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Mapping Earth Midterm Review

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Earth Midterm Review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Earth Midterm Review
Topics: Isolines Drawing isolines Topography (Reading Contour maps) Finding Interval Hills Steep/gradual slopes Gradient River Direction Maximum/minimum elevation Depressions (hachured marks) Profiles

2 Isolines Connect points of equal value Isotherm: temperature
Isobars: barometric (air pressure) Contour lines: elevation

3 Drawing Isolines Connect the points with the same value
Estimate between which other values the line should be drawn Lines should be curved, not angular Extend lines to edge of map Never cross isolines


5 Topography (Contour maps)
1-dimensional representation of a 3D landscape Shows the shape of the land

6 Finding Interval Difference between one contour line and the next
May be given on map Labeled lines are Index Contours

7 Subtract the value of two consecutive Index Contour Lines
Then count how many contour lines there are from one Index Contour to the next (only count one of the Index Contours) Divide the difference by the # of lines =100m 5 lines 100/5= 20m

8 Hills Hills or mountains are shown by contour lines that form closed loops

9 Steep/gradual slopes Steep Slope: contour lines are close together
Gradual Slope: contour lines are far apart

10 Gradient Difference in Elevation Distance between two points
Label with given units!

11 River Direction Contour lines bend upstream

12 Ocean is Sea Level = 0 elevation

13 Depressions (hachured marks)
The first hachured line is the same value as the last contour line. Each hachured line decreases by the contour interval

14 Ocean= Interval = 1st Hachured line = 20 Elevation at point A= 10 10

15 Inferring Maximum/minimum elevation
Max: Value just below what the next contour line would equal Z= Min: Value just above what the next contour line would equal Y= Z 99 ft 21 ft Y

16 Maximum Elevation Represented by Triangle symbol

17 Profiles Cross section (side view) of the contour map
Use mark and slide method Keep a STEADY hand No numbers on x-axis Use contour interval on Y-axis



20 What is the contour interval? SE
What is the max elevation at point E? What direction is Mud Creek flowing? 139 20 What is the contour interval? SE

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