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NCSX Vacuum Vessel Overview Paul Goranson WBS 12 Manager Vacuum Vessel Manufacturing Study Kickoff meeting April 29, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "NCSX Vacuum Vessel Overview Paul Goranson WBS 12 Manager Vacuum Vessel Manufacturing Study Kickoff meeting April 29, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCSX Vacuum Vessel Overview Paul Goranson WBS 12 Manager Vacuum Vessel Manufacturing Study Kickoff meeting April 29, 2003

2 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel TOPICS  NCSX Baseline Design  Status - Impact of PDR Delay - Models - Drawings - PVVS Spec - VVSA Spec  Changes to Baseline - Vessel Joint Change - Vessel Contour Change - Port Changes - Ribs Removed from Task  VVSA Spec Run Through

3 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel National Compact Stellarator Experiment NCSX Baseline Device Assembly = 1.4 m, Btor = 2 T, A = 4.3, Ip < 350 kA

4 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Vacuum Vessel Sits Inside the NCSX Baseline Coil Set Vacuum vessel TF Coil Vacuum Vessel Modular Coil Coil Support Structure Vessel Port Extensions Vessel Support

5 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Baseline Vacuum Vessel Assy concept  Shell materialInconel 625  Thickness9.5 mm  Time constant5.3 ms  Total wt w/ports~ 12000 lbs  Bolted joints connect field periods  Traced with He gas lines for heating (to 150C) and cooling  Solomide foam insulation between VV and cold mass  99 separate access ports  Spacers used between field periods to provide fit-up capability Spacer

6 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Vessel fabrication concept Full field period with port stubs Individual panels Half field period (repeats 6 times to form complete shell)

7 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Field period assembly concept Port Extension  Vessel is fabricated in field periods  Modular coils are rotated over field period, then port extensions are welded on  Vessel is as large as possible consistent with these operations

8 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Port extension / reinforcement concept 1. Weld on port extension and leak check weld Torus shell Port extension 2. Cut port extension off and after final torus leak check, cut opening thru torus Torus shell Port extension, part 1 3. Prep edges (Supplier) and weld port extension in place with full penetration weld from inside ( PPPL) Torus shell Port extension, part 1 Port extension, part 2

9 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Vacuum Vessel Manufacturing Study is Phased  PVVS 20 degree segment evaluates fabrication  VVSA 120 degree field period follows

10 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel PVVS is simplified segment of VV from 10 to 30 degrees

11 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel Data is provided in Pro-E models, drawings, STEP files and drawings in pdf format

12 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - PDR DELAY MINIMAL IMPACT ON VESSEL  Coil changes may cause small changes to vessel contour (fractional inches)  No changes to ports  No fabrication cost impact  Vessel models redesigned to be robust  New ProE tools in place  Fast turn around time

13 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - PDR DELAY CONTIN.  Schedule not impacted significantly  Continue to do planning, scheduling, costing with current release of specification and drawings  Revised versions of specification and drawings will be provided prior to start of prototype fabrication  Only anticipated changes will be revision to file names and models  Budgetary estimate schedule needs discussion

14 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - MODELS  Vessel contour updated  Integrated into vessel assy model

15 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - DRAWINGS  PVVS (20 o segment)  Being Revised to Reflect Change in Ribs, Now Optional Feature  Updated Vessel Contour Being Incorporated This Week  VVSA (120 o degree field period)  Updated Vessel Contour Being Incorporated Next Two Weeks  Vessel Contour Will Be Further Updated As Required After Design Final  Clarification of Tolerances (match up of spacer to vessel)

16 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - PVVS(20 o ) BUILD-TO SPEC  Spec will be revised  Incorporate Updated Contour  Present drawings adequate for scheduling and costing

17 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel STATUS - VVSA(120 o ) BUILD-TO SPEC  Spec comment copy complete  Sufficient for estimating, planning

18 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel CHANGES - Field joint is being modified from current design to avoid assembly interference Vertical assembly flange showing interference with mod coil during assembly operation Possible solution by tilting assembly flanges 25-30 deg off vertical 25-30 deg  VV interferes with modular coils during assy of three field periods

19 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel CHANGES - Modified Field Joint Does not Hamper Assembly VV segments assembled VV segments retracted

20 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel JOINT DESIGN IS PRELIMINARY  Decision has not been made on joint design  Costing should be based on slanted, bolted field joint

21 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel CHANGES - Vacuum Vessel Surface Contour Has Evolved  New tools permit definition of stay in, stay out zones - Prevent interference with Coils - Maintain distance from plasma - Maximize plasma  Contour chance is subtle - Should not affect manufacturing - Slightly less smooth

22 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel VESSEL CONTOUR CHANGE CDR Contour Revised Contour

23 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel VESSEL CONTOUR CHANGE CDR and Revised Contour Superimposed

24 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel VESSEL CONTOUR CHANGE CDR Contour Revised Contour

25 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel VESSEL CONTOUR CHANGE CDR and Revised Contour Superimposed

26 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel PORT CHANGES  Port P4 modified - Hour glass shape - Reoriented P4

27 P Goranson, 29 Apr 2003NCSX vacuum vessel CHANGES - Ribs Removed From VVSA  Welded ribs will not be utilized  Ribs will be attached as upgrade to vessel by PPPL

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