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Interpreting maps Symbols are used to show features on a map:

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Presentation on theme: "Interpreting maps Symbols are used to show features on a map:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpreting maps Symbols are used to show features on a map:
Trig or triangulation station Bridge State highway Swamp Radio mast Forest Railway line

2 Contour Lines Mountains, valleys etc not easy to show using symbols
Contour lines are used to show the height of land above sea level (a.s.l) Contour lines show the shape of the land Contour lines increase in regular intervals (so all lines may not be labelled) Spot heights are marked by a black dot with height

3 Cross Sections Cross sections are used to show what an area would look like if standing next to it (side view) Lines close together = land is steep Lines far apart = gradual rise

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