3 Develop and transition to CA ELD Standards-aligned assessment systems. The CELDT program will be analyzed and recommendations made for the alignment of the ELD standards with the assessment of the standards Local educational agencies (LEAs) must continue to administer the CELDT as the state’s measure of English Language Proficiency for federal accountability under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
Guiding Strategy 4 Collaborate with parents, guardians, and the early childhood and extended learning communities. Develop and disseminate tools that provide families with information about the new standards (CCSS and ELD). California Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations and the California Preschool Learning Foundation are designed to be aligned to the ELA/ELD curriculum framework (2014) and include ELD foundations for preschool-aged children. The CDE will continue to collaborate with the early childhood community to promote the use of these documents. Develop and provide technical assistance to inform parents and guardians about how they can be involved in the education of their children and be active participants in assisting their children to meet the CA ELD Standards. Support professional learning for parents, guardians, and early childhood learning and integrate the CA ELD Standards into programs and activities beyond the K–12 school setting.
Guiding Strategy 5 Collaborate with the postsecondary and business communities as well as additional stakeholders. To ensure that every student has the skills needed to succeed in career and college. To enable students to be prepared to transition from high school to a successful postsecondary education and/or a career. To provide resources for successful transition to college and career.
Guiding Strategy 6 Seek, create, and disseminate resources. Identify state and federal funds currently available for use for implementation of the CA ELD Standards Establish fiscal boundaries and timelines for the use of specific programmatic resources Seek funding from the United States Department of Education and private educational foundations to support CA ELD Standards implementation efforts Seek funding from state government to support implementation efforts Review current and proposed laws related to all programs requiring CA ELD Standards implementation activities Collaborate and work with other state level directors responsible for the development and dissemination of ELD Standards.
Guiding Strategy 7 Design and establish systems of effective communication among stakeholders. Utilize existing communication networks to facilitate two-way communications regarding CA ELD Standards implementation (2013) Utilize existing communication structures to apprise stakeholders of California’s ELD Standards implementation activities Conduct needs assessment to identify communication preferences of stakeholders Develop and use existing correspondence systems to disseminate news releases, media advisories, speeches, and events to apprise stakeholders of CA ELD Standards implementation activities.
Appendices The implementation plan also includes appendices that provide resources to support LEAs through the phases of the implementation process: Appendix A: Local CA ELD Standards Implementation Plan Template –Suggested activities for coming Fall include: needs assessment for priorities at district and site level, support for working in grade level teams and use of ELD Professional Learning Modules and other tools. Appendix B: County Office of Education Service Offerings –Guidance includes working with Title III Regional Leads and EL and Bilingual Coordinators to collaborate with peers in leading professional learning. Appendix C: California Implementation Partners –Organizations CDE is currently working with directly and those identified for further outreach, this list is ongoing and can be expanded based on input and practice.
Timeline September 2013: Public input on ELD Implementation Plan to CDE and final ELD Implementation Plan presented to SBE December 2013: Final ELD plan presented to the California State Legislature
Questions???? For questions regarding the CA ELD Implementation Plan please contact: Sandra Covarrubias, LPLO Consultant 916-319-0267
107 Long-term English Learners AB 2193 adds to Education Code 313 Defines long-term EL and at-risk of becoming a long-term EL CDE shall annually ascertain…and provide the information to school districts and schools
Long-term EL Report 108
At-risk of Becoming Long-term ELs 109
110 Contact Information Data Reporting Office, Randy Bonnell, Administrator 916-319-0395 Analysis, Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division, Keric Ashley, Director 916-323-5007
FCOE EL Network Time and DateLocation Tues., Nov 27, 2012 8:30-11:30am FCOE Room 101T Thurs, April 4, 2013 8:30-11:30am FCOE Building Room 101T Thurs, May 23, 2013 8:30-11:30am FCOE Building Room 101T 111
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