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Cartographic quality contouring in PHOTOMOD 5.0 A. Sechin Scientific Director X th International Scientific and Technical Conference From Imagery to Map:

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Presentation on theme: "Cartographic quality contouring in PHOTOMOD 5.0 A. Sechin Scientific Director X th International Scientific and Technical Conference From Imagery to Map:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cartographic quality contouring in PHOTOMOD 5.0 A. Sechin Scientific Director X th International Scientific and Technical Conference From Imagery to Map: Digital Photogrammetric Technologies September 2010, Gaeta, Italy

2 PHOTOMOD 5.0 today. Main changes for the last year automatic DTM creation algorithm improvements new powerful DTM filters (“removing” buildings and vegetation) speeding up automatic AT process (about 2 times) high-quality smooth contour lines more distributed processing (adding images, orthomosaicking, DTM, AAT ) VisionMap A3 sensor support  asynchronous sensors comfortable stereoprocessing (WorldView)  UltraCam metadata (interior and exterior orientation parameters) support  ADS 40 source data automatic pre-processing  self-calibration procedure improvements  more start approaches for bundle adjustment  precise block layouts by using DTM  speeding up raster visualization  saving block layouts to georeferenced rasters  RapidEye sensor support  satellite images in NITF + RPC format support  EXIF metadata support for non-professional cameras  and more…

3 The task We have: 1) A set of 3D-points, 2) A set of 3D-breaklines. 3) Region boundary.

4 The task We have: 1) A set of 3D-points. 2) A set of 3D-breaklines. 3) Region boundary. We need: 1) A smooth surface. 2) Contour lines with a given interval. We know: 1) Accuracy of 3D-points. 2) Required accuracy of contour lines (~1/3 of an interval).

5 Known methods of surface interpolation and approximation The picture is from a paper by Gabriela Droj «IMPROVING THE ACCURACY OF DIGITAL TERRAIN MODELS» Informatica, 2008. PHOTOMOD 4.X Delaunay Triangulation + Contour smoothing or Building DEM + Smoothing DEM + Contour smoothing

6 Delaunay triangulation disadvantages «Non cartographic quality» Manual smoothing parameters settings Contours can cross

7 Thin plate theory + boundary conditions (2) (1) (3)

8 Thin plate theory 1. Multi-grid iterative method 2. Polyline contours using grid surface 3. Smoothing and thinning of contours with the given accuracy (polylines or Bezier curves) CPU time ~ 20 minutes for 3 millions of input points

9 Example 1 “plain” (TIN – no Smoothing)

10 Example 1 “plain” (TIN + Contour Smoothing)

11 Example 1 “plain” (New Algorithm)

12 Example 2 “hilly” (TIN – no Smoothing)

13 Example 2 “hilly” (TIN + Contour Smoothing)

14 Example 2 “hilly” (New Algorithm)

15 Example 3 “mountains” (TIN – no Smoothing)

16 Example 3 “mountains” (TIN + Contour Smoothing)

17 Example 3 “mountains” (New Algorithm)

18 Dense DTM + contours Major and minor contours inPHOTOMOD 5.1 Major and minor contours in PHOTOMOD 5.1

19 Soap film PHOTOMOD 5.1 A similar approach is used in another task: We have a set of contour lines (from map digitizing). We need a DEM. In this case we use Soap Film equations (elliptical equations of the 2 nd order)

20 Thank you for attention !

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