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Lathe machining (simple) Contents. Geometry model definition In the given example the 2D contours for the part and the workpiece are created with 2D Geometry.

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Presentation on theme: "Lathe machining (simple) Contents. Geometry model definition In the given example the 2D contours for the part and the workpiece are created with 2D Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lathe machining (simple) Contents

2 Geometry model definition In the given example the 2D contours for the part and the workpiece are created with 2D Geometry subsystem. Contours of the part and the workpiece Contour image in the graphic window A folder containing the geometry of the part and the workpiece drafted with the 2D Geometry Contents

3 Machine selection Lathe ZX machine will be used for the current project. Machine parameters menu Machine selection dialog List of available machines Desired machine Contents

4 Part definintion The part is defined as a solid of rotation of the part contour that we created earlier. Machining tab Part tab Create solid by rotation Part contour Rotation solid Contents

5 Workpiece definition The workpiece is created in the same way as the part, by rotating the workpiece contour defined earlier. Workpiece tab Default workpiece Create solid by rotation Workpiece rotation solid Rotation solid Workpiece contour Contents

6 Creating operation The first operation is Lathe Facing. Create operation menu Roughing operations group Lathe Facing operation New operation Contents

7 Job assignment Part contour The default job assignment for the new operation is the solid of rotation of the contour of the part that we labeled as Part earlier. Rotation solid Contents

8 Machining parameters Active operation Machining parameters of operation Lets examine main parameters of the Lathe facing operation. Contents

9 Tool Выбор инструмента из группы External toolholder определяет выбор режущей пластины и державки Select a tool from the External toolholder group to define the insert and toolholder Contents

10 Feeds/Speeds and Lead in/Lead out Cutting speed is constant regardless of machined sureface diameter Lead in/Lead out под определенным углом на заданном расстоянии Lead in/Lead out at specified angle and at set distance Contents

11 Parameters Number of roughing passes Finishing pass Lead in value Contents

12 Toolpath calculation Perform toolpath calculation A sign that toolpath is calculated successfully Toolpath Toolholder and insert Contents

13 Machining simulation Workpiece Tool Machining result of the Lathe Facing operation Contents

14 Create operation The next operation is the Lathe Roughing operation. Select the Fill parameters option to pass the previous operation’s parameters into the new one. Create operation menu Roughing operations group Lathe Roughing operation Use Fill parameters option to copy parameters from the previous operation into the new one New operation Contents

15 We selected the Fill parameters for when creating the new operation so all parameters from the Lathe Facing operation(including the job assignment) were passed into the new operation. Therefore the Lathe Roughing operation’s job assignment is the solid of ration of the Part contour defined earlier Job assignment Part contour Rotation solid Contents

16 Toolpath calculation Run toolpath calculation Calculated toolpath Green tick for success Contents

17 Machining simulation Material left from previous operation Tool Machining result of the Lathe Roughing operation Contents

18 Create operation The next operation we add to the project is the Lathe Finishing operation. Create operation menu Operations group Lathe Finishing operation New opearation Contents

19 Operation can specify several areas of part as job assignment. Job assignment Select previously defined contour of rotation solid as job assignment Job assignment Select method of definition of the job assignment Definition method – Between two points The job assignment – a part of the contour bounded by to points Contents

20 Machining parameters Contents

21 Toolpath Calculate the toolpath Calculation successful Toolpath Contents

22 Machining simulation Residual material of previous operations Machining result of Lathe Finishing operation Contents

23 Create operation Next operation - Lathe Grooving operation. Create operation menu Group of operations Lathe Grooving operation New operation Contents

24 Job assignment will be a part of the contour used to create the rotation solid of the part defined as the Part earlier. Job assignment Job assignment – a part of the contour bounded by two points Definition method – between two points Contents

25 Operation parameters Contents

26 Toolpath Calculate toolpath Indicates calculation success Toolpath Contents

27 Machining result Residual material of previous operations Lathe Finishing operation’s machining result Contents

28 Tools list forming Create Tools list Tools list dialog Views configuration Objects visibility panel Document template Contents

29 Tools list List of operations Document heading List of tools Machining time Views of geometry model Contents

30 Postprocessors NC-program generation Postprocessor file NC-program file NC-program listing Contents

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