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10-1. 10-2 Chapter Ten Facilities Layout and Location.

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Presentation on theme: "10-1. 10-2 Chapter Ten Facilities Layout and Location."— Presentation transcript:

1 10-1

2 10-2 Chapter Ten Facilities Layout and Location

3 10-3 Six Horizontal Flow Patterns Fig. 10-1

4 10-4 Activity Relationship Chart for Meat Me Fast-Food Restaurant Fig. 10-2

5 10-5 From-To Chart Showing Distances Between Six Department Centers (Measured in Feet) Fig. 10-3

6 10-6 From-To Chart Showing Number of Materials Handling Trips per Day Fig. 10-4

7 10-7 Fig. 10-5 From-To Chart Showing Materials Handling Cost Per Day (in $)

8 10-8 Fixed Position Layout Fig. 10-6

9 10-9 Product layout Fig. 10-7

10 10-10 Process layout Fig. 10-8

11 10-11 Group Technology Layout Fig. 10-9

12 10-12 Layout of Manufacturing Facility (for Problem 2) Fig. 10-10

13 10-13 Initial layout for CRAFT Example Fig. 10-11

14 10-14 From-To Charts for Initial Layout Fig. 10-12

15 10-15 New Distance and Cost From-To Charts After Exchanging Centroids for A and B Fig. 10-13

16 10-16 New Layout with A and C Interchanged Fig. 10-14

17 10-17 Second Iteration, Obtained from Exchanging the Locations of A and B Fig. 10-15

18 10-18 Method of Placing Departments Used by ALDEP Fig. 10-16

19 10-19 Layout (for Problem 15) Fig. 10-17

20 10-20 Layout and From-To Chart (for Problem 16) Fig. 10-18

21 10-21 Layout and From-To Charts (for Problem 17) Fig. 10-19

22 10-22 Rel Chart (for Problem 18) Fig. 10-20

23 10-23 The Position of FMS in the Manufacturing Hierarchy Fig. 10-21

24 10-24 A Typical Flexible Manufacturing System Fig. 10-22

25 10-25 A Single-Server Queue Fig. 10-23

26 10-26 A Network of Queues Fig. 10-24

27 10-27 Euclidean and Rectilinear Distances Fig. 10-25

28 10-28 Optimal Locations of the New Facility for a Rectilinear Distance Measure Fig. 10-26

29 10-29 Location of Six Campus Buildings (Refer to Example 10.5) Fig. 10-27

30 10-30 Contour Lines for the Two-Facility Problem Pictured in Figure 10-26 Fig. 10-28

31 10-31 Contour Lines for University Location Example 10.5 Fig. 10-29

32 10-32 Optimal Solutions for Minimax Location Objective Fig. 10-30

33 10-33 Solution of the Euclidean Distance Problem Using a Physical model Fig. 10-31

34 10-34 Shape of Facility (For Problem 49) Fig. 10-32

35 10-35 Layout and From-To Charts (For Problem 50) Fig. 10-33

36 10-36 Layout and From-To Chart (For Problem 51) Fig. 10-34

37 10-37 The Centroid of a Rectangle Fig. 10-35

38 10-38 Centroid of a Figure Composed of Rectangles Fig. 10-36

39 10-39 Regions for Example 10B.1 Fig. 10-37

40 10-40 Slopes for Example 10B.1 Fig. 10-38

41 10-41 Sample Contour Lines for Example 10B.1 Fig. 10-39

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