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Golf Tournament Package In support of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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Presentation on theme: "Golf Tournament Package In support of Ronald McDonald House Charities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Golf Tournament Package In support of Ronald McDonald House Charities

2 Agenda Who is Karbon Golf? The Package The Value The Math

3 Who is Karbon Golf? # 1 Mandate of Karbon Golf is to raise the profile of Karbon ( Karbon Golf is new to the Karbon apparel line ) #2 Mandate is to assist Charities  Canada $4.00 each shirt to RMHC  In US $4.00 to partner RMH #3 Mandate is to be sustainable so that Charities can use Karbon Golf year after year as a revenue source 100% Canadian owned 17 National and Olympic choose Karbon 300+ resorts wear Karbon as uniform world wide Canada Australia United States Europe South America

4 The Package A full tournament has 140 golfers… each kit would contain the following: 140 golf shirts 140 Blast nutrition bars 140 certificates FREE 52-56-60 degree wedge set 1 closest to pin 3-pw set of irons 1 hole in one prize of $10,000.00 (par 3 150+ yards)

5 The Value These shirts retail @ $70.00 each – 140 are worth $9,800. Blast Bars retail between $2.00-$2.50 - 140 are worth $350.. Each set of 3 irons is worth $200 140 are worth $28,000. Closest to the Pin prize is worth $699.00 Hole in ONE insurance is worth $300.00 Total value $39,149.00

6 Kwick moisture management fabric Bamboo adds antimicrobial (anti-odour) properties

7 The Math Each Kit costs the tournament $4,137.00 or only $29.55 each Bought in Canada the program generates $560.00 for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Canada ® Bought in the US the program generates $560.00 for the participating Ronald McDonald House®

8 Contact Us Cathie & Jonathan Weaver Tour Co-chairs Toll free 866 244 0550 Azra Ahmed Tournament Administrator Toll free 877 303 7325

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