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Chapter 4 GAs: Selected Topics. Premature Convergence Why GA cannot to find the optimal solutions in the practical applications? Coding problem Limit.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 GAs: Selected Topics. Premature Convergence Why GA cannot to find the optimal solutions in the practical applications? Coding problem Limit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 GAs: Selected Topics

2 Premature Convergence Why GA cannot to find the optimal solutions in the practical applications? Coding problem Limit number of iterations Limit population size Super individuals Multiple copies

3 Combating Premature Convergence A.Sampling Mechanism

4 Characteristics of Function A.Termination Condition B.Population size C.Penalty

5 Exploitation and Exploration Exploreing the search space (population diversity) Too much  random search  no convergence Exploiting the best individuals (selective pressure) Too much  Hillclimbing  local search

6 Sampling Mechanism 1.Stochastic sampling Proportional selection Stochastic universal sampling 2.Deterministic sampling Truncation selection (T%) Block selection (s)

7 Stochastic Universal Sampling procedure Stochastic Universal Sampling begin sum  0; ptr  rand(); for k  1 to pop_size do sum  sum e k ; ‘expected value: while (sum > ptr) do select chromosome k; ptr  ptr + 1; end

8 3.Mixed sampling Tournament selection (tournament size = 2) Boltzmann tournament Brindle’s remainder stochastic sampling 4.Others Elitist model Expected value model ( ) Elitist expected value model Crowding factor model (CF)

9 Ranking Linear ranking * Nonlinear ranking

10 Classification of Selection Strategies Dynamic vs. Static: The selection probabilities vary across generations. Dynamic (yes)  proportionate selection Static (no)  ranking

11 Extinctive vs. Preservative Guarantee each individual a non-zero selection probability. Preservative (yes)  proportional selection Extinctive (no)  truncation selection

12 Pure? Parents are allowed to reproduce in one generation only. Pure (yes)  SGA, Not pure(no)  SGA (Elite)

13 Generational? The set of parents is fixed until all offspring for the next generation are completely produced. Generational (yes)  SGA; Not generational (no)  tournament

14 Modified Genetic Algorithm (modGA) modGA_1, modGA_2 a two-step selection algorithm: “select-parents” and “select-dead” three groups of strings: parents, dead, neutral strings Stochastic universal sampling Avoid exact multiple copies Compare with SGA, Crowding Factor Mode, and Breeder GA (BGA) selection: dynamic, preservative, generational, elitist.

15 modGA_1 Algorithm Procedure modGA_1 begin t  0 initialize P(t) evaluate P(t) while (not termination-condition) do begin t  t+1 select-parents from P(t-1) select-dead from P(t-1) form P(t): reproduce the parents evaluate P(t) end

16 modGA_2 Algorithm Procedure modGA_2 begin t  0 initialize P(t) evaluate P(t) while (not termination-condition) do begin t  t+1 select r parents from P(t-1) select pop_size - r distinct chromosomes from P(t-1) and copy them to P(t) form P(t): r parents breed r offspring evaluate P(t) end

17 Characteristics of the function Scaling Linear scaling Sigma truncation Power law scaling

18 Window Scaling For maximum problem W : all individuals in the last W generations ( W >= 0 ) For minimum problem

19 Termination Condition Some number of evolution cycles Pre-defined value of fitness Some variation of individuals between different generations Some percentage of the converged alleles

20 Stopping criterion The optimum is reached! Limit on CPU resources: Maximum number of fitness evaluations Limit on the user’s patience: After some generations without improvement

21 Banach Fixpoint Theorem Let 1. be a complete metric space 2. be a contractive mapping. Then there has a unique fixpoint such that for any, where and.

22 A set together with is a metric space,, if, for any elements, If is a metric space and, is contractive iff there is a constant such that for all

23 The sequence of metric space is a Cauchy sequence iff for any there is such that for all,. A metric space is complete if any Cauchy sequence has a limit.

24 Contractive Mapping GA (CM-GA) Procedure CM-GA Begin t  0 Initialize P(t) Evaluate P(t) While (not termination-condition) do Begin (contractive mapping f ( P(t) )  P(t+1)) t  t + 1 Select P(t) from P(t-1) Alter P(t) Evaluate P(t) if Eval( P(t-1)) >= Eval( P(t) ) ‘ then t = t - 1 End

25 CM-GA satisfies the assumptions of Banach fixpoint theorem: The distance The space of populations is a metric space. The metric space is complete. The iteration is contractive. CM-GA converges to population, which is a unique fixpoint in the space of all populations.

26 Population Size Too small  converge too quickly Too large  waste computational resources Varying population Size (GAVaPS)

27 Varying Population Size (GAVaPS) Procedure GAVaPS begin t = 0 initialize P(t) evaluate P(t) while (not termination-condition) do begin t = t+1 increase the age to each individual by 1 recombine P(t) ‘ evaluate P(t) ‘ p : reproduction ration remove from P(t) all individuals with age greater than their lifetime end ‘ end

28 Lifetime value: Proportional allocation Linear allocation Bi-linear allocation

29 Example Initial_size = 20 Reproduction ratio = 0.4 Mutation ratio =0.015 Crossover ratio = 0.65 Length of chromosome = 20 MaxLT =7 MinLT = 1 Termination = no progress for consecutive 20 generations Independent run = 20 times




33 GAVaPS(1): proportional GAVaPS(1): linear GAVaPS(1): bi-linear

34 Handling Constraints d b c a Solution Space

35 Penalty Strategy Rejecting/Death Strategy Repairing Strategy Modifying GA Strategy Penalty Strategy Others: Dynamic penalty functions Self-adaptive penalty function Combine penalty methods with repair algorithms

36 0-1 Knapsack Problem (example) A thief robbing a store finds n items; the ith item is worth P i dollars and weighs W i pounds, where P i and W i are integers. He wants to take as valuable a load as possible, but he can carry at most C pounds in his knapsack. What items should he take? (This is called the 0-1 knapsack problem because each item must either be taken or left behind; the thief cannot take a fractional amount of an item or take an item more than once.)

37 Problem Maximize Subject to

38 Penalty Strategy Penalty Function:

39 Penalty Strategies Penalty Functions: Logarithmic: Linear: Quadratic:

40 Repair Strategy Two different repair algorithms: Random repair Greedy repair (profit / weight)

41 Algorithm: Procedure Repair (x) begin knapsack-overfilled := false if then knapsack-overfilled := true while (knapsack-overfilled) do begin i := select an item from the knapsack remove the selected item from the knapsack: i.e. if then knapsack-overfilled := false end

42 Decoder Strategy Ordinal representation L = ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) v = ( 4 3 4 1 1 1 ) Two different decoding algorithms: Random decoding Greedy decoding (profit / weight)

43 Algorithm: Procedure Decode (x) begin build a list L of items WeightSum := 0 ProfitSum := 0 i := 1 while i <= n do begin j := x[i] remove the j-th item from the list L if WeightSum + W[j] <= C then begin WeigthSum := WeightSum + W[j] ProfitSum := ProfitSum + P[j] end i := i+1 end


45 Crossover One-point crossover Two-point crossover Multi-point crossover Segmented crossover Uniform crossover Gene pool recombination Simplex crossover

46 Messy Genetic Algorithm (mGA) Representation tag, length, redundant and contradictory v1 = ((7,1)(1,0)) v2 = ((3,1)(9,0)(3,1)(3,1)(3,1)) v3 = ((2,1)(2,0)(4,1)(5,0)(6,0)(7,1)(8,1)) overspecification – tie-breaking (first come, first serve) underspecification – probability / competitive templates Selection tournament Crossover splice & cut Mutation bit inversion

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