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Unit 1 Test Review. What is Earth Science?? 1.List and describe the 4 main branches of Earth Science. 2.List and describe the 4 spheres of the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 Test Review. What is Earth Science?? 1.List and describe the 4 main branches of Earth Science. 2.List and describe the 4 spheres of the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 Test Review

2 What is Earth Science?? 1.List and describe the 4 main branches of Earth Science. 2.List and describe the 4 spheres of the Earth. 3.What do we mean by the Earth works as a “system”?

3 What is Earth Science?? 1.List and describe the 4 main branches of Earth Science. – Geology, meteorology, astronomy, oceanography 2.List and describe the 4 spheres of the Earth. – Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere 3.What do we mean by the Earth works as a “system”? Earth works as a “System” – If you change something in one sphere another sphere will be affected

4 Scientific Inquiry 4. What is the scientific method? 5. What are the 6 steps of the scientific method? 6. What is a “hypothesis” and what must be? 7. What is the difference between an observation and an inference?

5 Scientific Inquiry 4. What is the scientific method? Series of steps scientists use to solve a problem 5. What are the 6 steps of the scientific method? 1.Ask a question/state the problem 2.Research / Observation 3.Hypothesis 4.Experiment 5.Analyze Results 6.Conclusion 6. What is a “hypothesis” and what must be? an educated guess and TESTABLE 7. What is the difference between an observation and an inference? An observation is based on your senses (ex. Sight, smell, touch, etc…) Inference is an EXPLANATION of the observation.

6 Experimental Design 6When you design an experiment how many variables do you change? 7What is the independent variable in an experiment? 8What is the dependent variable in an experiment?

7 Experimental Design 6When you design an experiment how many variables do you change? one 7What is the independent variable in an experiment? What you are testing / changing in an experiment 8What is the dependent variable in an experiment? What you are measuring in an experiment

8 Graphing 9.What is the independent variable ? 10.What is the dependent variable? Remember DRY MIX

9 Graphing 9.What is the independent variable? Temperature 10.What is the dependent variable? Pressure Remember DRY MIX

10 Experimental Design Problem 12.Three redwood trees are kept at different humidity levels inside a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. Height of the tree is measured once a week. List the following: – Independent variable – Dependent variable – Controlled variables – Control Group – Experimental Group

11 Experimental Design Problem 12.Three redwood trees are kept at different humidity levels inside a greenhouse for 12 weeks. One tree is left outside in normal conditions. Height of the tree is measured once a week. List the following: – Independent variable Humidity levels – Dependent variable Height of tree – Controlled variables Type of tree, same time – Control Group Tree outside – Experimental Group Trees in greenhouse

12 Measurement 13.The information gathered during an experiment is called ________. 14.What is the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data?

13 Measurement 13.The information gathered during an experiment is called data. 14.What is the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data? Qualitative = data from senses (bubbly, rough, etc..) Quantitative = data based on numbers (12 mL, etc..)

14 Measurement 15.List the units and tool used to measure for the following; – Mass – Volume (solid) – Volume (liquid) – Temperature – Length – Weight

15 Measurement 15.List the units for the following; – Mass – grams (g) – BALANCE – Volume (solid) – centimeter cubed (cm 3 ) - RULER – Volume (liquid) – liters (l) – GRADUATED CYLINDER – Temperature – Celsius (C ) - THERMOMETER – Length – meters (m) – METER STICK – Weight – Newtons ( N) – SPRING SCALE

16 16. What is the measurement?

17 12 mL16 mL14 mL

18 17. What is the measurement of the leaf?

19 8.3 cm

20 18.List the latitude and longitude of 1 -10.

21 1.60 o N 120 o W 2.30 o N 30 o W 3. 60 o N 4.60 o N 90 o W 5.30 o N 150 o W 6.30 o S 150 o W 7.30 o S 60 o W 8.60 o S 9.30 o S 60 o E 10.60 o S 120 o E

22 Topographic Maps 19.What does a topographic map show?

23 Topographic Maps 19. What does a topographic map show? – Shape and elevation of the land

24 Topographic Maps 20.What is the elevation at point A? 21.What is the contour interval of this map? 22.What is the maximum elevation that point C could be?

25 Topographic Maps 20.What is the elevation at point A? 100 ft 21.What is the contour interval of this map? 5 ft 22.What is the maximum elevation that point C could be? 119 ft

26 23. Match the map to the profile

27 Please match the contour map on the left with the profile on the right.

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