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Tournament Time! Debate. What is your image? The ancient Greek Aristotle wrote in his Ars Rhetorica of the value of Ethos. Ethos is the origin of our.

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Presentation on theme: "Tournament Time! Debate. What is your image? The ancient Greek Aristotle wrote in his Ars Rhetorica of the value of Ethos. Ethos is the origin of our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tournament Time! Debate

2 What is your image? The ancient Greek Aristotle wrote in his Ars Rhetorica of the value of Ethos. Ethos is the origin of our word “ethics” and refers to the credibility of an orator. Many things contribute to the credibility of a speaker: gestures, eye contact, personal experiences, tone of voice; but for new debaters the fastest way to attain “ethos” is by studying the conventions of competitive debate – the clothing, the speaking style, the methods of organization and dozens of other conventions unique to this culture. The ancient Greek Aristotle wrote in his Ars Rhetorica of the value of Ethos. Ethos is the origin of our word “ethics” and refers to the credibility of an orator. Many things contribute to the credibility of a speaker: gestures, eye contact, personal experiences, tone of voice; but for new debaters the fastest way to attain “ethos” is by studying the conventions of competitive debate – the clothing, the speaking style, the methods of organization and dozens of other conventions unique to this culture.

3 The Culture of Debate The culture of competitive high school debate is heavily influenced by the cultures of Law, Politics, Academia and others. Increasingly it is influenced by technology. If you make yourself a student of this culture you can use the knowledge you have to become a successful competitor. The culture of competitive high school debate is heavily influenced by the cultures of Law, Politics, Academia and others. Increasingly it is influenced by technology. If you make yourself a student of this culture you can use the knowledge you have to become a successful competitor.

4 Caution! As you become a student of this culture, be careful about whom you choose to model. Make the distinction between what is “cool” and what is successful. Make the choice between what is efficient and what is unethical. Remember to use the lens of an experienced debate judge; what might seem “cool” at school or at the mall may seem ridiculously ignorant at a debate tournament (and vice versa.) As you become a student of this culture, be careful about whom you choose to model. Make the distinction between what is “cool” and what is successful. Make the choice between what is efficient and what is unethical. Remember to use the lens of an experienced debate judge; what might seem “cool” at school or at the mall may seem ridiculously ignorant at a debate tournament (and vice versa.)

5 The Power Suit These are the most politically powerful men in the world – That they are all wearing the “power suit” is no coincidence!

6 Dressing for Competition The National Champions know the Value of the power suit Too.

7 2005 National Champions

8 What does your tie say about you?

9 Dressed for success?

10 If this guy can wear a tie...

11 One of these doesn’t match... At tournaments, the people still wearing their suits are Winners – they are still competing in semi-finals or finals. The kids who change into their clothes for the bus ride Home haven’t won much and don’t expect to receive any Awards on stage.

12 Ladies, do you have the look?

13 All business.

14 Suits You.

15 They’re not just patriotic, they’re at Nationals.

16 The Good News You do not need a wardrobe of dozens of suits and ties. Most debaters have one nice suit for competition and just change out the shirt or tie for the next day. You will see different judges every hour, they will not “keep track” of what color shirt you have on – they will just want to see that you are appropriately dressed for the hour that you are competing in front of them. You do not need a wardrobe of dozens of suits and ties. Most debaters have one nice suit for competition and just change out the shirt or tie for the next day. You will see different judges every hour, they will not “keep track” of what color shirt you have on – they will just want to see that you are appropriately dressed for the hour that you are competing in front of them. Shop around – nice suits are usually available on sale for a reasonable price. Shop around – nice suits are usually available on sale for a reasonable price.

17 Tempus Fugit! Get a timer – buy one or ask your coach for a loaner. Debaters who are serious about winning are prepared with the right tools. *take the timer with you to the podium, so your judge can flow instead of calling out time *time your own and your opponents’ prep to promote accuracy and honesty *budget your time within a speech so you don’t drop arguments *budget your prep so you save most of it for the 1AR (or other) *time your own extemp draw time so you can practice your speech time *label your timer with your name and school name, keep up with it

18 Be on Time: An Important 1 st Impression  Watch your schedule and the postings of times at the tournament.  Set your alarm carefully.  Get a buddy to give you a wake up call.  In hotel: set alarm AND get a wake up call from the front desk.

19 FLOW!!! Don’t stop if you miss something. Pre-flow what you will say in response! Inexperienced debaters say, “I don’t need to flow. I just can’t write that fast. I can’t think that way. I can remember it all. I tried to flow but then I stopped.” Strangely enough, at state and nationals, everyone flows. In varsity division, “they weren’t even flowing” is a synonym for an easy win. Even if you are not great at flowing, you do not want to reveal this to your opponents. Flow, and fill in your gaps as best you can. It is a sign that you will win.

20 I’m sure glad I have two colors of ink to flow. I’m using blue paper so my flow won’t get lost among the evidence on the table. Timer Water

21 Flowing on a Laptop  Allowed in TFA, UIL, and TOC, but no data retrieval or internet access. Judge can disqualify if wireless access is activated.  Used mainly for flowing. If you store evidence on it you may have to hand it to your opponents and risk being unable to flow on it.

22 Download a Flow Template cy/8-flowtemplate.xls cy/8-flowtemplate.xls Change the text colors so that affirmative is red and negative is blue (or orange and purple, or green and pink) Save the template to your desktop once you have set it up the way that you like. Create a briefcase for flows and a folder for each tournament.

23 Call Your MOM You can be disqualified at some tournaments for ringing cell phone (and its inconsiderate of other participants.) You can be disqualified at some tournaments for ringing cell phone (and its inconsiderate of other participants.) Tell your parents that you will need to turn off the phone, and call them when the tournament is over. Tell your parents that you will need to turn off the phone, and call them when the tournament is over. Call your parents when the bus is close to home, so they can pick you up quickly. Call your parents when the bus is close to home, so they can pick you up quickly. Remind your teammates to turn off phones during competition. Remind your teammates to turn off phones during competition.

24 Awards Ceremony Wear your professional attire to receive your award on stage. Wear your professional attire to receive your award on stage. Be a gracious winner. Smile. Applaud for others. Congratulate your opponents. Be a gracious winner. Smile. Applaud for others. Congratulate your opponents. Tradition holds that a standing ovation is given for each 1 st Place, State Qualifier at TFA Tournaments. Tradition holds that a standing ovation is given for each 1 st Place, State Qualifier at TFA Tournaments. Applaud for each award and represent our school by sitting together. Applaud for each award and represent our school by sitting together. Shake with your right hand, accept trophy with your left. Shake with your right hand, accept trophy with your left.

25 Your Mission As you begin your competitive career watch the winners. Observe final rounds whenever you can and watch everything – how they speak, how they organize, how they interact with judges. Do be critical as you observe and weigh any practice with your own sense of decorum and balance what you see with your coach’s advice. Watch other winners in fields unrelated to debate – winning golfers, winning politicians, winning generals. Extrapolate what you learn to inform your debate career. As you begin your competitive career watch the winners. Observe final rounds whenever you can and watch everything – how they speak, how they organize, how they interact with judges. Do be critical as you observe and weigh any practice with your own sense of decorum and balance what you see with your coach’s advice. Watch other winners in fields unrelated to debate – winning golfers, winning politicians, winning generals. Extrapolate what you learn to inform your debate career.

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